Friends of the Earth


Friends of the Earth International is the world's largest grassroots environmental network | Spanish: | Press:

Připojil se květen 2009

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  1. Bribri people rejects REDD+ projects in Costa Rica: interview with Mariana Porras of Coecocei...

  2. Deolinda Carrizo (CLOC VC) and Martín Drago (ATALC) at the International Mission of Solidarit...

  3. A global deal on aviation emissions is being negotiated in Montreal - but it's a climate con.

  4. Don’t let airlines put burden of tackling climate change onto those who have done the least to cause it

    , , a dalších (7)
  5. Airlines should reduce emissions like the rest of us but they're trying to get out of doing their part

  6. Great piece on what giant agribiz buyouts like Bayer-Monsanto mean for small-scale farmers. Spoiler: it isn't good.

  7. Gun violence and police militarization matters to all activists. via

  8. Today airlines are plotting a deal to undermine our ability to tackle climate change Retweet to demand emissions reductions

  9. New report by Friends of the Earth International . An Energy Revolution is possible: Tax have...

  10. All world governments are meeting at to agree on how to limit aviation pollution. Share this video. Make them feel the heat!

  11. TAKE ACTION by asking your government to support a robust climate agreement at , sign up here:

    , , a dalších (7)
  12. Social, economic and environmental justice is possible with , key for this is . Read:

  13. Battle for energy future fought on our roofs says Dirk - not corporate power must drive future

  14. Half all citizens could produce renewable energy by 2050 - new study on

  15. European banks like among the largest financiers of land grabbing & deforestation

    , , a dalších (6)

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