The new screen takeover opportunity provides maximum impact within the mobile app user experience on our new suite of iPhone radio apps: 3AW, 2UE, 4BC, Magic 882, 6PR and Magic 1278.

Blueprints-IconThis ad unit is a Fairfax Blueprint rich media execution.


The takeover is activated upon first opening of the app, providing a full screen creative opportunity for a bold statement. The creative features click-to-close and timeout functionality as standard.

Product Rules

  • Standard Fairfax close button is incorporated on the top right-hand corner of creatives as standard
  • Creative auto-closes after approximately 7 seconds


 File TypeDimensionsFile SizeNotes
Portrait ImageJPG, PNG640 x 960 px30 KBImages must include clear advertiser brandingImage dimensions optimised for Retina devices – image will be scaled-down on non-Retina devices
Landscape ImageJPG, PNG960 x 640 px30 KB


  • Click URL
  • (Optional) Impression tracking URL
  • Portrait image
  • Landscape image


  • Impressions (3rd party click tracking URL supported)
  • Clicks (3rd party click tracking URL supported)

Lead Times

TIER 2: 5 business days lead time.

Fairfax Blueprints and Fairfax custom builds may be subject to minimum spends and/or production costs – refer to your Account Manager for further details

Creative specifications can change at any time – always refer to the AdCentre.