- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 64
Morning is the period of time between midnight and noon or, more commonly, the interval between sunrise and noon. Morning precedes afternoon, evening, and night in the sequence of a day. Originally, the term referred to sunrise.
The name (which comes from the Middle English word morwening) was formed from the analogy of evening using the word "morn" (in Middle English morwen), and originally meant the coming of the sunrise as evening meant the beginning of the close of the day. The Middle English morwen dropped over time and became morwe, then eventually morrow, which properly means "morning", but was soon used to refer to the following day (i.e., "tomorrow"), as in other Germanic languages—English is unique in restricting the word to the newer usage. The Spanish word "mañana" has two meanings in English: "morning," and "tomorrow," along with the word "morgen" in Dutch and German which also means both "morning," and "tomorrow." Max Weber, (General Economic History, pp23) states that the English word "morning" and the German word "Morgen" both signify the size of land strip "which an ox could plow in a day without giving out". "Tagwerk" in German, and "a day's work" in English mean the same. A Good morning in this sense might mean a good day's plow.
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Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
Dances with Eagles (RC Video)
8-9 Sep 2010 Thunderstorm in HK
在一個週五的早上 On a Friday morning 臨時跟公司請了假 Took an unplanned leave of absence 獨自一個人上望幽谷飛滑翔機 Traveled alone up to Wan You Valley to fly glider. 一大早一個人有點孤單 Alone, early in the morning, feeling a bit lonely 因為先前完全沒有預期 Because nothing was planned 就像當天的行程會有什麼樣的遭遇 What may lies ahead in this trip, and what may be encountered 自己都不知道 It's all an unknown 還好後來有四隻游隼伴飛 Luckly 4 eagles decided to join the flight 彷彿我自己也跟著飛機在天空飛翔 all of a sudden I feel as if I am amongst the plane gliding in the sky 從來沒有感覺到這麼融入大自然 Never felt so blended in with nature 難得也彌足珍貴的畫面與經驗 This is a rare and precious experience 在場的其他人都跟我同樣地驚嘆著 Others present at the time were similarly awed 真的是多莫美妙的畫面 What an beautiful image 令我做夢也會微笑... Brings smile to my ...
76嵗的于汝法先生於2012年6月14日上午10時許成功沖入美國大使館2米,但被兩名中國武警沖入使館將其抓住並帶入使館。劉先生(化名)說,當日下午,于老先生被轉交給北京市公安局(于生從公安局的祕密關押処打電話出來說他遭到嚴重毆打,這可能是于先生生前的打最後一個電話)。後來的某個時間警方將于先生轉交給河北駐京辦。然而,2012年6月17日早上,于汝法先生被發現死在河北自家的門口,据一位目擊者說,有一個送米的人推著車經過,可能是他將遺體從某処送回來。家人發現屍體有多処傷痕,而且頭部有一個長3釐米的刀傷,這顯然不是"被自殺"而是公開的謀殺。 中國海外民權關注團和訪民之家強烈抗議對一位76嵗罹患癌症的訪民的謀殺行爲。海外民權關注團和訪民之家認爲中國武警進入使館抓人為非法,且美國使館在沒有任何保護措施的情況下將于先生轉交給北京警方是不人道的。中國海外民權關注團和訪民之家將共同關注此案件進展並呼籲對此謀殺案進行公正公開的調查。 目前,于先生的兒子于海波已經逃離北京的住所以躲避當局的進一步迫害乃至謀殺。其餘在河北的家庭成員也可能處於當局嚴密監控之下。此視頻為老人在美使館被兩名中國武警抓住的情形(已登出過)。作者還有其家人的電話號碼,老人生前照片及最後的書面控訴書備查證。 (后注——于汝法先生的背景資料: 于先生于2012年6月8日寫了生前最後的血淚陳述書(打印版有照片),說其一家三口于1998年半夜遭到鄰居家7人毆打,但案件至今沒有得到公正解決。) A 76-year-old petitioner entering US Embassy killed by Chinese government Mr. Yu Rufa, a 76-year-old man managed to dash into the US Embassy by 2 meters before t...