Matchmaking role for industry bodies between universities and business

Industry associations could act as a link between business and universities ensuring members could find relevant expertise.
Industry associations could act as a link between business and universities ensuring members could find relevant expertise. Glenn Hunt
by Mark Eggleton

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with PwC

As the resources boom rapidly disappears in the nation's rear-view mirror and the focus has switched to creating a more innovative and agile economy, Australia's industry bodies could play a key role in helping to forge stronger alliances between the business and university sectors.

There are numerous opportunities to bring the two sectors together and ensure they work more collaboratively and some of the potential solutions are quite simple. For starters industry bodies could assist the nation's small-to-medium business sector to consolidate or even defray some of the costs associated with university research collaborations.

Going a little further, industry associations could act as a matchmaker between business and universities ensuring their members can find relevant expertise. There is the potential for industry organisations to curate a digital marketplace of research expertise for their members.

It would make sense as Australia's population and learning institutions are so disparately placed geographically and a nationally searchable digital directory could bring the nation closer together. It could be the Facebook of expertise.

Engaging the nation's SMEs in research is a real challenge as their main focus is always going to be on their day-to-day business and the bottom-line. Research which could help grow their business is considered a hard business cost and so often gets shuffled to the back of the expense queue.

Potential boon

Raising awareness of the potential boon to business a relevant research partnership could bring is a real challenge and industry bodies have a strong role to play as do governments, other business partners and even professional service firms when they engage with local businesses.

At the government level there needs to be greater incentives but they need to be targeted. For example, they could go to industry bodies where the funds could be used to build out a digital marketplace or even to run awareness campaigns. The key is to look at the whole supply chain to help find the right people and make the right connections between the sectors.

We sometimes forget that some of the nation's most innovative and agile companies can be found in the SME sector. Reason being is they're often not beholden to a larger bureaucracy of stakeholders such as shareholders, middle management and an unwieldy workforce. If they're made aware of the incentives and given the right information, they're often able to pivot quickly and make business changing decisions.

As a nation if we want to move towards a more innovative and agile economy we need to look towards the SME sector and promote the idea of better collaboration between the industry, universities and research institutions.

For industry bodies their role can move beyond defraying costs and making introductions. There is the potential to act as an adviser between the parties and help circumnavigate some of the roadblocks the parties might encounter. For example, there probably needs to be a more standardised way for government, industry and the universities to deal with intellectual property issues once a project is completed.

Moreover, industry itself can help promote university sector champions that have taken steps to be more collaborative and more commercially savvy. They could also help universities raise their profiles with potential students by acknowledging how well an institution works with industry and how it provides genuine career pathways for graduates.