Fairfax's newsletter subscribers are highly engaged. They open, read and interact with the newsletters regularly. On average, Fairfax's newsletter open rate across the platform is over 25.84% - eclipsing the industry standard. (Fairfax Digital Internal Reporting, February 2013)

Rich consumer profiling allows relevant messages to reach engaged Fairfax subscribers. Over 2.7 million consumers have subscribed to various interest groups including news, money, small business, sport, food and wine, travel, entertainment & property. And profiling data including age, gender, location, income, education and sporting interest will assist you to understand and target our consumer audience by newsletter.

Your client can target sections with the following newsletter advertising opportunities:

  • newsletter buyouts; or
  • newsletter sponsorships

Newsletter categories

  1. News
  2. Entertainment and Life & Style
  3. Sport
  4. Traveller
  5. Parenting and Daily Life
  6. Business
  7. Finance
  8. Technology
  9. Classifieds

Standard Display Units

FD newsletters are design to accommodate 2 standard Medium Rectangle ad units.

The specification is identical to that of web based standard Medium Rectangle ads, however – due to technical limitations of most popular email clients, these ads only accept static image files.

Standard Display Units

Newsletters are design to accommodate 1 Medium Rectangle ad units. The specification is identical to that of web based Medium Rectangles, however – due to technical limitations of most popular email clients, these ads only accept static image files.

Dimensions and Specifications

File size40KB
File TypeStatic GIF, JPG, PNG

Lead Times

Please contact your Fairfax Media representative for further information on lead times.

Revision: 7.00.2

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


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Advertising Operations
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