Breville Creatista Plus review: the best cup of Nespresso ever?

All the magic of Breville's Nespresso Creatista Plus is on the right side. All of it.
All the magic of Breville's Nespresso Creatista Plus is on the right side. All of it.

There's nothing quite like the warm buzz a nice cup of coffee gives you, to help you power through your day so you can get home and in front of the TV, where you belong.

Unless it's the shaking, nauseated buzz that a cup of coffee too many can give you, to make you power through your day just so you can get home, wash off the sweat and have a bit of a lie-down, before sitting in front of the TV where you belong.

The way I'm feeling right now, fluctuating between the warm buzz of coffee and the cold sweat of too much of it, I reckon I'll have this review knocked off in half an hour. Apologies in advance for the spelling. I'm just going to have to spew out the words before I spew out something else…

Which would be all the coffee I've been drinking from Breville's new Nespresso Creatista Plus, a regular Nespresso coffee capsule machine to which the Australian company has added a pretty incredible automated milk frothing system. If only Breville had been allowed to turn its talents to improving the Nespresso capsule system itself, I might not have had to drink so much of the stuff trying to find the perfect cup of coffee.

I must admit to having had severe doubts about the Creatista Plus's milk steamer. I figured it would make milkshake-grade, Starbucks-standard milk foam, just like most automated coffee machines I've ever used.

But, no, Breville's technology is really, really good. I've spent the past 14 years practising the art of making rich, velvety, micro-bubble milk foam (not full time, of course, but many mornings a week), and the foam that the Creatista Plus produces is at least as good as that. All you have to do is place a jug of milk in just the right position under the steamer (with the steaming wand slightly off the centre of the milk), press a button and, a few dozen kerchunks kerchunks later, the jug is full of steamed milk that's velvety enough and holds together enough for very detailed latte art.

Indeed, it's a lot better than my milk foam, in the sense that there are multiple settings on the Creatista Plus that give you very good control of just how foamy the milk should be. If you're not happy with the optimal setting Breville has chosen for the various coffee styles – minimal foam for flat whites, slightly more foam for cafe latte, more still for cappuccino and loads of foam for latte machiatto – you can select the foam levels yourself with a few turns of the dial, from almost no foam all the way up to maximum, just before it would break up and turn into the horrible milkshake-like foam that Starbucks is so fond of. Despite my years of practice, I have nowhere near that level of control over foam, nor over the temperature of the milk, which you can also select with a turn of the dial.

So I guess the fact that Breville's marvellous work has been coupled with the Nespresso's capsule system is either a triumph or a travesty, depending on what you think of Nespresso coffee.

I have always struggled with the flavour (or, to be precise, the lack thereof) and the cost of the Nespresso system.

Capsules of Nespresso coffee typically sell for 68¢ each on its website, even capsules that blend cheap Robusta beans into the Arabica beans.

It's hard to fathom why Nestle relies so heavily on Robusta, a species of coffee bean that's generally regarded as being bitter to the point of disgusting. It might be that, with a mere five grams of beans in most of the capsules, it had to resort to Robusta just to get caffeine levels up. Robusta has almost twice the caffeine content of Arabica, the species you'll typically find in decent coffee.

The fact that there are only five grams in most capsules goes a long way to explaining why Nespresso coffee tastes so much weaker than coffee you get in decent cafes, where a single shot might be made from 13 or even 15 grams of Arabica beans.

That also explains why I've been forced to make myself sick experimenting with the Creatista Plus, trying to find coffee I like. The strongest coffee I've tested, a capsule known as "Kazaar", is a blend of two Robustas and an Arabica, and is far too bitter for me. The one capsule I don't mind the flavour of, an Arabica-only capsule called "Rosabaya de Colombia", is far too weak for my tastes, as are all the others I've tried.

So I've taken to using two capsules: one capsule with the Breville set to its "Ristretto" program, which produces a very short shot of strongish coffee and has no milk-steaming phase; and one capsule with the Breville set to its "Flat White" program, which produces a longer shot of coffee and then steams the milk perfectly for you.

That's the closest I've got to what I consider to be a good cup of coffee from a Nespresso machine, but it would be an expensive habit: Rosabaya capsules are 78¢ each, and I need to use at least two of them.

(There is also the environmental cost of the aluminium capsules, which are too small to be caught by regular aluminium recycling systems and often end up in landfill. But Nespresso does provide recycling bags with its capsules, so you can send them back to a depot that presumably recycles them.)

By way of contrast, you can typically buy a 250 gram bag of freshly-roasted beans for $15, which works out at 30¢ for five grams, less than half the price of a Nespresso capsule.

But I guess no one drinks Nespresso for the taste or the economics or the environment.

You do it because it's there in your hotel room and you couldn't be bothered getting in the lift for some proper coffee. Or you do it because you're in a place that's not in Australia and doesn't know proper coffee. Or you do it because you love George Clooney.

At least now with the Creatista Plus you can do it for the milk, and if you have enough practice, for the latte art. Just don't practice too much, too quickly.

Ugh. I have to wash.

Breville Creatista Plus

Likes The right half of the machine, where the milk steamer and controls are.

Dislikes The left half of the machine, comprising Nespresso's capsule-based coffee maker.

Price $699, or $799 for the stainless-steel model.