

Trumped by a sweetheart deal for Adani

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has assured US President-elect Donald Trump that Queensland will continue to work with America.

In fact, the Premier already owes him one. The US presidential election provided the perfect cover for the Queensland government as it took the extraordinary step of amending its own water legislation to appease Indian coal miner, Adani, in a midnight session of Parliament last night.

Queensland and our priceless water resources have been well and truly "trumped" by a sweetheart deal for Adani.
Queensland and our priceless water resources have been well and truly "trumped" by a sweetheart deal for Adani. 

Queensland and our priceless water resources have been well and truly "trumped" by a sweetheart deal for Adani.

The amendment that was passed will short-circuit public notification rules around groundwater licences for Adani. It creates a special loophole for the Adani Carmichael coal mine, which aims to exempt the project from community objections rights in relation to groundwater licences.

The bizarre water licence exemption applies only to the Adani Carmichael project, and other mines including the Acland Stage 3 and Alpha coal mine will not be caught by it.

It's always appalling to see good legislation warped in this manner to give one company a special deal. It stinks of political favouritism and special treatment for this big miner. In fact, the loophole that will give Adani a special deal on its water licence comes in legislation that otherwise helps farmers who are forced to negotiate with coal or coal seam gas companies that are effectively stealing their water.


This amendment detracts from the positive that the bill contains for farmers affected by the Acland Stage 3 on the Darling Downs and the Alpha coal mine in central Queensland, who will retain community objection rights.

The bill also contains positive measures that would prevent a number of advanced mining companies from gaining legal rights to unlimited access to groundwater and will instead require them to obtain groundwater licences.

Abbot Point in Queensland, a proposed terminal for coal produced at Adani's Carmichael mine.
Abbot Point in Queensland, a proposed terminal for coal produced at Adani's Carmichael mine. 

Only last month, The Australian Institute released a report revealing Queensland subsidises Galilee Basin coal mines by allowing them to take water worth around $100 million. In contrast, miners in NSW are required to buy water entitlements for the groundwater they extract.

So, it's a triple sweetheart deal for Adani – free water, unprecedented critical infrastructure status, and now a special clause to exempt it from public objections. All this for a mine that will extract 355 billion litres of our groundwater.

The amendment as passed even appears to directly contradict a motion passed by the Queensland Labor conference just two weeks ago. The motion stated in relation to the Adani Carmichael mine that "Conference further congratulates the Palaszczuk government for ensuring this project is subject to rigorous environmental assessments and public objection processes, including the requirement to have a water license for unavoidable groundwater take".

Therefore, the Queensland government has thumbed its nose at its own party and its members by passing this amendment in the dead of night to remove public objection rights.

It's always appalling to see good legislation warped in this manner to give one company a special deal. It stinks of political favouritism and special treatment for this big miner.

There are, however, two notable Queensland parliamentarians who have shown unswerving integrity and support for farmers, traditional owners and rural communities dependent on groundwater resources.

Rob Pyne, the independent member for Cairns, and Peter Wellington, the Speaker and member for Nicklin, have been unwavering in their support for proper groundwater assessments and a better deal for farmers and affected communities.

They have shown a rare courage and consistency, and stand out as important leaders and true grassroots champions from a political class that is increasingly captured by the mining industry.

Co-operation to tackle the effects of coal and gas mining is not only possible: it is imperative. Yet, in our halls of power the loud voices of vested interests largely drown out the voices of those affected.

The Liberal National Party in particular, revealed its true colours again on Wednesday night, choosing mining over farming in the debate on the bill. It is clear that they have long since ceded their sovereignty to the mining industry.

But the community movement concerned about the impacts of mining grows stronger by the day. Farmers, traditional owners and rural communities have come together across the nation in an unprecedented movement and have gained the respect and support of the majority of Australians willing to back them against mining giants. As the Queensland government heads into a state election year, it would do well not to treat these communities with contempt and trample on their rights because they may well find that both the city and the bush rise up against them.

Drew Hutton is president of the Lock the Gate Alliance.
