My wife will be answering questions on REDDIT on Wednesday, November 16th at 1:30 EST

Drop by and ask her about her books and what it is like to be married to a cold-hearted Vulcan like me.

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Twins with Your Enemy

Posted November 14, 2016 By John C Wright

More from Sargon of Akkad. Swearing every other word, so not safe for work. But still amusing:

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An Article from the Church Militant

Posted November 14, 2016 By John C Wright

When British and Allied forces defeated the Nazis under the command of General Erwin Rommel in Egypt and North Africa in November 1942, Winston Churchill declared, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

The war would drag on for more than two long years with many more millions of casualties. But a bridge had been crossed, and all sides knew it. It was only a matter of time.

The same could be said of what happened this Election Day in America. President-Elect Donald Trump’s destruction of the Party of Death sent out a clarion call: Things have changed. The war has taken a definitive turn. What must clearly be understood, however, is that there is only one war being played out, but in two theaters: temporal and spiritual.

On a temporal level, the names and faces and philosophies are all familiar — Democrats vs. Republicans, Hillary vs. Trump, conservatives vs. liberals, capitalism vs. socialism, nationalism vs. globalism, limited government vs. the Nanny State and so forth. And the various sides are rather well defined, even if there are some points of murkiness when one digs into the details.

Where there are no points of murkiness, however, is in the larger war: the spiritual one. In this war the boundaries are extremely clear and the lines very bright. Good vs. Evil is the only demarcation.

Read the whole thing.

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Landslide 306 to 232

Posted November 11, 2016 By John C Wright

Breitbart News reports:

Forty-six of the electoral college votes President-elect Donald Trump won on his way to a resounding 306 to 232 electoral college victory over Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton came from three states where his combined margin of victory was only 108,600 votes.

No major media outlet has yet called Michigan for Trump, but a spokesperson for the Michigan Secretary of State’s office told Breitbart News on Thursday “there’s no reason to believe there will be large numbers of votes that will be found subsequent to the current reporting.”

 That is 74 electoral vote difference.

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An Apology from Mr Davis

Posted November 11, 2016 By John C Wright

This sums up my attitude toward all those who said the blacks should side with Hillary because they are black, and whites should side with Trump because they are white. I admire the gentle and soothing way the apology is couched. I salute Mr. Davis with humble thanks for putting into words what I could not.

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Trump Elected World President in Japan!

Posted November 10, 2016 By John C Wright

Only in America, folks.

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Cult forms Culture

Posted November 10, 2016 By John C Wright

I have the misfortune of knowing many Leftists, and at least one non-Conservative who is not a Leftist, that view all things through the lens of race. Both argue that Trump won the election because of the ‘whitelash’ that is, the white backlash, of identity politics ‘White Lives Matter’ and White Separatists and neonazis who all came out for Trump. The Left thinks this is a bad thing, and the non-Conservative a good thing.

But it is not a thing at all. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Know Thyself

Posted November 10, 2016 By John C Wright

I do recall a remote sensation of despondency after the last two Presidential elections. I saw nothing like this among my Republican and Libertarian friends.

Much swearing, foul language, illogic. Not safe for Vulcan ears.

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Family Tree of Superluminary

Posted November 10, 2016 By John C Wright

I cannot recall if I posted this information before, but for those of you interested in the family tree in SUPERLUMINARY, here is the chart found in my notes.

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Rebel Media on Trump

Posted November 10, 2016 By John C Wright

I have not seen this YouTube channel erenow. This video about the exchange between Donald Trump and a foreign Saudi prince who bought and paid for Mrs. Clinton is entertaining and instructive.

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