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The Essentials to Getting Your Ceiling Replaced

Just like any structural component of your house, your ceiling will eventually need to be replaced. Although fixing some cracks and holes may prolong the life of your ceiling, it is important to know when it is time to take it down and install a new one. This guide provides all the information you need for when that time comes.

How to tell if your ceiling needs replacing

A visual inspection is the easiest way to assess the condition of your ceiling. You can check for cracks and water damage simply by looking at your ceiling. Watch out for unsupported plasterwork, as this can fall off any time and hurt someone.

To check for unsupported plasterwork, stand in the corner of the room with your head almost touching the ceiling and look for sagging sections or unusual slope. If there is unevenness, this could mean that the plasterwork is hanging underneath the laths. To know for sure, gently push up from under the sagging sections – if the plaster moves up and down, that means it has broken apart from the laths.

If more than a third of the ceiling is damaged, replacing it would be a cheaper and safer option compared to simply fixing the problematic areas. When in doubt, call a plasterer or a professional ceiling installer.

Finding a ceiling installer

You want someone who is qualified and trained to install everything from standard ceilings to custom ones. This way you can avoid repairs and other problems that may arise due to a sloppy installation. You also want a ceiling specialist that carries out insulation work, so that your new ceiling keeps your home comfortable throughout the seasons and adheres to the relevant Australian Standards.

To find a reliable ceiling installer, look up specialists in your area on Oneflare. You can view the previous work of local tradesmen, as well as check their business reviews and get a service guarantee. Make sure to hire only a bonded, licensed and insured contractor for assured quality.

Cost of ceiling installation

The entire cost will include the material costs, equipment delivery, labour fees, prep work, and debris removal at project completion. Sales tax on materials, contractor fees and inspection costs may also add to the total cost.

To get a clear idea of how much a new ceiling will cost you; request a quote from at least three contractors. Take time to weigh your options, so you can make an informed decision on whom to hire.

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  • Anytime Maintenance was very professional and I was surprised at how much all-round knowledge they had on all aspects of maintenance and building. I would recommend them to anyone.

    Left for Anytime Maintenance & Construction
  • We were very impressed with All Plaster Repairs prompt response, communication, friendliness, quality of work and attention to a difficult cleanup. We would not hesitate to recommend Ray and his team to anyone and would certainly use them again.

    Left for All Plaster Repairs

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