Husband explains why marriage doesn't mean you will be with "only one woman" for life in heartwarming post

 Photo: Facebook@Dale Partridge

The perception of a monogamy-avoidant man is pervasive. We all know that guy who doesn't want to be tied down, wants to play the field, seeking multiple partners as a sign of their strength and virility and sense of adventure. It's a life choice that could be genuine or borne out of past hurt.

There's one man who has something to say to them, however, and he's penned a heartwarming post outlining the immense benefits of loving one person for life.

Dale Partridge is an author, motivational speaker and dad of one who has made the world all gooey inside with his heartfelt thoughts on falling in love with all the different people his wife has become over the years. His post has been shared 650,000 times and attracted more than 41,000 comments since it was published on November 4.

Dale first addresses his intended audience. "Men are so worried that marriage will leave them with "only one woman" for the rest of their lives. That's simply not true."

In 8 years of marriage to his wife Veronica, Dale then outlines all the different versions of her he has fallen in love with in this time. "I fell in love with a 19-year-old rock climber, married a 20-year-old animal lover, started a family with a 24-year-old mother, then built a farm with a 25-year-old homemaker, and today I'm married to a 27 year-old woman of wisdom."

And in closing he says, "If your mind is healthy, you'll never get tired of "one woman". You'll actually become overwhelmed with how many beautiful versions of her you get to marry over the years. Don't say no to marriage, say yes and keep saying yes until the day you die."

We can feel all the hearts swooning from here.

And far from telling happily single people they need to rethink their choices, we think he's just giving his perspective to those who really do crave a great marriage or partnership but are simply afraid to try. Nice one, Dale.
