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(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL October - Analysis: Understanding capitalism to better destroy the (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

Date Sun, 23 Oct 2016 15:00:55 +0300

precarious producer, borrower, consumer, taxpayer, users of public services, natural resources, all these titles protean twenty-first century capitalism exploits us! ---- The repeated crises has traversed the world economy in recent years show that capitalism has arrived at a particular stage of development. Of course, the current capitalism inherited from its earlier stages: the traces and flaws are many. Merchants and industrious to increase their capital, draw on two resources: cheap labor and products of the settlements. Colonialism - imperialism of the capitalist states and their drivers - is for three centuries, and continues to be today, a great source of increased profits for the capitalists, big and small. ---- The primary purpose of any capitalist is to increase the capital accumulated from unpaid surplus labor. But even through the development of trade, still unequal trade in this system (see all the work of Samir Amin on "unequal exchange" in Africa and in the world).

With the first crises of capitalist development, we realize little by little that this economic system is developed by successive crises. Crises are the only means of regulating the capitalist system.

The first objective of crisis the fight without thank you that engage the capitalists among themselves. Everyone tries to take market share from others. In this law of the jungle, all shots are allowed and usually in a hurry. The system has a short-term vision. Its ability to anticipate are no better today than yesterday. This suggests that the system, dominated as it is by the lure of profits, is not suitable for their own learning.

The second objective crisis is to reduce the share of wage labor to increase the share capital. Compress loads wages up by falling purchasing power are lost (increases in wages granted provisionally due to strikes and workers' struggles). Obtain legislative changes to make the most precarious and dependent workers, to cut off their wings and reduce their nuisance value. Since 1989 the capitalists let go and require governments to austerity policies that allow them to obtain the greatest possible benefits for them and the biggest insecurities for all others.

On the menu: insecurity for all!

The exploitation of wage earners remains one of the bases of the enrichment of the capitalists of the world. But in the twentieth century class workers showed unsuspected control capabilities. So capitalism is it since to increase and decrease precarious groups, including a multiplication of statuses of workers, the strength of the workers. The capitalists have understood the need to protect their super profits, they increase the employed groups (written in the feminine because 85% of employees are women), from "chômistes" precarious, undocumented diplomas, undocumented, poor, to bring these groups a "modern" slavery for the rich. While maintaining the minimum capacity of these populations to consume for that market exchanges continue to grow. When are we going to replace the exchange value merchant by the social utility value? In social utility, no one is precarious!

International finance claims to rule the world

The new capitalism is characterized by very large companies and very large multinational companies who do not want to "get their hands dirty" with the exploitation of workers. That capitalism is being transformed into a myriad of increasingly limited companies and companies without workers. These 'undertakings' therefore will outsource the actual production of sub-companies to produce goods in which managers will do the dirty work to "manage" that is to say, operate, and staff employed worker which will increasingly precarious. Thus, the responsibility is diluted, it makes it increasingly limited power and is still hiding more behind this organizational smokescreen. This capitalism becomes essentially or exclusively financial. It dictates the financial rate of return to its subcontractors and its collaborators.

The move from traditional capitalism to financial capitalism, began in the 1973/1975 years, has accelerated from 2007. The financial capitalism operates essentially contracts, financial agreements and loans, many of which are government bonds . These financial traffic, including the "margins" of profits from subcontractors, produce most of the profits. Huge relevant financial masses must turn as soon as possible, thanks to the proliferation of international trade exchanges, to further increase profits. The capitalists always invent more pharmacies loans to individuals, intermediate bodies of transmission and distribution, to leave no space to another system.

On the other hand these financial centers are also rich on loans for poor countries, borrowing and organized under the aegis of the IMF requirements, leading to the fact that these countries can not pay annually as interest on loans, without never hope to repay the borrowed capital. These are real legal mafias that have implemented globally and what they call "globalization" is in fact that the internationalization of grabbing and "anonymisation" of capital (see Geneva CADTM studies at that point).

The exploitation of the planet's resources and imperialism

In the first analysis of capitalism from 1830 to 1914, capitalism was criticized mainly for its exploitation of human labor. Few analyzes showed that it could not function without the exploitation of the planet's resources. The beliefs of the time left to think that natural resources were infinite. Also the idea was: "If we do not find what you want in industrialized countries, we go elsewhere to eat. "Epoch" blessed "of colonization, with the three M, Military, Merchants and Missionaries. It was also believed that many militants left at the time. Needless to condemn the narrow perspectives that were theirs then, but one wonders how today the activists left should persevere the narrowness of view?

In this 21 century, colonization continues, disguised sometimes, but just as wild (we will not develop here, see the sites including Survival and colonialism Exit) Recent examples concern the "purchase" rare earth d Africa by China, India, the United States, Australia (in order of importance). There is also the extractive capitalist policies and struggles of revolutionaries in South America against these policies. The anti-capitalist struggle today does not include enough this imperialist appearance. While some feel that colonialism has disappeared with the colonies, it has not gone to the colonized peoples!

In developed countries, there are voices increasingly against this exploitation of the planet and against the official discourse on "the benefits of growth." New activists exist warn of early signs of the degradation of the planet. Do you hear the jeers, insults, with which many leftists, strong in their analyzes, welcomed "those who want to return to the candle?" They and they only talk about nuclear power, GMOs, bees, whales. They are accused of being locked in their "specialties" ... He is not here of government environmentalists, but core environmentalists, those who begin to participate in actions against the system: they soon evolve into themes which question: decay, change of climate, short circuits between producers and consumers, fight against green capitalism.

The capitalists milk the consumers and borrowers like cows

What capitalism Century 21 can capture only by the reduction of wages, it is obtained by squeezing the consumer. Every employee, every worker, every vulnerable person is obliged to survive her and her family, consume in these bazaars that are the so-called "super" markets. The proliferation of supermarkets were to ensure competition. In fact, the secret agreements between these companies restrict competition to a minimum, just a bit to look acceptable to the controllers, antitrust laws and governments. Despite texts and discourse of the European Union on the "undistorted competition" from the beginning of this century, it is the prevailing distorted competition.

This gouging takes a new turn in the 1990s with the implementation by the capitalists of an acceleration of the technical obsolescence of speed and products. It is no longer only produce needed goods and services, but to change the mindset of consumers. We must get them to think in terms of fashion, bringing a passion for new technologies (which most easily are men and women), to love what is fast, fast, love which requires a response and immediate satisfaction. Consumers and consumers will be seduced by what is "in" in fashion, whatever is the "must", the latest. the role of advertising and media we imagine then on attitudes, media funded by corporate advertising. Consumers do not know or do not want to know that what is sold as art, especially in terms of technical equipment, is old-fashioned in laboratories of manufacturers, which has already developed the "latest" next. They do not know that there are of "balances" factories in which workers (mostly women) in India, Turkey, Bangladesh, Tunisia, China, underpaid and mistreated, toil to survive.

But how to ensure that persons, who have stagnant incomes and an increasingly weak purchasing power, consume more? It must develop in the consumers want to have today and what we will pay tomorrow. Financial firms thus develop excessive terms and credit companies consumer and others. Many let the capitalists put neck borrowers. (How then could they strike?)

Capitalists also exploit taxpayers

Capitalism of the century 21, not content to exploit the work of all the workers, not content to exploit the planet, not content to exploit consumers and borrowers, also operates taxpayers. These workers, these workers are also increasingly exploited taxpayers, at least those who pay taxes. The capitalists, who are the first to criticize the government and its regulations, are those who benefit most from subsidies or disguised displayed all the territorial organizations of all levels. The tax cuts and reductions in employers' social contributions from the central government in the billions each year. The subsidies obtained by private companies with regional and departmental councils, with or without blackmail to employment, are all punctures in the money paid by taxpayers (few comprehensive statistics on amounts diverted away). In addition to cash grants, the capitalists get a lot of benefits in kind. Examples galore!

Part of the taxes fatten the capitalists, big and small. And elected officials are all accomplices and all of this money transfer public funds to private pockets, with or without corruption, bribes and kickbacks.

But the essential struggle for capitalist concerns the privatization of all public services. With the help of the EU legislation, public services are dismantled one after the other and their 'management' lucrative and it alone, is then entrusted to private businesses: energy, water, post, telephone, clinics private blooming at the expense of the public hospital, which will be left poor health. Schools, culture and leisure follow the same path. Ultimately it is the end of the welfare state and public services.

Faced with this protean capitalism, change activism?

What today distinguishes us currents of the "left" traditional is that they want to adapt humans to the capitalist system. The socialist-liberal-centrists still believe in the humanization of capitalism. They show in the sense of a crass ignorance of capitalism Century 21, which is only absolute and opportunistic search of the biggest profits possible in these five fields of operation, regardless of the damage done to humans and the planet.

Anarchists and libertarian currents want them to change the economic system. However the screaming "anti-capitalism" enough? Neither the objectives nor in the form of organizations, or in another definition of activism, we find included all five fields of struggle. In addition, and with the exception of the first field which is of course a more conventional base for the left, these five fields are not interconnected. Yet it is these links that should work on control of land, if we are ever to be able to change the economic and social system. Otherwise, just shout his "anti-capitalism" will remain useless.

Jaen Boyer (anarcho-syndicalist in Perpignan)

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