Daily Life

Do you have sleep anxiety?

It's almost 11.30pm and, though I've been yawning all day, I'm putting off going to bed.


Anxiety about sleep may be causing you sleepless nights.
Anxiety about sleep may be causing you sleepless nights. Photo: iStock

Because it takes me ages to drift off and, to be honest, I dread having to go through the whole process.

Turns out I have sleep anxiety.

Dr David Cunnington, sleep specialist and co-founder of SleepHub, says the term "sleep anxiety" refers to the stress people feel when faced with the thought of a sleepless night. He says it's something that develops in most people who've had insomnia.

While it can happen after months of sleeplessness, it can also occur after "only a single night of poor sleep".


The problem is, sleep anxiety can quickly escalate into a negative cycle.

"Once [you have] sleep anxiety, it makes it harder to get to sleep and stay asleep, which in turn causes more sleep anxiety," explains Cunnington.

To stop the cycle, you need to truly understand it's OK if you can't sleep, says health psychologist Moira Junge from Melbourne Sleep Disorders Centre.

"Sleep is a lot more robust than people believe," she says. "And [people] are a lot more robust than they believe."

She says the first step to quelling the anxiety is to only go to bed when sleepy. That's because if you're truly sleepy when you hit the sack, your mind will be too tired to rustle up all those anxious thoughts and you'll be more likely to just sleep, she says.

To achieve that level of tiredness, Junge recommends staying up longer than usual, doing something non-stimulating.

Eventually, she says, a "wave of sleepiness" will come.

"But people say, 'I can't do that, I'd be awake till 4am'," she says.

To which she replies, "It's unlikely to take that long, but if it did it's still worth having this approach to sleep".

In other words, while it may take some time in the short-term to learn how to get to sleep naturally, the pay-off will be worth it.

But don't let the thought of waiting for hours to feel sleepy, stress you.

Junge reassures that even if you don't get much shut-eye one night, your sleep will "normalise" itself, helping you catch up at a later date.

(While you might not obtain the same quantity of sleep you've lost, she reassures you'll get the quality you need.)

Once that wave of sleepiness hits you, the trick then is to go to bed with confidence that you will, in fact, sleep, while also remaining unfazed if it doesn't happen quickly.

It's the "remaining unfazed" part that concerns me.

While I'm often exhausted when I go to bed, my anxiety about not being able to sleep soon catapults me into wide awake territory. I worry about what will happen if I can't fall asleep. My mind races and my frustration grows.

Junge says the key here is to simply redirect your thoughts. So instead of letting your worries swamp you, counter them with other thoughts.

Cunnington agrees.

He recommends reminding yourself that even if you don't sleep, you're still capable of doing your job the next day, and that your body will sleep when it needs to.

He says you don't have to do anything special to bring on sleep; it will come on its own.

I decide to try the experts' advice the following night.

It's almost 1am before that wave of sleepiness hits me.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I start thinking about tomorrow's to-do list, and little bursts of worry try to nudge their way in.

But instead of letting such thoughts consume me, I channel the experts and calmly reassure myself it's OK if I don't sleep.

It still takes ages for me to fall asleep, but for once I'm not a tightly wound stress ball.

At some point, I drift off.

I must admit I'm tired today, but I'm also OK.

I doubt I've cured my sleep anxiety just like that, but for the first time in a long time, I'm not dreading going to bed tonight. And that thought in itself is very calming.

If you need further help, see a qualified health professional, such as your GP or psychologist.

