Mass Effect Andromeda Releasing on March 21st 2017 – Rumour

An Amazon listing could provide yet another hint.

Posted By | On 09th, Nov. 2016 Under News


Bioware’s Mass Effect Andromeda will be releasing in Spring 2017 but EA hasn’t really been forthcoming with a specific release date. An art book that ties into Andromeda and slated for release on March 21st 2017 noted that it would release “simultaneously with the game” (which has since been removed).

However, Amazon seems to point to the same date. Though placeholder dates for digital codes on Amazon say “December 29th 2017”, Wario64 on Twitter noted that the game’s voucher says “Playable on 21-Mar-2016”. Though the year isn’t right, why include March 21st at all? It’s strange to say the least and not at all unlikely but again, take it with a grain of salt.

EA has noted that the game will release before the end of fiscal year 2017, which means before March 31s 2017. March 21st would fit within that time frame but the publisher hasn’t been shy about delaying the release if more time is required. And in this day and age, it’s not odd to see games delayed for more polish.

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