WA News

Stigma or denial - what is stopping drug users from getting help?

New research from the University of Western Australia identifies stigma and embarrassment as some of the biggest barriers to meth users getting the treatment they need.

But a recovered addict disagrees, saying many users live in a state of denial about needing treatment at all, and usually come when they are desperate.

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UWA's research reviewed 11 previously published studies carried out in five different countries, including four papers from Australia, and analysed the findings to determine the largest hurdles to treatment.

Ten of the studies featured surveys with either meth users or recovered meth addicts, and the other was based on interviews with treatment providers.

UWA researcher and leader of the study Craig Cumming said embarrassment and stigma was cited by most people the main obstacle to seeking help.

He said this included feelings of shame regarding the users' addiction and concerns as to what other people thought of them.


Mr Cumming said these feelings could be diminished if media campaigns focused less on creating shock and more on publicising available treatments.

"Media advertisements that lean too heavily in favour of shock, showing photos of meth users and focusing on the negative health, social, and criminal issues, end up stigmatising users," he said.

New research from UWA suggests stigma and embarrassment stops addicts getting treatment.
New research from UWA suggests stigma and embarrassment stops addicts getting treatment. 

He said media campaigns should include more information on where people could go for help, and advertise treatments like acceptance and commitment therapy that address stigma and get users to address their need to take control of their addiction.

But Peter Lyndon-James, who previously dealt methamphetamine and now runs Perth rehabilitation centre Shalom House, said he "completely disagreed" with the claim embarrassment was the biggest obstacle to seeking treatment.

Shalom House founder Peter Lyndon-James says users only usually come to see treatment when they are desperate.
Shalom House founder Peter Lyndon-James says users only usually come to see treatment when they are desperate. Photo: Emma Young

"Maybe that's the case for white-collared guys who are afraid of bringing shame onto themselves and their families," he said.

"But in my experience, for the vast majority of people, that has not been the case."

Mr Cumming says media advertisements that lean too heavily in favour of shock.
Mr Cumming says media advertisements that lean too heavily in favour of shock. Photo: Supplied

Mr Lyndon-James said thinking they did not need help was likely the biggest factor that would stop addicts from entering into a rehab facility – which was the second biggest problem named by subjects in the studies, as per Mr Cumming's findings.

A former Shalom House resident, who preferred to remain unidentified, said he had struggled with shame and stigma as he battled a two-year addiction to painkillers.

A former Shalom House resident, said he had struggled with shame and stigma as he battled a two-year addiction to ...
A former Shalom House resident, said he had struggled with shame and stigma as he battled a two-year addiction to painkillers. 

"I had responsibilities – I was running my own company, I had people working under me, and I thought I would lose my credibility if it came out."

He said he kept it a secret for a long time out of fear if people knew he did not have the strength to overcome his addiction, they would assume he did not have the strength to handle his work.

"The shame, the regret, is huge," he said.
"The shame, the regret, is huge," he said. Photo: Justin McManus

"The shame, the regret, is huge," he said, worse even than the physical withdrawals, so that whenever he felt embarrassed about his addiction he turned to the medication to restore his confidence.

"The medication just took care of everything in one swoop," he said.

Lead researcher Craig Cumming said embarrassment and stigma was cited by most people the main obstacle to seeking help.
Lead researcher Craig Cumming said embarrassment and stigma was cited by most people the main obstacle to seeking help. 

But he added that he still struggled with this and kept his drug addiction mostly secret even after receiving treatment, which he pursued when he realised how out of hand his life had gotten.

"I'd made some really poor decisions," he said, "And once I stopped and looked at my life and what a mess I'd made of it in a couple of years, I realised I needed some help."

Mr Cumming says media advertisements that lean too heavily in favour of shock.
Mr Cumming says media advertisements that lean too heavily in favour of shock. 

Mr Lyndon-James said what usually drew addicts to Shalom House was desperation.

"Eventually, you come to the end of yourself and you realise you can't do it anymore, that you need outside help," he said.

Residents outside rehabilitation centre Shalom House in Henley Brook.
Residents outside rehabilitation centre Shalom House in Henley Brook. Photo: Shalom House

A plan to slow meth use in Western Australia

Mr Cumming said his research found meth use in Australia to be higher than in the other countries studied, which he attributed to the cheap rates at which the drug can be manufactured in Australia and purchased from overseas.

The state government's WA Meth Strategy will see 60 extra treatment beds open in January 2017
The state government's WA Meth Strategy will see 60 extra treatment beds open in January 2017 Photo: Louise Kennerly

The state government's WA Meth Strategy 2016 includes plans to disrupt the supply of methamphetamine from other countries.

It also includes plans for roadside drug testing, dedicated police meth teams to target dealers, and an involuntary treatment program for those experiencing a drug-induced psychosis.

Earlier this month, the Meth Strategy delivered 60 extra treatment beds in metropolitan Perth and across the South-West, Goldfields, Mid-West, and Pilbara to open in January 2017.

Neither stigma nor denial about needing help are directly addressed in the plan, although mental health minister Andrea Mitchell said the government was trying to cover all bases when it came to treatment.

"The best outcomes are achieved when the type of treatment matches the specific needs of the individual," Minister Mitchell said in a statement.

"For some people, that treatment is residential rehabilitation; for others it is early intervention to avoid the need for residential care or rehabilitation within the community with the help of dedicated support services.

"The Liberal National Government is ensuring that the entire spectrum of treatment and prevention options is supported and available across the state."

The minister's office has been contacted for additional comment.
