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An ethnographic illustration of a chukhna peasant, 1799

Chukhna, Chukhnas, Chukhontsy (singular: Chukhonets (male), Chukhonka (female)) is an obsolete Russian term for some Finnic peoples: Finns, Estonians, Karelians, Ingrian Finns.

It is thought to be a derivative from the ethnonym Chud.[1]

The 18th century Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa of Peter Simon Pallas has a vocabulary of the "Chukhna language".

Vladimir Dahl, in his "Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language", records a reference to Finns in the vicinity of St. Petersburg.[2]

In modern usage, the words are considered ethnic slurs for Finns and Estonians.

In the 2002 Russian Census, 15 persons described themselves as "Chukhontsy".


  1. ^ A direct reference is cited here: Blench, Roger; Spriggs, Matthew (Aug 28, 1997). Archaeology and Language I: Theoretical and Methodological Orientations. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved 2014-02-07. 
  2. ^ Вл. Даль. "Трескаться" [Explanatory Dictionary of Russian language]. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка. IV (6th ed.). М.: Гос. изд-во иностр. и национ. словарей, 1955. p. 429.