- published: 26 Sep 2016
- views: 26593
Ma Ying-jeou (Chinese: 馬英九; pinyin: Mǎ Yīngjiǔ, [mà jə́ŋtɕjù]; born 13 July 1950) is a Taiwanese politician who is the current President of the Republic of China (ROC). His previous political roles include Justice Minister (1993–96) and Mayor of Taipei (1998–2006). He was also the Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) between 2005–2007 and 2009–2014. Ma first won the presidency by 58.45% of the popular vote in the presidential election of 2008, and was re-elected in 2012 with 51.6% of the vote. He was sworn into office as president on 20 May 2008, and sworn in as the Chairman of the Kuomintang on 17 October 2009; he resigned as Chairman of Kuomintang on the 3rd December 2014.
Ma and his parents originate from Hunan Province of the Republic of China, with Hakka ancestry (his paternal line), descended from the Han Dynasty General Ma Yuan and Three Kingdoms era General Ma Chao. He was born in Kwong Wah Hospital in Kowloon, Hong Kong on 13 July 1950. Ma was born in Hong Kong, during the process of his parents' escaping from Hunan Province (Mainland China) to Taiwan after the Chinese civil war. In a family of five children, Ma was the only son.
馬英九首場法學講座 「台灣的國際法定位」│20160926中視新聞LIVE直播
中生質疑買軍武 馬英九:你為什麼有意見?
出席世华论坛全场无称谓 马英九自制‘前总统’名牌
馬英九總統 卸任前夕 感性影片 MaYingjeou TAIWAN President
2005.08.29康熙來了完整版(第32集) 青天白日馬英九-馬英九
學生自爆母是馬粉 馬英九笑語:你爸知道嗎?
独家专访! 马英九:大马独中教育让我感动
陳水扁重出江湖「酸言酸語吃馬豆腐」馬英九傻傻紛不清?少康戰情室 20161227
【2016.09.26】馬英九東吳上課 幽默詮釋兩岸關係
105學年度東吳大學禮聘馬英九前總統以榮譽無給職方式擔任「嚴家淦法學講座教授」,「台灣的國際法定位」為馬前總統的首場演講。從本場演講開始,未來將每月進行一次專題演講,針對不同主題與同學互動。馬前總統與東吳的緣分從民國86年開始,當時所開設之「國際公法」課程,內容主題豐富深入,談吐幽默,深受學子肯定。畫面來源:東吳大學 ▣▣▣ 熱 門 訂 閱 ▣▣▣ 中視新聞台LIVE直播頻道►http://bit.ly/28Or4iO 中視新聞►http://bit.ly/27riGeN Facebook社群 ►http://bit.ly/28Ovhnh 360VR中視新聞► http://bit.ly/1TBy7ev 今日十大發燒新聞► http://bit.ly/1WHwRHn ▣▣▣ 新 聞 焦 點 ▣▣▣ 郝廣才在中視►http://bit.ly/28MTDMe 改變的起點►http://bit.ly/28SQfO7 60分鐘►http://bit.ly/28O1r34 健康總動員►http://bit.ly/1swAMLT
馬英九總統 我的臉書從100年成立至今五年多的時間,已經累積超過167萬人按讚,謝謝各位網友們的鼓勵跟支持,陪我走過這一段美麗旅程。 其實每晚睡前我只要有時間,就會來看看大家的留言。每次看到網友們「精彩的」留言,我都有一股很想親自回應的衝動,所以在我卸任前夕,我特別錄了一段影片來回應網友,謝謝大家的鼓勵和建議。 大家珍重,我們後會有期! https://www.facebook.com/MaYingjeou/videos/1169812469747550/
《康熙好經典》康熙好經典YouTube網路頻道/每週一至五各發佈一集 ●更多精彩內容歡迎點閱以下網址 節目網路頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mAFu8AQNdJfiBS33qWvTA 中天綜藝攏底家:https://www.facebook.com/36tvshow 《康熙來了》 :https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD97A53B76747131E 《大學生了沒》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1EACA2F821AA5074 《SS小燕之夜》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL591A2E9E1370F50B 《真的不一樣》:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrTMNP6Iw6o9Fnm-yf2oLaL3IkUQpu1O 《真的!了不起》http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrTMNP6Iw6qkG3cpWraSi_QlYuHnvHve
在台湾前总统马英九飞来马来西亚为第8届世界华人经济峰会发表演讲之前,星洲日报获邀专程到台北独家专访马英九...... -更多精彩视频- 官方网站(Official Website):https://www.pocketimes.my 脸书(Facebook):https://www.facebook.com/pocketimes 推特(Twitter):https://twitter.com/pocketimes -下载百格APP- IOS:http://apple.co/2aw6THk Android:http://bit.ly/2aO0qGS 电邮(Email):pocketimes@gmail.com
本集完整內容請看:https://youtu.be/eIe3ClihM5s 今日主題:扁重出江湖酸言酸語吃馬豆腐 中監縱容政治語言挑釁?蔡英文不滿意高升逼近5成 台美熱線救不了民調?警用束帶綁131反同人士 蔡英文溝通政府最大諷刺? ✔密切鎖定【少康戰情室】快來訂閱➔http://bit.ly/2fXdOIH 每週一至週五21:00至22:00 TVBS 56台首播 隔日中午YouTube官方頻道/TVBS官網回播 ●完整內容在這裡也看的到:http://bit.ly/2gE9vqk ●TVBS官網:http://2100.tvbs.com.tw/ ●按讚粉絲頁:http://bit.ly/2fMs1us
前總統馬英九日前接受聘書,擔任東吳大學嚴家淦法學講座教授,下午發表首場演講,主講台灣的國際法定位。演講會現場大爆滿,馬英九也大爆「馬習會」當時的內幕,包括事前磋商會議時,1分鐘內就決定雙方不稱官銜,互稱先生。另外,台灣未收到國際民航組織邀請函,馬英九也指出,台灣身為這麼重要的飛航情報區卻不能加入,我們應該有這權利,但做事情還是要講方法的。完整內容 https://video.udn.com/news/566631 , FB http://www.facebook.com/udntv , Twitter https://twitter.com/udntv , G+ https://plus.google.com/b/109980635487282233971
The President of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou, rarely speaks to the international media. But in an exclusive interview he talks to Al Jazeera's Steve Chao about where the island is going, protests against the controversial trade agreement with China, and how he thinks the rest of the world should respond to China's rise. Editor's note: An earlier version of this interview incorrectly translated President Ma Ying-jeou as saying Taiwan is the only place in China practicing democracy. In fact, he said "Taiwan is the only place in ethnic Chinese societies where we are able to practice democracy". This version of the interview contains the correct translation. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook...
Taiwan and the People's Republic: Co-operation instead of Confrontation?
Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou interviewed by CNN'S Amanpour 華視:馬英九總統最近接受美國有線電視新聞網CNN的衛星連線專訪,在訪問中,馬總統再度強調簽署ECFA的重要性,但也表示任內絕對不會和中國領導人會面。 請問您如何解釋目前低迷的民調支持度?馬英九回答,雖然我們的經濟略有好轉,但還沒有恢復到美國金融海嘯發生前的狀況,我相信隨著經濟的改善,情況(民調)也會有所起色,您要如何向人民解釋ECFA?馬英九回答,這項政策對台灣非常有利,不但可以增加出口,還可以吸引更多外商直接投資。 何種前提下您會同意和胡錦濤見面?馬英九回答,我目前沒有和中國領導人見面的計畫,我認為對兩岸而言,當務之急是加強經濟文化教育的交流,為未來的關係打下基礎,您會出席明年的APEC峰會和胡錦濤會面嗎?馬英九回答,這是美國學者提出的假設狀況,我們還沒有接到APEC主辦單位關於這方面的任何資訊,一國兩制適合台灣嗎?馬英九回答,不,我不認為行得通,台灣不同於香港,台灣是個民主政體,選舉自己的總統、自己的國會,自力更生。
On the night of December 9, 2008, Taiwan's Formosa Television (FTV/民視) interviewed Taiwan's president, Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九). Grimace as he struggles to greet the audience using Taiwanese. Squirm in your seat as he complains about the interviewer judging him based upon what happened after he took office instead of talking about the good stuff that happened in the last few months of his predecessor Chen Shui-bian's (陳水扁) term. Witness Mr. Ma smile as he talks about quarter after quarter of negative economic growth. Tags: Taiwan 台灣 Ma Ying-jeou 馬英九 interview 訪問 Formosa Television FTV 民視 Taiwan Matters 台灣時事
Ma just told us in pt. 3 that nobody in his admin. was willing to take responsibility for anything. Next, he says that changing the Parade and Assembly Law (PAL) was one of his campaign promises. Removing the Hanzi for Taiwan from the web site for the pres. office wasn't promised, but that was done before the end of his inaug. speech. With a 3/4 majority in the legislature, what's his excuse? Read about the pres. web site changes: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2008/05/23/2003412701 B4 and after images: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/9206/detaiwanificationoftaiwju1.jpg And the proposed changes to the law are BS. When *one still has to look to the gov't to decide if a protest is going to be "problematic,"* we know that an authoritarian-loving gov't like...
Taiwan und die Volksrepublik China: Kooperation statt Konfrontation?Der Präsident von Taiwan,Ma Ying-jeou,hofft,dass sich die Straße von Taiwan vom möglichen Kriegsschauplatz in einen Weg des Friedens und der Prosperität wandelt. Die Grundlage unserer Politik gegenüber Festlandchina ist Streben nach Frieden und Wohlstand auf beiden Seiten der Straße von Taiwan. Dieses Ziel werden wir auch in Zukunft verfolgen ,sagte der taiwanesische Präsident Ma Ying-jeou im Interview auf DW-TV.
Two days before Taiwan's presidential election, incumbent Ma Ying-jeou (KMT) faced the international press in Taipei. This is his opening statement. More info: http://www.gio.gov.tw/elect2012/ To learn more about my reporting from Taiwan, follow me at http://twitter.com/taiwanreporter, http://facebook.com/taiwanreporter or http://plurk.com/taiwanreporter
First airing on Saturday, February 3, 2007, this TalkAsia interview with Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Ma Ying-jeou had host Anjali Rao fluffing Ma, pushing his "Mr. Clean" propaganda, and letting him show himself generally talking like a fool with things like (barely a parody-phrase) "I couldn't possibly be guilty of anything because I donated blood a whole bunch of times, and I also donated to charity a lot of that money that rightfully belongs to the taxpayers ot Taiwan." He did say one thing correctly, although it was probably an accident: "No doubt Taiwan is a democratic country." Chairman Mao-without-the-o spoke in English/Newspeak throughout, and you can know what he's really saying if you listen carefully and frequently visit the Taiwan Matters blog. The intro is h...
First airing on Saturday, February 3, 2007, this TalkAsia interview with Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Ma Ying-jeou had host Anjali Rao fluffing Ma, pushing his "Mr. Clean" propaganda, and letting him show himself generally talking like a fool with things like (barely a parody-phrase) "I couldn't possibly be guilty of anything because I donated blood a whole bunch of times, and I also donated to charity a lot of that money that rightfully belongs to the taxpayers ot Taiwan." He did say one thing correctly, although it was probably an accident: "No doubt Taiwan is a democratic country." Chairman Mao-without-the-o spoke in English/Newspeak throughout, and you can know what he's really saying if you listen carefully and frequently visit the Taiwan Matters blog. The intro is h...
1. Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei and Taiwan & Chairman of Kuomintang Party (KMT) enters interview 2. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei and Taiwan, and Chairman of Kuomintang Party "We believe the (Taiwanese) President violated his pledge he made in 2000 and 2004 (not to disband the National Unification Council). And, at this juncture, we don't believe the question of unification or independence is very important or urgent in his priorities. So for two reasons, we oppose his (President Chen Shui-bian) decision. First of all, this is a violation of his own assurances. Assurances are made to the citizens of the Republic of Taiwan and to our foreign friends, such as the United States. Secondly, we think that he should pay attention to many problems, domestic problems in Ta...