
RUMOUR FILE: Sam Kekovich could be invited to Donald Trump's inauguration

Nov 10, 2016

Donald Trump and Sam Kekovich

Donald Trump and Sam Kekovich

RUMOUR FILE: "PARTY IN THE USA" told The Rumour File a well-known Australian will be invited to Donald Trump's inauguration.

Sam Kekovich had already spent an afternoon with the future President in Trump Towers.

The former footballer and media personality met Trump in 2010 while shooting an Aussie Lamb ad in his boardroom in Trump Towers in New York.

Mr Kekovich says he was invited into Mr Trump's office, the pair had a lengthy discussion and exchanged numbers.

But, Kekovich isn't expecting an invitation to the inauguration, "I don't think I'd make the cut!".

Sam tells Ross and John he plans on sending Trump a congratulatory email later today.

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