
Gable Tostee explains why he didn't call ambulance after Warriena Wright's death

Gable Tostee has offered an explanation for why he didn't call for help after Kiwi tourist Warriena Wright plunged to her death from his Gold Coast apartment balcony.

The Surfers Paradise 30-year-old, was acquitted of the Lower Hutt 26-year-old's murder or manslaughter in a high-profile trial in Brisbane last month.

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Tostee: 'nothing an ambulance could do'

Gable Tostee says there was "no right or wrong way" to deal with Warriena Wright falling from his balcony. Nine News

He made the comments in an upcoming paid tell-all interview widely tipped to have earned Mr Tostee a fee of up to $150,000.

A snippet of Mr Tostee's interview features in a second promotional trailer for the controversial exclusive tell-all with Nine Networks' 60 Minutes due to air in Australia this Sunday evening.

"Nobody's trained for a situation like this. It's like being hit by lightning – there is no right or wrong way to proceed from there."

"Well if I can humbly suggest there might be one right way – how about calling an ambulance?" presenter Liam Bartlett asked Mr Tostee in the interview excerpt released in a promotional video played on Nine's Today show on Friday morning.


"Well, as I said  – what had happened, had happened," Tostee responded. "And there's nothing an ambulance could do to change that."

MS Wright met Mr Tostee via dating app Tinder while she was holidaying in Australia in August 2014. They returned to his apartment for drinks and their date soured as the pair argued and Ms Wright threw ornamented rocks at Mr Tostee.

Gable Tostee as he will appear in his first interview since he was acquitted of charges of murder and manslaughter.
Gable Tostee as he will appear in his first interview since he was acquitted of charges of murder and manslaughter. Photo: NINE NETWORK

Their argument ended in tragedy when Mr Tostee locked Ms Wright outside as she screamed "no, no, no" 33 times, and she fell as she tried to climb over the edge of the balcony, falling 14 floors.

Mr Tostee was put on trial for her murder, although there was never any accusation he pushed Ms Wright off the balcony.

The Crown case posed the allegation that she was intimidated, and died trying to escape him. But the jury found him not guilty of murder or manslaughter.

Mr Tostee did not speak at his trial, but his voice and Ms Wright's were heard around the world in a secret recording made on his phone of their date played to her trial, that also captured her final screams. 

The widespread criticism of Mr Tostee's conduct following Ms Wright's death centred on his failure to call an ambulance after she died, instead calling his dad and a lawyer, and buying pizza.

The network's new site Nine.com.au reported on Friday, that Mr Tostee saw the paid interview as a "chance to clear his name" and that he would make a formal request to talk to Ms Wright's family, who have maintained their silence throughout the case.

Nine reported Mr Tostee remained "traumatised" by what happened, and that, as his defence successfully argued during his trial, he could not have foreseen what Ms Wright would do when he locked her outside on his balcony.

Bartlett also told how Mr Tostee defended his actions of that night during their interview, saying he was very drunk and panicking.

"His emotional intelligence is questionable. There's no question though that they were both on the edge that night."
