The Real Tulsi Gabbard - Exposing The Cult of Chris Butler and Wai Lana
As mentioned in my video, I wanted to provide additional proof of what I have been saying. As
I’ve stated many times, I grew up in the group called The
Science of
Identity Foundation, which is run by
Chris Butler, who is also known as Jagad
Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, or to us simply
Srila Prabhupada, and Wai
Lana Butler, of the Wai Lana yoga products, who we knew as Vaishnava Dasi. I know Wai Lana and Chris Butler personally, as I have spoken to her and Chris Butler via phone and to Chris Butler in person. My dad,
Harvey Mann, provides music for Wai Lana and Chris Butler and has done so for years as part of his service to the group, and they would call occasionally to discuss new musical projects with him, and often I would answer the phone when they called.
I've included links that show that Wai Lana and Chris Butler’s “non-profit” organisations are all linked. I have also provided links that show my dad is linked to the music Chris Butler and Wai Lana have sold, and
I am confirming that I grew up The Science of Identity Foundation, and that all my information is from my own personal experiences.
.pdf - Wai Lan
Yoga trust which produce all of Wai Lana’s yoga products.
Page 5 outlines the current trustees (Wai Lan Butler and
Sunil Khemaney), page 10 outlines how Wai Lana Productions are the sole client of
Sunset Studios in
Arizona. - links both Wai Lana Butler and Chris Butler as directors of this Arizona company, along with Sunil Khemaney. -
2002 990
Form Return for Science of Identity Foundation, Page 18 shows a loan from the Science of Identity Foundation to sunset studios, presumably to fund the Wai Lana
Production videos, as previously pointed out, Wai Lana Productions are the sole client of Sunset Studios.
My dad, Harvey Mann, linked to Chris Butler’s musical efforts -
My dad linked to Wai Lana’s music and Jagad Guru (aka Chris Butler) -
And a link showing that Chris Butler refers to himself as Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa - (their official website) - the 2004 Science of Identity return that shows my uncle,
Bruce Pedersen as their art director. Vishaka, my cousin, is his daughter. Page
18 again shows loans to Sunset Studios to presumably fund Wai Lana Productions
Finally I should clarify that I did not mean I witnessed someone commit suicide, I know of someone that did. I don't want to mislead you so I wanted to clarify that now.