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(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre - report, Two controversies Forum for political antiracism (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

Date Fri, 11 Nov 2016 09:34:23 +0200

[Videos] One year after the 1st edition, the 2nd Forum "Continuing the initiative" a political racism was held on October 8 in Saint-Denis. With a variety of stakeholders (Fassin, Bouamama, Gresh, Benbassa, Lin Jung ...) who sought ways of common action, without falling into the soft consensus. ---- Racism is not a moral problem that fight by a single educational or indignant protest. This is a deliberate policy must therefore fight it politically. ---- This basic idea is the common denominator associations, militant.es and academics who participated in the 2nd Forum "Let us take the initiative" , October 8 at the labor exchange of Saint-Denis. ---- The diversity was real, from the Party of Indigenous of the Republic (PIR) to the League of Human Rights (LDH) and, assistance, militant.es Europe Ecology-Greens to Alternative Libertaire, through the PCF, Ensemble or the NPA. The absence of union members as speakers at the roundtables, however, shows that much remains to do to bind the fighting.

The call text did not hide any of the existing differences. He pointed them even to invite to the exchange.

Debates about the international context and the existence of different racisms were rather consensual. Those on the issues of feminism or homophobia are unfortunately rather left to rot ...

Broad agreement, rather pessimistic moreover, has established itself in the international context. Islamophobia deployed in the West was analyzed as a tool to prepare people to accept the imperialist wars on the bottom of the so-called "clash of civilizations".

A tool to target a "fifth column" that would be hidden in the neighborhoods, in advance justifying the repression and police brutality.

So qu'Houria Bouteldja (PIR) pointed to the urgency of reducing the sympathy and Daech Soral in the neighborhoods, Laurent Lévy (Together!) Found the nationalist reaction that is gaining ground in France.

State racism: a misnomer?

Two controversies have finally crossed all that day: that of state racism and that of universalism.

Michel Tubiana (former President of LDH) and Esther Benbassa (EELV Senator) refused to use the term "state racism", explaining that there is not (yet) of racist laws that structure society French. They therefore prefer to speak of "racist practices of the state."

Said Bouamama (United Front of immigrations and neighborhoods, FUIQP) took against the foot, without showing fully convincing. He noted (correctly) the existence of the 2004 law against wearing the hijab in schools, or the one on the current Travellers. But he could not demonstrate that these laws were the heart of the functioning of the state.

Saimir Mile and Anina Ciuciu (Association Voice of Roma, photo) and Franco Lollia (antinégrophobie Brigade) have detailed everything that daily police and judicial violence in slums and ghetto neighborhoods of concrete. Thus they gave to see that it is not need specific legislation for the state conducts a racist policy felt by its victims in their flesh, making a little vain this semantic debate when it comes to build a political response .


Anina Ciuciu (Association Voice of Roma)
Universalism = colonialism?

Youcef Brakni activist in Bagnolet (93) violently denounced the leftist organizations he has always found against him in his local fighting, accusing the universal values built around the "human rights" to take into account that values of the "white man" in a colonial approach.

In this vein, several speakers stressed the need to organize each "community" independently to address specific oppression felt by everyone.

A debate illustrated the point of caricature when Houria Bouteldja explained that the "white middle class" was an accomplice of French imperialism since she could eat cheaply, thanks to the raw materials extracted in a third-dominated world, and manufactured goods made in South plants.

All this is not wrong ... provided you have in mind that in this case the issu.es salarié.es immigration are equally complicit French imperialism than their white counterparts. .. But if making this kind of statement only serves to make the moral indignation and blame one or the other, it is not used much. The real questions are empowering countries South leonine trade agreements that hinder, and relocation of production. Issues of interest to any and all revolutionary internationalist, whatever the color of his skin.

But community self-organization does it necessarily opposed to a universal solidarity? For if the first is an inalienable right for those who wish to fight discrimination that target, the fact remains that the second - if it is not misguided paternalism in - is often needed to help the affected communities fragile to resist. And more fundamentally, this "universalism" of class we call proletarian internationalism remains an indispensable compass.

The day ended around strong testimonies about police violence and repression.

Appointments are announced for the spring in order to hear another voice in the midst of the electoral arena: a caravan across France, a national walking around March 21 (International Day against Racism) ...

Jean-Yves (AL 93 center)

Website Continuing the initiative http://reprenons.info/

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