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(en) Greece, the auction of VIO.ME. By A.P.O. (gr) [machine translation]

Date Tue, 25 Oct 2016 13:00:03 +0300

On 12.02.2013 unpaid (since 2011) Employees of the Industrial Mining took the decision to ignore the requirements of the state and capital and chose the path of struggle, going to occupy the factory. Key pillars upon which constructed the project of VIO.ME from day one, is the triple-self-self-self-organization. Workers exceeded the established institution t th unionism and direct democratic procedures applied in a manner making any decision while eliminating any economic power (equal remuneration). The decisions taken at the general assembly process of workers in which all members have equal status. From the very first moment of the plant, a solidarity network created by the workers collectives and individuals and their struggle was linked to similar operations in Europe, Argentina, Turkey and Spain.

The judiciary initially condemned the Philip family and the operation of most busy factory continued until the parent company Filkeram and Philip family manage through the backdoor to fail the VIO.ME ..

Last year launched the sale-auction of land Filkeram process including the plot of VIO.ME .. But the movement's forces gave answer and were in the front line against the cops and judges. So we managed to cancel auctions, but now come back to the bosses to take what rightfully belongs to the workers. At a time that the state and capital together in tandem, showing the most fierce of face to the auctions of a 'residence, attempted again the sale of land VIO.ME .. What you may not realize the any kind of rulers that apergazontai to suck the social wealth, is that the social and labor requirements are not negotiable. Our struggle is not simply aimed at survival, a struggle for life and dignity. It is a struggle for a world without masters and slaves. And be sure that our forces will be there where necessary to bring here in this world. The world of equality, solidarity and freedom.

ALL / ALL THURSDAY 20/10/2016 11:00 a.m. to court to defend VIO.ME.


Collegiality for Social anarchism Black & Red
Member of Anarchist Organisation -The Policy. S.-

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