In order to celebrate Daily Life’s 2nd birthday, Fairfax Media undertook a research study to gather insights around our audiences’ behaviours with regards to their retail and grocery shopping activities and how mobile technology helps shape those decisions. In addition, we wanted to understand their general attitudes around key areas of their lives including, health and lifestyle. The research uncovered some key insights:

Shopping Habits from high end to high street

  • Our audience love to shop!! Over 90% have purchased something from or visited a retail outlet in the last four (4) weeks, with half agreeing that they like to mix their wardrobe with luxury and high street fashion brands

Advertising drives immediate action

  • Advertising plays a crucial role in the inspiration stage, with over half (56%) agreeing that when they see clothes advertised, they tend to look them up in-store or online

Have money, know how to spend it

  • Although quality of food is important to the Daily Life audience (83% try to buy free range when they can and 82% don’t mind paying for quality grocery products), this is counter balanced by price sensitivity in purchasing home or store brand grocery items (49% buy home / store-brand as often as branded groceries)

Daily Life has a loyal & exclusive audience

  • There are high levels of exclusivity between Daily Life and competitive lifestyle websites as well as mass women’s and women’s fashion magazines. Over half (54%) of the Daily Life audience don’t regularly purchase mass women’s or women’s fashion newsstand magazines

Click the link below to view a summary of the Daily Life Audience Insights Study:

Daily Life Audience Insights Summary

Source: Fairfax Media Daily Life Survey, December 2013 (n=633)

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Patricia Donaldson
Custom Research Manager
Metro - Research & Insights
+61 (03) 8667 2935 Email Patricia Donaldson