Category Archives: Immigrant Struggles

So You Gringos Say You’re Anti-Immigration…

This picture says it all

Women of Color Respond to SlutWalk: “The Women’s Movement Is Not Monochromatic”

Note as usual that posting this piece does not imply 100% endorsement of it’s politics. That said, this article from AF3IRM (The Association of Filipinas, Feminists Fighting Imperialism, Re-feudalization, and Marginalization) offers a powerful critique of the whiteness, privilege and wnexamined power dynamics of the SlutWalk Movement, which originated here in Canada. For another look at the same issues within SlutWalk, check out this piece by Ernesto Aguilar, one of my co-editors from People of Color Organize!

From the moment the first call for a SlutWalk in the US went out, the AF3IRM membership – transnational women who are im/migrants or whose families are im/migrants from Latin America, Asia, and Africa – has been analyzing and discussing this burgeoning movement to address the issue of sexual violence and continuing victimization of rape victims by police, the justice system and other agents of authority. Read the rest of this entry

Wikileaks: More on Amerikkka’s Interventions in Bolivia

By Brenda Norrell

CIA Role in Alleged Evo Morales Assassination Plot

The Wikileaks releases of US diplomatic cables reveal a pattern of US spying on President Evo Morales. One cable describes Bolivia’s allegations of a CIA connection in an alleged plot to assassinate President Morales.

Wikileaks released an unredacted version of this cable on Sept. 8.

The confidential US cable describes a Bolivian prosecutor’s statement about the alleged plot to assassinate President Morales in 2009. As usual, the US Embassy evaluates how the allegations of CIA involvement are playing out in the media. Read the rest of this entry