
Amy Adams ditches the ingenue act in Nocturnal Animals

She's built a career on playing the wide-eyed innocent, but with Arrival and Nocturnal Animals, Amy Adams is finally embracing her inner adult.

Amy Adams likes to sing when she wakes up. So what was it this morning? "This morning I sang some ABBA," she says at once. "I did! I sang Winner Takes it All. It's got a good range."

She launches into the chorus that has prepared her for a day of interviews about Nocturnal Animals, the film she has made with the fashion magnate Tom Ford. Not only is ABBA still big in Australia, I tell her, but Australia broke ABBA; we loved them first. "Well done Australia!" she exclaims. "Yes! Because that is getting me through my day."

Amy Adams as gallery curator Susan Morrow.
Amy Adams as gallery curator Susan Morrow.  Photo: Supplied

That's Amy Adams: polite, perky and ready to have a singalong with a stranger. Adams was raised a Mormon and, although she left the church along with her parents when they divorced – she was 11 – she still carries a lot of the spirit with her. To be polite and cheerful, she has said in the past, are the virtues instilled in Mormon women. "Choosing joy. My aunt, who is still very much into the Mormon religion, would sing to me 'A hug a day keeps the blues away'." Adams sings the line. A bit cheesy, no? "Oh, just a bit! I know, but I live for it. I live for it! We need a little bit of that. Cheesy or not, it works for me."

At 42, Amy Adams is on a rapid and remarkable roll. The release of Nocturnal Animals coincides with that of Arrival, a moody science-fiction piece by Quebecois director Denis Villeneuve, who made Sicario. Adams plays the lead in both. At least one Oscar nomination is surely in the bag, which would bring her total to six in the past decade. The first was for Junebug, which came out in 2005 and was the first in a brace of films in which she played sweet-natured, naive dreamers, culminating in her delightful princess Giselle in Enchanted.

Writer/Director Tom Ford (left) with Jake Gyllenhaal (centre) and Michael Shannon.
Writer/Director Tom Ford (left) with Jake Gyllenhaal (centre) and Michael Shannon.  Photo: Merrick Morton

As she headed into her 30s, however, she has played roles as diverse as a nun in Doubt and the barely clothed swindler in American Hustle – both also nominated. It's hard to believe that before Junebug, she was on the point of giving it all up. The phone had been silent for 10 months at that point, which convinced her it would never ring again. And then, in the way of showbiz, she was suddenly the new thing. Only a few years ago, she said how confused she was by being recognised in the street. "I still think I'm like the poor girl from Colorado who worked three jobs to buy a car. That's still my mentality."

Nocturnal Animals shows Adams at her most glamorous, her wide blue eyes given something of the night with dusky shadows, her hair impeccably curled, and her spectacular decollete displayed to best advantage. She plays Susan, a gallery curator married to a rich man (Armie Hammer) and moving in the sorts of moneyed circles where art is a tax-smart investment. This is her second marriage; her first was to Edward (Jake Gyllenhaal), who was trying to write a novel and supported her hopes of being a working artist. Of course, they had no money. Panic overtook her and, when Hutton presented himself as a prospect, she left.


When we meet her, Susan apparently has it all but is seething with unhappiness. The arrival in the mail of her former husband's long-gestating book, now completed and published, finds her at her most fragile. The book – called Nocturnal Animals – is pure Southern Gothic, a story of a city family raped and killed by murderous hillbillies. It is also riddled with hints and motifs of their time together: this novel about death, fear and grief is clearly addressed to her.

Many of Adams's scenes show her simply reading; it is a tribute to her craft that this is something one only realises afterwards. "It really is a fascinating experiment as an actor," she says. "Tom would leave the film running for a long, long time, maybe nine or 10 minutes. It can begin to make you self-conscious, but that can serve you. I remember when I started studying film acting, because I had been doing musicals and stuff until then, people said turn off the sound on the television and see if you can tell what's going on. And it kind of strikes me with this: if you turn off the sound, can you tell what she's thinking?"

Amy Adams spends a lot of time reading in Tom Ford's film based on the novel Tony and Susan.
Amy Adams spends a lot of time reading in Tom Ford's film based on the novel Tony and Susan.  Photo: Merrick Morton

Throughout her 20s, Adams worked in dinner theatre; she remembers once having to clear a baked potato off the stage mid-scene. Before that she worked at Hooters, the beer-and-breasts chain aimed at frat boys, which certainly isn't a job fit for a princess. Or a Mormon, come to that, although her family were not conventional in that respect; her mother produced seven children, but she was also a competitive body-builder. Her father was in the army, so they moved a good deal. Adams says she can still sleep anywhere.

When she did start to get film roles, she often played characters much younger than she really was, but that drew on her Mormon choirgirl persona. That still happens: in Nocturnal Animals, some of her most crucial scenes are flashbacks to Susan in her early 20s. "It's really remarkable to go back and try to imagine what it was to be that age," she says. "There is an exuberance about you, not naivete but this optimism and idealism that sort of sheds as we get older. Now I'm older, I actually think I know less. I'm aware I know less."

Writer/director Tom Ford on the set of <i>Nocturnal Animals</i>.
Writer/director Tom Ford on the set of Nocturnal AnimalsPhoto: Merrick Morton/Focus Features

Even so, she is hugely relieved finally to be past playing the ingenue. "As I was getting deeper into my 30s, I really wanted to play people who were more confident and who have experienced more and I've been able to – it's kind of grown as I've grown. So I feel I have been fortunate in that way." Her two current movies show the way things are going. "I didn't have to play down to myself to play these roles. I could be the best me and really dive into parts of myself I haven't explored on camera yet. It's fun to look like me and to communicate that idea to an audience. How women of 42 are still doing stuff. And doing a lot of stuff, by the way!"

Adams is certainly doing a lot of stuff, and sounds confident about it, but all is not as it seems. "I was born fearful! I am not a brave human being. Not that I am NOT brave, but I have a lot of natural anxieties. But I have always had it in perspective. What I am afraid of is letting myself down, letting a director down, humiliation, embarrassment. Those things can be recovered from."

If she is doing her job properly, she is exposing something of herself, making herself vulnerable in the process. "That feels horrible sometimes. I didn't get into acting to be criticised. I got into acting because I enjoy telling stories, but failure and criticism is something you learn to accept at a young age. The only way to escape criticism is to stay in your house."

Adams is not much like the soignee, tightly wound Susan, but she does know a bit about galleries. She is married to artist Darren La Gallo with whom she has a six-year-old daughter, Aviana. They don't go to high-end galleries like Susan's, but they do take a lot of the Los Angeles art trails around public galleries and studios. Aviana favours religious subjects. "Which was a real surprise to me. I'll be saying 'hey, this is Picasso! This is Van Gogh!' And she's like: 'when do we get to the Jesus art?' "

She starts to mist over; the more she talks about her daughter, the more emotional she becomes. "Usually I make a career out of controlling my emotions, so losing control of them is not my favourite thing to do," she sniffs. "Today has been a little weird."

Perhaps she shouldn't have started with ABBA after all. When you listen to the words, Winner Takes it All is a seriously sad song.
