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(en) A-Radio Berlin Azerbaijan: state repression and the anarchist's speech in court

Date Thu, 3 Nov 2016 15:04:33 +0200

Dear all, ---- In May of 2016, two of our comrades in Azerbaijan, Qiyas Ibrahimov and Bayram Mammadov, were arrested for spraypainting the monument of the former dictator Haydar Aliev. It was on the night before the so-called "Flower holiday", a day made up in conmemoration of Haydar, the father of the current President of Azerbaijan. Nonetheless, as the charges for spraypainting would not have been very high, more than 1 kilogram of heroin was planted in each of our comrades' homes. ---- They were processed on different trials. Qiyas has already been sentenced to 10 years of prison, his friend Bayram Mammadov is still on trial. ---- From Azerbaijani comrades we received the text of Qiyas' speech in front of the jury, him being interrupted regurlarly by the judge. In support of his case, we made an audio version of this speech and the judge's comments.

You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)


Length: 11:30 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

Among our last audios you can find:
* A presentation on the Prison Strike in the USA 2016:
* An interview about the "flower holiday" in Azerbaijan and the
imprisoned anarchists:
* An interview on the repression against anarchists in Czech:
* Reflections on the NoBorder Camp Thessaloniki 2016:
* An interview about the ongoing defense of the Rog factory squat in
* An audio recording of a former anarchist prisoner in Belarus who tells
about his experiences in jail and how he survived:
* An interview on an anarchosyndicalist struggle in vegan pizzeria in
* An interview with the Anarchist Federation in Britain about its Safer
Spaces policy (about feminism and conflict resolution):
* Mediterranean 4: An interview with the workers of the self-managed
soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki:

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are now on Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into
English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to
amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at
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