News Corp Australia boss Michael Miller details $40 million cost-cutting plan

News Corporation Australasia chairman Michael Miller.
News Corporation Australasia chairman Michael Miller. Daniel Munoz

News Corporation Australasia chairman Michael Miller says the publisher will look at resourcing, processes and products to help achieve $40 million in cost cuts by the end of the financial year.

News Corp announced at its first quarter financial results on Tuesday that advertising revenue for News Corp Australia had fallen 11 per cent in local currency and it would look to cut costs in the country by $40 million by the end of 2016-17.

In an email to staff on Wednesday morning, Mr Miller said News Corp's first-quarter results illustrated the strength of its digital real estate businesses and its push for digital news revenue. However, challenges still remain, particularly in print.

"To offset those challenges, we will need to implement a series of cost initiatives across the business. This will allow us to continue our commitment to journalism in print and digital while enhancing our focus on digital innovation and improvement," Mr Miller said.

"In the same way that other publishers are addressing the shifting market dynamic, we too have to examine how we best produce and distribute quality content for our audiences, and our advertisers."

News Corp will look at resourcing, processes, products and will include the possibility of redundancies, Mr Miller said.

"In the short term, this will begin with an immediate review of all vacant positions with the aim of closing positions that are not absolutely critical. We will also introduce new business rules in relation to travel and entertainment costs," he said.

"In the mid-term, we will consider changes to our business to ensure we work harder and smarter and move resources into areas which will deliver the most value to the business. In shaping more efficient structures, there is the possibility of a redundancy program. "

News Corp's Australian publications include The Australian, The Daily Telegraph and The Herald Sun.

Mr Miller said staff would be kept informed of the changes as the cost initiatives move forward.

"As we embark on this program, I assure you everything will be done to minimise the disruption to our people and our business. "