- published: 16 Oct 2016
- views: 5129
The fortress of Kuelap or Cuélap (Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Perú), associated with the Chachapoyas culture, consists of a walled city, with massive exterior stone walls surrounding more than four hundred buildings. The complex, situated on a ridge overlooking the Utcubamba Valley in northern Peru, is roughly 600 meters in length and 110 meters in width. It could have been built to defend against the Huari or other hostile peoples. However, evidence of these hostile groups at the site is minimal.
The monumental ruins of Kuelap are situated at 3000 metres above sea level. The ruins of Kuelap are located at the summit of a hill that rises on the left bank of the Utcubamba, at coordinates 6°25′07″ S 77°55′24″ W, according to the engineer Hernán Corbera. Access to Kuelap is gained via El Tingo, a town at approximately 1800m above sea level, near the bank of the Utcubamba. A horse trail also winds along the left bank of Tingo river and leads eventually up to Marcapampa, a small level upland near the site.
Reportaje de la Región Amazonas en la prestigiosa cadena de televisión BBC de Londres, donde se puede observar la majestuosa Fortaleza Kuelap y la hermosa catarata de Yumbilla. Todo gracias al Gobierno Regional de Amazonas y su Dirección de Turismo. También a los diferentes empresarios que apoyaron este reportaje, y a la misma cadena BBC de Londres con su reportera Carmen Roberts del programa "The Travel Show".
Kuelap, una fortaleza pre inca en la selva amazónica – BUEN VIAJE a Kuelap Llegamos a Kuelap y una vez más nos enamoramos de la naturaleza y nuestra historia. Esta fortaleza pre inca es una de las más importantes del continente y se encuentra en el departamento de Amazonas a 3000 m.s.n.m. ¡Llegar es toda una aventura! Nosotros tomamos la ruta de Tarapoto a Kuelap en carro y cruzamos por el Bosque de Altomayo hasta llegar a Cocachima, donde pasamos la noche frente a la catarata de Gocta. La ruta ha quedado grabado en nuestra memoria como una de las más bonitas que hemos recorrido hasta ahora. Atrévete y recorre el Perú tú también. Buen Viaje! Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maudgurunlian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maud.gurunlian Twitter: ...
Los incas no fueron los únicos que hicieron grandes construcciones en piedra en Perú. Mucho antes que ellos, los chachapoyas, un pueblo de la montaña selvática del norte, construyeron esta gran ciudadela en piedra que pocos viajeros conocen. ¡Suscríbete ya! http://www.smarturl.it/7qp4s0 Blog www.paconadal.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/paco.nadal.9 Twitter https://twitter.com/paconadal Google+ http://smarturl.it/i2bz7c
kuelap Perú 2017 1080p, kuelap Perú 2017, Kuelap Perú, kuelap teleferico, kuelap Chachapoyas, kuelap 2017, kuelap peru tours, kuelap video, kuelap Perú 2017 Oficial, Turismo kuelap Perú 2017 Oficial, kuelap Perú 2017, Turismo kuelap Perú 2017, kuelap Perú Oficial, kuelap Perú 2017, Kuélap o Cuélap es un importante sitio arqueológico preinca ubicado en los Andes nororientales del Perú, en la Provincia de Luya, fue construido por la cultura arqueológica Chachapoyas. Forma un conjunto arquitectónico de piedra de grandes dimensiones caracterizado por su condición monumental, con una gran plataforma artificial, orientada de sur a norte, asentada sobre la cresta de roca calcárea en la cima del Cerro Barreta (a 3000 msnm.). La plataforma se extiende a lo largo de casi 600 metros y tiene como per...
Kuelap in Peru ist älter und größer als Macchu Pichu aber touristisch noch unerschlossen - ein Grund mehr für uns, dorthin zu fahren! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WO FINDEST DU UNS NOCH? Blog • http://blog.geh-mal-reisen.de/ Newsletter • http://blog.geh-mal-reisen.de/newsletter-signup/ Facebook • https://www.facebook.com/gehmalreisen/ Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/geh_mal_reisen/ Twitter • https://twitter.com/geh_mal_reisen?lang=de Snapchat • https://www.snapchat.com/add/gehmalreisen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WOMIT HABEN WIR GEFILMT? Kamera* • http://amzn.to/1tu9ypH Objektiv Canon 10-18mm* • http://amzn.to/29US0yj Objektiv Canon 18-135mm* • http://amzn.to/1UDLvLt Objektiv Canon 24mm* • http://amzn.to/1tu9iXT GoPro Hero 3* • http://amzn.to/2bca9Ip S...
https://www.facebook.com/congresodelarepublicadelperu Fuente: TV Congreso
Una experiencia fascinante viajar por este medio de transporte único en el Perú hacia la fortaleza de Kuélap.- El tiempo promedio en trasladarse desde el Tingo, hasta la fortaleza, es de 20 minutos.
Peru – a land of extremes and intrigue – principally known for being home to the most important archaeological site in all of the Americas, offers in reality so much more. Its landscapes range from high Andean peaks, to sultry Amazon rainforests, from high altitude deserts and wild windswept coasts. Of course its great to travel with the Incas from Cusco to the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu, but its also possible to get off the beaten track, to explore remote ruins of the cloud warriors in the north, or afro-Peruvian beats along the pacific coast. Most of all it’s a diverse country that offers something for everyone. But for many, a trip to Peru will begin in Cusco. As the ancient Inca capital, and the political power base in colonial times, Cusco has its fair share of sites. Sitting in a na...
Our eccentric tour guide at the Kuelap ruins near Chachapoyas, Peru
I (incorrectly) show the entrance to Kuelap with our travel friends and guide.
Check out our website http://www.inkanatravel.com to find the perfect tour in Peru for yourself. We are professional tour operator with 10 years of experience. We offer short trips from 1-day long as well as thrilling treks up to 20 days! Plan your unforgettable Peru adventure right now! For more videos about Best Tourist Attractions in Peru check our YouTube channel http://bit.ly/1MSGBdA Thanks for watching Best tourist attractions in Peru - Chachapoyas - Kuelap Fortress
First cable car system in Peru to visit Kuelap archaeological site in Chachapoyas, amazonas Peru
Los incas no fueron los únicos que hicieron grandes construcciones en piedra en Perú. Mucho antes que ellos, los chachapoyas, un pueblo de la montaña selvática del norte, construyeron esta gran ciudadela en piedra que pocos viajeros conocen. ¡Suscríbete ya! http://www.smarturl.it/7qp4s0 Blog www.paconadal.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/paco.nadal.9 Twitter https://twitter.com/paconadal Google+ http://smarturl.it/i2bz7c
Kuelap Tours Chachapoyas, Peru Vacations, Lambayeque Kuelap, Chachapoyas, Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Amazon Vacation, Peru Vacation, Amazon Travel, Peru reopens, Amazon Tours, Amazon Tourism, Cajamarca, Lord of Sipan, Sican, Otuzco, Amazon Vacation, Chiclayo Tour, Atahualpa Ransom Room, peru Bolivia, peru amazon, machu picchu, Solstice Tours, Peru open, Cumbemayo, peru for less price, Peru Vacation, Chachapoyas Hotel, amazing peru vacation, Lima Hotels, South America tourism, peru is amazing and the best, Kuelap Chachapoyas, Kuelap tours, travel to peru, Granja Porcon Lambayeque consists of tours to Chachapyas, Chiclayo, and Cajamarca of northern Peru. It was originally the area of the ancient Chimu and Moche peoples. Chachapoyas-Kuelap was a fortress built by the Chachapoyas Civili...
The Fortress of Kuelap is one of Perus hidden archaeological treaures, often called the Machu Picchu of the North Built on a mountain ridge at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, the fortress is proof of the incredible stoneworking skill of the Chachapoyas people, who dominated the region between 1000 and 1400 AD. The gigantic wall that protects the city includes a series of guard posts, a tower built overlooking a sheer cliff and three narrow entrances that forced invaders to enter in single file. The wall reaches a height of 8 meters and extends for more than 600 meters to completely encircle the ruins. The city inside is made entirely of stone, but in a very different architectural style from the Incas, with carvings of human faces and animal figures lining the main entrance...
▶FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://planetdoc.tv/playlist-full-documentaries ▶ Spanish video: http://planetdoc.tv/documental-kuelap-ciudad-fortaleza Kuelap is an ancient city located in Peru. It is a fortress where the Chachapoyas Indians lived. The city of Kuelap is built in stone at 3,000 meters high. The wall that surrounds it has a length of 600 meters and inside it we find old buildings, mostly circular and with pointed roofs. The Lords of the Abyss were Indians of fair complexion and perfect, brave and daring traits, according to the chroniclers. Only the Incas managed to conquer them, but not fighting, but cutting off the supply of water and food to the fort. And yet it took months to surrender … As we approach the innermost enclaves of the Chachapoyas and their cliffside tombs, the atm...
Huanca Urco is a canyon five minutes from the town of Huancas, itself only 20 minutes from Chachapoyas. The canyon has a direct drop 2000 meters deep. The Sonche River runs along its base. Its a small but powerful river. Along its route you can enjoy a variety of orchids, seasonal plants, medicinal herbs, and multicolored landscapes. Narrow paths lead down to the bottom of the canyon and follow the course of the river. On the other side immense mesas loom over the valley.. In times of flooding they form a string of seven waterfalls that together create a spectacular natural scene. Fertur Peru Travel. A full service travel agency and tour operator dedicated to making your journey to Peru a dream come true. For more information, visit us at: http://www.fertur-travel.com/chachapoyas-to...
This ya thing I wanna say
Wouldn't throw my love away
I'm coming with the tide
So I never gonna ride off on a side
This is my chariot
My lonely days are gone
This is my chariot
I never gonna blow it once again
Or twice, no nice, cause your eyes is my price
I'm coming with the autumn
I'm coming with the autumn wind
I'm coming with the autumn
I'm coming with the autumn wind
Pick down the apple from the tree
It's charity for you and me
The autumn wind blow chilly and cold
And you are the one that I wanna hold
Please take your stand and come with me
Cast your spell and set us free
From ball and chain
And then we know which way to go
I'm coming with the autumn
I'm coming with the autumn wind
I'm coming with the autumn