18 November 2016

Japanese prime minister meets President-elect Trump

By Nick Beams, 18 November 2016

There is a sense in Japanese ruling circles that the election of Donald Trump as US president is a political earthquake that has shattered the foundations of the post-war order.

Trump victory triggers uncertainty in Tokyo

Obama seeks to placate concerns over Trump in final tour of Europe

By Peter Schwarz, 18 November 2016

Obama’s promotion of his successor is so obvious that the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung described him as Donald Trump’s “press spokesman.”

Obama postures as Europe’s protector in Athens

”We have people in office that support war. We no longer need them”
Detroit high school students speak on Trump and the danger of war

By Zac Corrigan, 18 November 2016

As youth-led protests sweep the nation, students at Cass Technical High School in downtown Detroit spoke out against the election of Trump and the escalating wars.

Sanders, trade union officials promote economic nationalism at Washington, DC rally

By Nick Barrickman, 18 November 2016

Trade union officials celebrated the nationalist agenda that Trump has pledged to carry out, while seeking to promote the idea that the Democratic Party can be pushed to the left.

As anti-Trump protests spread, Democrats scramble to contain opposition

Trump’s appointment of Stephen Bannon: A new stage in the crisis of American democracy

After Trump victory: Mexican peso plummets amid ruling class unease

By Clodomiro Puentes, 18 November 2016

The election of Trump and his stated positions on immigration and foreign trade have created a mood of unease in Mexican ruling circles.

Right wing in Italy hails Trump’s election

By Marianne Arens, 18 November 2016

Beppe Grillo, the initiator of the Five-Star Movement, joins a long chain of right-wing and far-right politicians who have welcomed the election of Donald Trump.

More on the 2016 US elections »

Contract worker killed at Indiana steel mill

By Jessica Goldstein, 18 November 2016

The death of a contract truck driver at ArcelorMittal in Burns Harbor, Indiana, highlights the deadly consequences of the corporate cost-cutting drive backed by the unions.

Australia: National Party decimated in New South Wales by-election

By Richard Phillips, 18 November 2016

Last weekend’s ballot again revealed that masses of people are deeply alienated from, and hostile to, Australia’s two-party system.

Rising indicators of social distress in Australia

By John Harris, 18 November 2016

A recent report points to a stark increase in rates of imprisonment and suicides.

New in Turkish

Dördüncü Enternasyonal’in Uluslararası Komitesi Fransız şubesini kurdu

Muhabirlerimizden, 17 Kasım 2016

Paris’teki kuruluş konferansında, Dördüncü Enternasyonal’in Uluslararası Komitesi’nin (DEUK) uluslararası delegeleri, Parti de l'égalité socialiste’i (PES, Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi) Fransız şubesi olarak tanıdı.

New in Spanish

Filosofía y política en tiempos de guerra y revolución

Por David North, 17 noviembre 2016

Conferencia en la Universidad de Goethe en Frankfurt.

El nombramiento de Stephen Bannon: Una nueva etapa en la crisis de la democracia estadounidense

Por Joe Kishore, 17 noviembre 2016

El ascenso de Trump a la Casa Blanca ya ha dado muestras de una reordenamiento político drástico dentro de la clase gobernante estadounidense.

New in French

Les manifestations anti-Trump se répandent, les démocrates tentent de contenir l’opposition

Par Barry Grey, 18 novembre 2016

Toute une génération de jeunes entre dans la politique radicalisée par l’avènement du gouvernement le plus à droite dans l’histoire américaine.

Obama en visite à Berlin après la victoire de Trump

Par Ulrich Rippert, 18 novembre 2016

En dépit des affirmations d’Obama, l’élection de Trump sera marquée par de fortes tensions et des chocs dans les relations transatlantiques.

Obama se pose en protecteur de l’Europe à Athènes

Par Chris Marsden, 18 novembre 2016

L’Union européenne a plongé de millions de travailleurs grecs dans un cauchemar social sans fin qui s’appuie sur un programme d’austérité approuvé par Obama.

La voie à suivre dans la lutte contre Trump

Le Parti de l’égalité socialiste et Les jeunes étudiants internationalistes pour l’égalité sociale, 18 novembre 2016

L’opposition exprimée par les étudiants et les jeunes dans les manifestations à travers les États-Unis contraste nettement avec la capitulation abjecte du Parti démocrate à Donald Trump.

New in German

Anti-Trump-Proteste: Demokraten versuchen die Opposition zu kontrollieren

Von Barry Grey, 18. November 2016

Eine ganze Generation von Jugendlichen wird vor der Amtsübernahme der rechtesten Regierung in der amerikanischen Geschichte politisiert und radikalisiert.

Obamas europäische Abschiedstour

Von Peter Schwarz, 18. November 2016

Obamas Werben für seinen Nachfolger ist derart offensichtlich, dass ihn die Süddeutsche Zeitung als „Donald Trumps Pressesprecher“ bezeichnete.

Erfolgreiche IYSSE-Veranstaltung zur Wahl Trumps an der Humboldt-Universität

Von unserem Reporter, 18. November 2016

Am Mittwoch kamen fast 100 Studierende zur Veranstaltung der Hochschulgruppe der International Youth and Students for Social Equality an der HU. Sie diskutierten darüber, wie es zu Trumps Wahlsieg kommen konnte und wie man den Kampf gegen Reaktion und Krieg führen kann.

Kämpfe in Syrien verschärfen sich – militärische Eskalation unter Trump wird wahrscheinlicher

Von Bill Van Auken, 18. November 2016

Die Offensive syrischer Truppen wird von einer immer hysterischeren Medienkampagne begleitet, die sich gegen jeglichen Abbau der Spannungen mit Moskau unter dem künftigen amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump richtet.

Other Languages


After the election of Trump: The realignment of US politics

18 November 2016

The Democratic Party leadership is moving very rapidly to align itself with Trump, based on a program of economic nationalism and trade war.

Earlier Perspectives »


Mass student protests against Trump election: The way forward

By The Socialist Equality Party and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 16 November 2016

The opposition expressed by students and young people in demonstrations across the US stands in sharp contrast to the abject capitulation of the Democratic Party to Donald Trump.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

David North addresses packed meeting in San Diego on the election of Donald Trump

By our reporters, 18 November 2016

Between 150 and 200 students, workers and youth attended the lecture at San Diego State University, which analyzed origins and implications of Trump’s victory in the US elections.

Well-attended IYSSE meeting at Humboldt University on Trump’s election

By our reporter, 18 November 2016

The large turnout and intense discussion at the meeting indicate that a new generation of young workers and students is becoming politicized.

Oppose right-wing ideology at Humboldt University: An open letter to Professor Thomas Sandkühler

Socialist Equality Party

SEP and IYSSE public meetings
The election of Donald Trump: The political issues facing workers and youth

18 November 2016

The Socialist Equality Party and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality are holding meetings throughout the country on the origins and implications of the US elections.

Report to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

By Chris Marsden, 18 November 2016

We are publishing here the opening report to the Socialist Equality Party (UK) Third National Congress, given October 28, 2012, by SEP National Chairman Chris Marsden.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions
Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party: The strategic lessons

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions
For a new socialist movement against militarism, austerity and war

Public meetings in New Zealand and Australia
The political causes and international implications of Trump’s election: A Marxist assessment

SEP public meeting in Jaffna: Imperialist war, Tamil nationalism and the fight for socialism

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

18 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Philadelphia transit workers must reject sellout deal

By Alan Whyte, 17 November 2016


Obama visits Berlin after Trump’s victory

By Ulrich Rippert, 17 November 2016

Greek protests greet Obama’s last overseas tour as US president

New York Times apologizes for coverage of presidential election

Trump’s victory, Brexit and Paul Mason’s call for a new “progressive alliance”

More on the 2016 US elections »

Syrian fighting intensifies amid growing signs of military escalation under Trump

By Bill Van Auken, 17 November 2016

Trump transition points to escalation of US militarism

More on the war in Syria »

Cop who killed Philando Castile facing manslaughter charges

By Zaida Green, 17 November 2016

Ohio judge declares mistrial in the murder of Sam DuBose

More on police violence in America »

International Committee of the Fourth International

The International Committee of the Fourth International founds its French section

By our reporter, 15 November 2016

Build the Socialist Equality Party (France)!

15 November 2016

Arts Review

The “madness” of war dimly understood in Hacksaw Ridge and the world set right by aliens in Arrival

By Joanne Laurier, 17 November 2016

Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk: Ang Lee on the Iraq war and American hoopla

By David Walsh, 15 November 2016

Mehring Books

NEW! Available for your eReader from Mehring Books
Globalization and the International Working Class: A Marxist Assessment

17 November 2016

First published in 1998, Mehring Books is now offering this out-of-print title analyzing the transformation of world economy for both ePub and Kindle eReaders.

David North’s A Quarter Century of War now available in ePub and Kindle formats

3 November 2016

Both ePub and Kindle versions of David North’s recent book A Quarter Century of War: The U.S. Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016 are now available from Mehring Books.

25 years ago: Criminal convictions reversed for Iran-contra conspirator Poindexter

Five felony convictions against former national security adviser Admiral John M. Poindexter were thrown out by a federal appeals court on November 16, 1991.

More »

50 year ago: Soviet writers protest sentencing of two authors

On November 19, 1966, a petition signed by 63 Soviet writers protesting the sentencing of two authors to hard labor was made public in Western Europe and the United States.

More »

75 years ago: War of starvation against Leningrad

On November 15, 1941, beleaguered Soviet Red Army units southeast of Leningrad finally crumbled under the heavy firepower of the German Army.

More »


100 years ago: Battle of the Somme ends with over 1 million casualties

On November 19, 1916, British and French authorities ended their months-long offensive aimed at routing German troops in the strategically critical region of northern France along the Somme River.

More »

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates Naomi Spencer speaks on the social crisis in Appalachia

12 November 2016

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP’s vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth reviews lessons of the Sanders campaign

11 November 2016

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
The global crisis and the danger of world war

By Andre Damon, 9 November 2016

SEP candidate Jerry White addresses Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference

Broad turnout for “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War” conference in Detroit