- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 774395
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
Unknown - Trailer
Power Season 3 Finale - Jacob Banks : Unknown
5 Unknown Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!
The UNKNOWN Ride (4K) - Unknown Industries
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: Unknown Warriors - Finale (DBX2 Gameplay Open Beta Oct. 16th)
9 Ft Shark Eaten by Unknown Sea Creature
Joel Osteen sermons - Step In To The Unknown - October 16, 2016
Unknown illness causing hallucinations that spread from woman to other people in Oregon - TomoNews
9 Unknown Creatures Caught on Tape
Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) awakens after a car accident in Berlin to discover that his wife (January Jones) suddenly doesn't recognize him and another man (Aidan Quinn) has assumed his identity. Ignored by disbelieving authorities and hunted by mysterious assassins, he finds himself alone, tired, and on the run. Aided by an unlikely ally (Diane Kruger), Martin plunges headlong into a deadly mystery that will force him to question his sanity, his identity, and just how far he's willing to go to uncover the truth. Academy Award® nominee Liam Neeson ("Schindler's List"), Diane Kruger ("Inglorious Basterds") and January Jones (TV's "Mad Men") star in the contemporary thriller "Unknown." The film also stars Aidan Quinn (TV's "The Book of Daniel"), Bruno Ganz ("The Reader") and Oscar® n...
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5 Unknown Creatures Caught On Tape & Spotted In Real Life! Description: It is obvious that some creatures in this world are very weird looking, creepy and quite mysterious. Believe it or not, there are creatures out there that still needs an explanation as to where it has come from, and within this countdown, we are showing the strangest and realest looking ones caught on tape that many believe to be real. So buckle up, and remember, Im here with you, no need to be scared, Ajem.. With this being said, here are 5 Unknown Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! Lets...Begin! 1. Encounter in the Graveyard The video your about to see was recorded in one of the years before 2007 which gained quite a massive popularity during its time on YouTube, lets say it was the fist ever vira...
UNKNOWN Industries presents: "The UNKNOWN Ride" a video following UNKNOWN Riders Nick Leonetti, Buddy Suttle, Kade Gates and Logan Lackey ripping through the streets of Oakland, CA and around the Bay Area on their Harley's. ++++ Buy UNKNOWN shirts, hoodies, dvds, calendars and more now at www.UnknownIndustries.com ++++ About UNKNOWN Industries: UNKNOWN Industries is a new breed of Harley-Davidson riders who push the limits of their motorcycles and themselves as they prove to the world what is possible on a bike. UNKNOWN has garnered nearly 5 million views online of the first 13 episodes of their world famous “Harley Wheelies” YouTube series. UNKNOWN’s team of Riders have traveled the country and performed hundreds of closed course Freestyle Harley Riding demos at events ranging fr...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: Unknown Warriors - Finale (DBX2 Gameplay Open Beta Oct. 16th) Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 (ドラゴンボール ゼノバース2, Doragon Bōru Zenobāsu 2) is a upcoming Dragon Ball game developed by Dimps for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows (via Steam). The release date is confirmed to be November 2, 2016 for Japan, October 25, 2016 for consoles, and October 28, 2016 for Steam . It is the sequel to the original Dragon Ball: Xenoverse game. ► Subscribe and become a Super Saiyan :: http://bit.ly/1IXTI7B ► Smash that LIKE button ◕‿◕. ► DONATE TO SAVE PAULS HAIRLINE: https://twitch.streamlabs.com/supersaiyanpaul DragonBall Z: Battle Blitz Playlist (DBZ Battle Blitz Playlist) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6HJK5FYYoPGZNkKtzMKqcQtoewwojCIy ------------------------...
Shark eaten by Megalodon? A giant unknown sea creature ate a 9 foot shark. The 3 meter shark alpha was suddenly taken under by some sea animal. At 4am on Christmas Eve a tagged shark was eaten by a massive unknown sea creature -What Happened? -Why it's Mysterious? -And what are the Plausible Explainations? -What Happened? Documentary Filmmaker Dave Riggs and his crew, who tagged a large number of great white sharks off the coasts of Bremer Bay in Australia, encountered something very unusual. One of the tags of a large shark was discovered washed up on shore. The tag had no signs of algae, but instead appeared to have been heavily bleach by stomach acid. Using satellite tracking, they were able to pin point the exact time the shark was mysterious attacked and eaten. -Why this is...
Pastor Joel Osteen - Step In To The Unknown - October 16, 2016
NORTH BEND, OREGON — An unknown illness appears to have spread from one woman to four other people in Oregon, including two deputies, and caused them to have hallucinations. According to KVAL News, the incident began at around 3 a.m. on Wednesday, when a 57-year-old caregiver reported someone vandalizing her car outside the home where she works in North Bend. A deputy responded her report but found nothing. The caregiver called the police again several hours later. The deputies then suspected the woman might be having hallucinations caused by medical issues. She was taken to a hospital for examination, but medical personnel were unable to find anything unusual, so she was released. Shortly after she was released, the two deputies who handled the caregiver began having hallucina...
We take a look at 9 unknown creatures that have been caught on tape. From footage of supposed aliens in national parks to a video depicting a bizarre sea creature that looks like its straight out of science fiction, there have been some strange unknown creatures that have been both caught on camera and caught on tape. Music by CO.AG Music Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcav... Song ► https://youtu.be/vpowIDAOMhc Subscribe to ApexTV for more paranormal videos like this! We at ApexTV try our hardest to bring the latest incredible paranormal clips from around the world to audiences worldwide. (Subscribe link below!) ***LINKS*** Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/SubscribetoApexTV Channel ► http://www.youtube.com/myapextv Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/apexstudiostv Twitter ► https:/...
了一法師 主講【地藏菩薩本願經】第六品之三講 (16/32) 轉自 心靈環保禪淨中心 - 佛法應用 唐于闐國三藏沙門實叉難陀譯 地藏菩薩本願經 卷中 如來讚歎品第六 何況善男子善女人自書此經或教人書、或自塑畫菩薩形像乃至教人塑畫。所受果報,必獲大利。 是故普廣,若見有人讀誦是經,乃至一念讚歎是經,或恭敬者。汝須百千方便,勸是等人,勤心莫退,能得未來、現在千萬億不可思議功德。 復次普廣:若未來世諸眾生等,或夢或寐,見諸鬼神乃及諸形,或悲、或啼、或愁、或嘆、或恐、或怖。此皆是一生十生百生千生過去父母、男女弟妹、夫妻眷屬,在於惡趣,未得出離,無處希望福力救拔,當告宿世骨肉,使作方便,願離惡道。 普廣,汝以神力,遣是眷屬,令對諸佛菩薩像前,志心自讀此經,或請人讀,其數三遍或七遍。如是惡道眷屬,經聲畢是遍數,當得解脫,乃至夢寐之中,永不復見。 復次普廣:若未來世,有諸下賤等人,或奴或婢,乃至諸不自由之人,覺知宿業,要懺悔者。志心瞻禮地藏菩薩形像,乃至一七日中,念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。如是等人,盡此報後,千萬生中,常生尊貴,更不經三惡道苦。 復次普廣:若未來世中,閻浮提內,剎利、婆羅門、長者、居士、一切人等,及異姓種族,有新產者,或男或女,七日之中,早與讀誦此不可思議經典,更為念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。是新生子,或男或女,宿有殃報,便得解脫,安樂易養,壽命增長。若是承福生者,轉增安樂,及與壽命。 復次普廣:若未來世眾生,於月一日、八日、十四日、十五日、十八日、二十三、二十四、二十八、二十九日、乃至三十日,是諸日等,諸罪結集,定其輕重。南閻浮提眾生,舉止動念,無不是業,無不是罪,何況恣情殺害、竊盜、邪婬、妄語、百千罪狀。能於是十齋日,對佛菩薩諸賢聖像前,讀是經一遍,東西南北百由旬內,無諸災難。 當此居家,若長若幼,現在未來百千歲中,永離惡趣。能於十齋日每轉一遍,現世令此居家無諸橫病,衣食豐溢。是...
PSN+ 2016九月份免費遊戲 《風之旅人》Journey,由於視頻拍攝少有地超長~我會建議各位1.25或1.5倍速看感覺更流暢XD,估不到《風之旅人》一條片爆11個盃...壯哉~壯哉!完全不用吹灰之力、手到擒來、震古鑠今、年年有餘、一見發財.....,但是想拿杯就要快~不急但要快啊!因為現在免費才那麼多人在線,畢竟已發行了一段日子呢!!! 主要分為七大關: 關名是我「隨口嗑~當秘笈!」(๑•́ 艸 •̀๑) 不必太認真。 1)莫名始動 01:48 ~ 發光符號X3 ~ 神秘畫作X1 2)七夕鵲橋 08:24 ~ 發光符號X3 ~ 神秘畫作X1 ~ 天外飛仙 - 臨界點 3)解放布魚 15:50 ~ 發光符號X4 ~ 神秘畫作X2 ~ 沙漠一花 - 海市蜃樓 4)滑沙傲翔 27:55 ~ 發光符號X3 ~ 神秘畫作X2 ~ 穿越15門 - 冒險 5)碟影潛龍 37:44 ~ 發光符號X4 ~ 神秘畫作X1 ~ 調戲巨獸 - 試煉 6)海鮮雜滙 45:56 ~ 發光符號X4 ~ 神秘畫作X1 ~ 神秘生物 - 遠古生物 7)雪嶺雄風 56:00 ~ 發光符號X0 ~ 神秘畫作X2 其實這視頻已是我第三個PSN號的,第一個PSN+號摸索地圖收集位置花了一天~第二個PSN號拍完發現忘了開啟跳獎杯icon提示,又花了一天又一個PSN號 (|||゚д゚)y ~汗!(這個更完美~獨欠叮~叮~叮!) 在《風之旅人》Journey冰雪天地前後是兩個擦肩而過的不同的路人甲和乙,因為第一個萍水相逢的路人甲我就在1:18:00 (メ ゚皿゚)メ 那一刻!那Shit位置!Hang機了!當機了!死遊戲了! レ(゚∀゚;)ヘ ヘ( ゚∀゚;)ノ~崩潰~崩潰再崩潰了! 亦正好如此~剛好第一個人時我沒點第一幅神秘畫,才有此視頻跳歷史獎杯icon,所以才看到第二個路...
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