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Great marketing isn't just efficient: it's memorable and personal, rising above the noise. The key to creating a standout campaign is data. We’ve partnered with Think with Google to bring you tips and examples of the power of data-driven campaigns. Stay tuned to be #InspiredByData.

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Learn DoubleClick Campaign Manager basics in Academy for Ads

If you’re new to DoubleClick Campaign Manager, take the new Get started with DoubleClick Campaign Manager Learning path in Academy for Ads. Walk through the steps from setting up your first campaign to measuring performance in Report Builder. Learn what ad servers are all about, how to control who sees your ads, and how to use Floodlight to track conversions. Pass the Assessment and earn an Achievement to show that you know your stuff.

Try it now in Academy for Ads (login required, Campaign Manager users only):

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SF Travel turned to Sojern and Native Ads on DoubleClick to reach interested travelers and engage a super-qualified audience at profitable CPAs.

The results were an impressive success: A 1662% rise in bookings in only 2 months with a 92% drop in cost per acquisition. Learn how in our case study:

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In Europe, programmatic is making its way into the world of TV. London-based research firm Enders Analysis studied projected growth and what the trends mean for broadcasters. Download the full report here:

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Supershoppers are a new breed of shoppers — savvy mobile users, open to new products and brands, and on a constant quest for the best. They also keep shopping long after the holidays. Understanding these traits will help you capture their attention:
1. Supershoppers want the best, not the cheapest.
2. Mobile is their door to the store.
3. They'll shop till they drop.

Learn the five steps to turn searchers into customers in the 2016 holiday season with the DoubleClick Search Guide to the Holidays. Happy holidays!

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Did you know that 46% of consumers say that waiting for pages to load is what they dislike the most when browsing the mobile web? Download this toolkit to get your site up to speed:

Our new feature, business data in DoubleClick Search, lets you align your search marketing reports and automation with your business. No matter how you've organized your account, you can use business data in DoubleClick Search to view reporting by the dimensions that matter the most to you. Learn the top 3 ways to align your business data with your search marketing:

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We've taken a component-based approach to our native ad solution. Publishers select the styles and formats they believe will work best for their readers and their content. Advertisers then simply submit their brand components (headline, image, description, logo, call-to-action) into DoubleClick Bid Manager. By having Doubleclick handle the ad compiling in real-time, the ads can be formatted in a programmatic manner to fit the form and function of every publisher's site or app:

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#SpeedMatters when it comes to mobile sites. A fast and smooth mobile web experience keeps users engaged, so download our new toolkit to get your site up to speed:

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Build beautiful ads that fit the form and function of any publisher's inventory, at scale:

More consumers engaged with content on mobile phones than on desktop last year. Native ads help you unlock this mobile opportunity to offer great experiences across screens. Our component-based solution makes it easy to scale native ads across platforms and publishers. Learn more.
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