Greatness rarely comes easy.

Campaign Period:

February – June 2013

The Campaign:


Research had shown that the Boag’s audience was moving from a materialistic life to one of substance, thus a content-led solution was created to bring this to life.

Editorial explored in-depth subject matter around self-improvement, providing long-term support on our audience’s road to greatness. This in-turn led to the creation of the platform ‘Strive’.

‘Strive’ provided pertinent and provocative editorial pieces with relevance to the audience. Regardless of what form ‘Strive’ took, or on which device it was accessed, it fed self-discovery, personal development and growth of the discerning gentleman.

  • Campaign Objective

    Create true aspiration

    To move away from function, quality and affordable messaging that was once synonymous with the brand, and instead inspire through style and substance, to be perceived as truly aspirational.

  • Target Audience

    Men of substance

    A sense of worth has become more important with age. Success is less about the materialistic, but more about the substance behind who he is – where he’s been, and more importantly, where he’s headed.

  • Strategy

    To help lead his journey to greatness, whatever the path

    To connect on a deeper level and spark a reaction. To have something relevant and provocative to say, that provokes him to develop, learn and grow, when he is seeking self improvement.


‘Strive’ Online

Bespoke creation of branded custom section ‘Strive’ within Executive Style facilitated the rapid generation of an engaged audience. Four custom content pieces every week, provided coaching to the modern man across a range of topics. Articles such as ‘10 of Life’s Great Journeys’, ‘From Army to ASX’ and ‘Stand Up and be Counted for Fitness’, were featured in this new section, and was soon established as a favourite amongst the Executive Style audience.


GW ‘Tales’

Inspirational tales extended into Good Weekend through a weekly column with Peter Munro, who offered relatable first-person accounts of the male milestones that have altered his life.


Tablet Quiz

Further reinforcing the ‘Strive’ notion, we re-engineered a Good Weekend staple, in the form of a tablet quiz. The questions conveyed the struggles endured by mystery men, with the answers revealing some of the world’s greatest successes.



A video series was commissioned to juxtapose the practical mentoring with poignant real stories of Trevor Crecknell, Peter Baines, Dorjee Sun, Pat Farmer, Larry Vogelnest and Duncan Chessell sharing their extraordinary tales of resilience, resourcefulness and fortitude on their road to greatness.



The reach and depth of the video series was extended into eight radio stations nationally, playing to its story-telling strengths. With each interview, host John Gibbs uncovered the sense of calm and purposefulness within each of these men, igniting the feeling within our audience that greatness sits within us all, but it takes spirit, strength and perseverance to unlock it.


Brand Engagement

The campaign was supported with brand display advertisements revealing Boag’s ‘Greatness Rarely Comes Easy’ messaging. Most notably was the very first use of Parallax scroll gutters, custom-created by Fairfax. This allowed us to reinforce the journey narrative, with the Boag’s story transpiring as the user scrolled.

Smashing Results:

  • 1,591,648 PIs
  • 45,684 video streams
  • Average dwell time: 2 mins:51 secs
  • 1,853 article comments
  • 6,834 social shares across 65 individual articles


Yarna Halton
Senior Account Manager
+61 (02) 8596 4510 Email Yarna Halton