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(en) Greece, ese-Athens: Workers Counter Bulletin #134 (gr) [machine translation]

Date Fri, 4 Nov 2016 18:04:30 +0200

Articles of ERC , Sheet Counter Workers , Working Material Since ERC Athens ---- Beating migrant worker on October 21 in New Heraklion complains assembly Centauri and Mr. al et a concentration of Thursday, November 3 at 17:00 outside the hosiery Konstantinos Petrakis Street 83 Dawn in N. Iraklio. The relevant call of the Assembly centaur says: on October 21, a migrant worker who worked in clothing factory (hosiery) in N. Iraklio was attacked by his boss, Konstantinos Petrakis, fired and aT Heraklionnot accepted the lawsuit Pakistani worker filed requesting money (fee). More specifically, the Aftamp Ahmed, working in clothing, went to work at N. Iraklio. Working in hosiery with employer Konstantinos Petrakis last five months, a fee of EUR 4 per hour. Stamps requested by the employer who had promised that he will put directly. From the beginning there was racist behavior by the employer. In forced to collect garbage just entering the workplace while the "bathed" with vile insults of Pakistani origin.

The episode employer racist violence began when the boss asked Aftamp make extra packing job from another laborer work. He told his boss that another worker had informed how to do the same packing job. Then the boss started screaming: "I am the boss, not bullshit. When you do not like to leave Pakistan asshole. "The Aftamp went to get his things to leave. When he turned and said to his boss: "You owe me stamps" the boss attacked him, struck him in the face, knocked him down and caught him by the arms from the neck. With the intervention of other workers left him. After he asked the worker to sign a paper that does not owe stamps, which the worker refused to do. Then his employer shouted: "If you make a complaint, not only wood as now, but will find you and kill you." And the notice calling the Meeting As Centauri concludes: not frighten us nor our surprise terrorism in particular bosses against the workers such as migrants, who even consider legally weak compared to local workers. The class solidarity between the oppressed, dignity and the right of the race will crush them.
Another worker was killed at the time of work . It is a 45-year worker who was the Monday, October 24 lost n life, the marble factory s "Kavazi and SIA OE" Drama. For us it is another employer murder in vom terms of profit, the "competitiveness", intensifying of work and the lack of the required safety measures. This is the third fatal occupational "accident" in the Marble industry in the region of Drama past six months.
New mobilizations went last week employees of the IGME, demanding to s the Thun real solutions to the problems of the Institute who daily grow threatening operation. Specifically, on Tuesday 25 Oktovri held a three-hour work stoppage and protest, the Ministry of Environment and Wednesday 26 Oktovri held a three-hour work stoppage and protest at the General Accounting Office.
Y or Clearing allele c c al th of what the working or l indirect formation N indirect let John t let the Sanitize indirect legal PF than what the commercial or Enterprises i NAIL STATION saying in South indirectly a John t a. The resolution states inter alia: S. al accordance with complaint of employee labor inspection. In this shop the PF He worked in company with 8-hour time to 7.5 months 'black' as a warehouseman. Then of about hiring a 4 hour time contract and similar remuneration, and actually worked 8 hours and even on two different parts of the company (shop and warehouse), and in the summer for some time worked 12-hour, as well as whenever the employer required intensive production. The actual fee was 8 hour fee, but the gifts and benefits were based on the 4-hour contract. Note that the PF He was the only employee in the company, since the employer "did not come" to recruit and another employee. When the colleague began to pursue their accrued benefits and gifts based on actual pay and demanded to make use of the remaining leave entitlement, ( one weeks), while the employers originally gave permission two days later proceeded to dismissal threat if the colleague not return to work before the end of. My colleague did not succumb to blackmail, and after returning from leave, the employer proceeded to the dismissal of that because it was not accepted by the employee, made threats and attempted physical violence, as well were received threatening phone calls possibly kickback of type, in order to avoid complaints from part. The colleague fled a complaint to the labor inspection and the IKA, claiming accrued and compensation. On 2/11 will be the discussion of the complaint. The above incident of course is not an isolated or something unknown for those / s working in the trade sector. The difference is that my colleague did not choose the path of silence and obedience, but decided to assert the obvious, accrued and stamps which owed him. We urge all workers to resist any attempt employer arbitrariness. Enough Anymore! Read the entire text of the resolution here .
INITIATIVE primary unions for coordinating, on the ba if t j s decisions meeting grassroots unions and collectives 12/10, call for a new massive open race meeting on Monday, October 31 at the offices of the Teachers Federation of Greece (ILO), Xenophon 15a 3rd floor in 6.00 pm In calling the Initiative states: There goes another, must now immediately to organize the resistance and continuity of our struggle. We do not expect anything from the GSSE and the appointed administration of the EWC, the ADEDY the majority of xekarfoma decided for a strike on the eve of the conference. We call call in every union in the public and private sector, each fighter and militant collective, workers, unemployed and youth in all class trade union forces, discuss and organize a truly uncompromising and coordinated fight by all means on the next time.
Barrage of strikes in the coming days. 24 hour warning strike progressing the «Microfill workers - K. Zafranas SA» Monday, October 31. The strike will be against four dismissals while unionists. Escalating mobilizations decided the hotel employees in the K m for the near future. Occasion or stood developments in the pension fund, TAPIT. 24 hour strike on November 24 Download t mind the sailors. Mobilisation for Thursday 3/11 have decided hospital workers throughout the country, in response to the redundancies auxiliary doctors. Continue in the near future their mobilizations workers in "Children's Shelter".
Repeated 24-hour strikes on Monday 17 and Tuesday, October 18 made by the workers in ELGA (Agency for compensation for farmers). Demanding the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement signed.
Gathering at the Emergency Department of "Evangelismos hospital" held Tuesday, October 25 workers. Oppose the unjust verdict against worker, along with other colleagues were accused of fire incident, which had set 2010 female patient, with the same losing their lives and many patients and workers at risk seriously.
Reuptake sacked employee dismissed the pre-last week in Preveza branch of supermarket chain "AB Vassilopoulos" require workers in the enterprise and sectoral union.
Employers threats to the newly created business association of workers in «Sheraton hotel in Rhodes. Immediately after the establishment of the association, the owner company began, through its executives, attack targeting founding members of the association, employing threats to force them to sign affidavits with which say they withdraw their signatures to the memorandum the Association.

CALL TO SOLIDARITY APPEAL FOR TRIAL SYNTROFISSAS arrested in strike COURSE IN FEBRUARY OF 2011, addresses the Assembly of Resistance and Solidarity of Kypseli / Patission, and Wednesday, November 2, 2016 is set to -after anavoles- Appeals from the trial synagonistrias Lida Sofianou and two other demonstrators arrested on strike on February 23 2011.
The fight against Scherzo Cafe continues - Solidarity Gathering at Maroussi district court Thursday 3/11, 9am. On the fifth 3/11 will be the court for the case scherzo cafe (where fellow immigrant who worked at that store was beaten by his boss because claimed the accrual of, here the link of the case: http://somateioserbitoronmageiron.blogspot.gr/search?q=scherzo .The Waiters Cooks Association and other employees of the catering industry calls a SOLIDARITY GATHERING in Maroussi district court Thursday, the 3rd / 11 at 9:00 a.m..
Finally, concentration organize Thursday 3/11 in the National Resistance Square in Athens retirees for the cuts in supplementary pensions. A similar protest outside the Volos branch of RPHL organize, Monday 31/10, the prefecture of Magnesia pensioners.
Tags: anarcho-syndicalism , work release , AAR Athens

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