Thursday, November 10, 2016

More than one way to MAGA

The purpose of democracy is to avoid violence in the transition of power. But if the Left doesn't wish to play by those rules anymore, the Alt-Right is more than ready to meet them on the field of politics by other means.

Understand that healing and unity are not in the cards. This is not an ideological struggle between one people. The mask has been removed and the veil has been withdrawn. What cleaves the USA is an identity conflict between rival nations competing for power over each other. Read Huntington. Read Fukuyama. Read Gibbon. Peaceful unity is no longer a possibility and the best that can be hoped for now is a wary, short-term cessation of hostilities that will inevitably flare up again.

Don't back down. Always hit back harder. Meet rhetoric with rhetoric. Show them no mercy, because they don't even know what it is. Be ruthless, relentless, and remorseless. Start nothing, finish everything.

Whether you know it yet or not, whether you accept it yet or not, you are part of the Alt-Right Revolution.

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Constructing the narrative

This is why the Alt-Right needs to get right back to work. The globalist media is already attempting to manipulate public opinion by whipping up protests against the God-Emperor Ascendant.

Mike Cernovich was not only correct about Donald Trump winning the election. He was also correct about how the media would respond to Trump's victory, using the method Cernovich describes in his bestselling MAGA MINDSET:

A “news cycle” is defined as the media reporting on some event, followed by the media reporting on the reactions of the public to the earlier reports. Re-read that definition. It’s important to understand the process. A news cycle traditionally began with the media reporting on some event. Then the public would react to those reports. Then the media would report on the public’s reaction. Rinse and repeat....

If you followed the media closely in 2015, you would have believed that there was a refugee crisis involving Syria, and that Syrian refugees are mostly women and children. This narrative was forced down the eyeballs of America readers and viewers. This narrative was also a hoax.

Suspecting that the media was lying, I went to the Keleti train station in Budapest, Hungary, which at the time was a hotspot of the refugee crisis. Through Facebook and Twitter, I reported the truth. Over 70 percent of the “Syrian refugees” were not from Syria, and very few of them were women and children. I saw it with my own eyes, and recorded it with my video camera. They were almost all men of prime fighting age. They were not refugees, but economic migrants. And worse, more than a few of the actual Syrians were ISIS soldiers who have invaded the West under the cover of the refugee crisis as terrorist Trojan horses.

A few months later, in November 2015, one of those poor Syrian war refugees helped murder 120 people in Paris in the Bataclan night club massacre.

This same process of creating a news cycle is presently being utilized in New York and other cities where "anti-Trump protests" are taking place. The purpose is to create the idea that Trump is "unpopular" and he is an "illegitimate, failed President" even before he takes office, and thereby eliminate the traditional honeymoon period enjoyed by a newly inaugurated President and obstruct his initial efforts.

So, back to the meme factories, memelords.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2016

310 to 228

Michigan goes to Trump
With seven critical Genessee County precincts now reporting results, Donald Trump appears to have won Michigan by 13,225 votes -- a margin of less than three-tenths of a percent --  out of more some 4.8 million cast, according to unofficial results posted late this morning by the state. Trump held a 12,488-vote lead over Hillary Clinton through the morning. But with all 83 Michigan counties reporting, Trump won 2,277,636 and Clinton 2,264,361. Trump's margin of victory was exceedingly close: He won 47.6% compared to 47.33% for Clinton, according to state totals updated at 11:30 a.m. today.
I am informed that this is the worst Democratic performance in the Electoral College since Michael Dukakis.


The reality of identity

This is only the beginning. Identity>Culture>Politics. There is no more "Republican" vs "Democrat". It is now whites vs non-whites and white quislings. All long-term strategies now need to revolve around demographics, not ideological policies.

Note that the majority of white women voted for Trump. Less than one-third of non-white women did. This indicates that feminism and female suffrage, for all that they are a serious problem, are actually less dyscivic than diversity.

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Trumpslide: the Triggering

The first email I read this morning was from my brother. It made me laugh out loud.

Size Medium!

Somehow, I knew what he meant. After a sudden onslaught last night, CryptoFashion was briefly out of L and XL sizes, but it is taking orders for Trumpslide shirts again.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that if you want to know why what happened yesterday was not only predictable, but how Mike Cernovich was able to correctly predict it, MAGA Mindset is now available in both paperback and hardcover editions.

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"CUCK!" he cucked, cuckingly

The media cucks continue their cucking, even in the face of the Trumpening and the utter destruction of their credibility.

"I retract none of the warnings that I issued about the likelihood of catastrophe and crisis on his watch. I fear the risks of a Trump presidency as I have feared nothing in our politics before. But he will be the president, thanks to a crude genius that identified all the weak spots in our parties and our political system and that spoke to a host of voters for whom that system promised at best a sustainable stagnation under the tutelage of a distant and self-satisfied elite. So we must hope that he has the wit to be more than a wrecker, more than a demagogue, and that his crude genius can actually be turned, somehow, to the common good. And if that hope is dashed, we must find ways to resist him — all of us, right and left, in the new chapter of American history that has opened very unexpectedly tonight."
- Ross Douthat

"Hugh, this is where I really, really hope you were right about the potential of a Trump admin, and I was really, really wrong."
- David French

"I will never apologize for opposing Trump with all I had."
- Rick Wilson

"It's so weird.  The guy I didn't want to win beat the woman I didn't want to win and I'm okay with it."
- Erick Erickson

"It looks like Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. I can’t say I’m rejoicing about his victory — though Hillary Clinton’s defeat is certainly welcome. This is nothing short of an amazing achievement. I’m not sure one can exaggerate what a remarkable accomplishment this is, whether you’re a fan, foe, critic, or skeptic. My views on Trump are well known and I stand by them all. Except, of course, for my skepticism about his chances of winning. I was clearly wrong about that."
- Jonah Goldberg

 I did not vote for him (or Hillary Clinton), and I do not think he will be a good president.... I don’t think Trump has it in him, but again, I hope I am wrong. The good of our nation and indeed of the world depends on it. Trump has achieved something that is of world-historical importance, and that cannot be taken away from him. He knew how weak the system was, if few others did. He pushed, and it came down.

I was wrong about his prospects for victory, but I still take pleasure in the wailing and gnashing of teeth among the elites of both parties, and especially of the media. That pleasure, though, is sharply curtailed by a fear of what this means for the future of the nation and the world. I do not believe for one second that the left will reconcile itself to a Trump victory. I believe there will be violence. I hope I am as wrong about that as I was about the possibility that Trump would be elected. But I remember the thugs who beat Trump supporters outside California rallies, and I believe those people will come out of the woodwork now. And I fear that Trump will handle the crisis they force very badly.
Rod Dreher

The real snakes, however, are responding in a manner more akin to Ben Shapiro. They are suddenly pretending that they are glad to see Trump ascend, and within six months, will be claiming to have been staunch supporters of the God-Emperor all along.

The biggest losers, according to Polizette:
The National Review Editorial Board

In its staunch opposition to Trump, the National Review proved itself to be as out of touch and elitist as the liberals it frequently took to task. The magazine had forgotten its roots. No longer willing to stand athwart history yelling stop, it resigned itself to standing meekly by muttering not so fast.

Indeed, the magazine had become too wedded to neoconservative foreign policy and neoliberal economic policy, forgetting that the prime role of a conservative is — as the name suggests — to conserve, not to allow the middle class to be eroded and wage war across much of the Middle East.

Bill Kristol and the Weekly Standard

The neoconservatives may still have their claws firmly around the National Review, but Trump’s win proves once and for all their grip on the GOP has ended. Kristol and his neoconservative cabal at the Weekly Standard were more unwilling than even the National Review to treat Trump as a serious candidate.

Indeed, so distraught were they at the thought of a Trump presidency that they even fielded their own candidate — Evan McMullin — to run against Trump after failing to draft National Review writer David French for the ego-driven, electoral suicide mission.
But, as ever, it is the clueless anklebiters here who provide the most amusement.

You guys will be crying yourself soon enough, when you realize how easily you were played and what damage is going to be done to conservative movement...

We. Are. Not. Conservatives.

We are Alt-Right.

We. Don't. Care.

The Alt-Right Revolution has only begun.

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The hoax media

This is why you simply cannot believe anything they say. The final polls and estimates prior to the election.
  • The New York Times: 80 percent chance of Clinton victory
  • Huffington Post: 98.1 percent chance of Clinton victory
  • Nate Silver/538: 72 percent chance of Clinton victory (323 electoral votes)
  • 89.7 percent chance of Clinton victory
  • NBC/SM: Clinton +6
  • IPSOS: Clinton +4
  • Fox News: Clinton +4
  • NBC/WSJ: Clinton +4
  • ABC/WashPost: Clinton +4
  • Herald: Clinton +4
  • Bloomberg: Clinton +3
But this is what demonstrates how SHAMELESSLY dishonest they are:

Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States.

In an extremely narrow sense, I’m not that surprised by the outcome, since polling — to a greater extent than the conventional wisdom acknowledged — had shown a fairly competitive race with critical weaknesses for Clinton in the Electoral College. It’s possible, perhaps even likely, that Clinton will eventually win the popular vote as more votes come in from California.
- Nate Silver

Oh, shut up, Nate. You were wrong. You were wrong from the start. You were wrong about the primaries. You were wrong about the election. No one should put any faith in your erroneous models ever again.

Keep in mind that Silver not only called a 72 percent chance of a Clinton victory, but actually INCREASED it from 65 percent on the day of the election. This isn't "statistical science"; it's not even "statistical analysis". It is nothing more than postmortem media CYA.

dh, our resident statistical expert, will likely see it the same way. Last night, he wrote:
I would conclude so far:

1. There is a such thing as a reluctant Trump supporter, who was missed by the vast of polls, and was undercounted by as much as 4-5% in some states (and maybe nationally, we'll see on that).

2. There is no such thing as NeverTrump, the party advantage numbers are exactly where they always have been (prelim but looks solid) - 90/10 party advantage to each candidate.

3. Trump out-campaigned Clinton vastly, and it has really shown. The crowd intensity and star power and magnetism he brought out has apparently paid off in ways that I did not correctly anticipate.

I am sure the numbers will continue to firm up, but at 11EST that's how it looks. If the polling comes out as bad as it looks right now, the entire industry may be upended from the roots and shaken out.
The entire polling industry needs to be upended. In the light of the next day, it is readily apparent that the polling actually came out worse than it looked last night. The debate between dh and I was never personal, it was a conceptual battle of predictive analytical models.

And it is now very clear that the old media models are now outmoded. This should not be a surprise, considering that the shift from ideology politics to identity politics is only beginning. The transformation from liberal vs conservative to non-white vs white is now underway, but it is far from complete.

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I'm not going to say "I told you so."

But I am going to say "Mike Cernovich told you so."

Now it's time to celebrate the Trumpslide and MAGA3X!

As many of you correctly surmised, I turned in after I was confident Donald Trump had won. The only question was the size of the Trumpslide, which we still don't know exactly, but appears to be in excess of 306 electoral votes. The pollsters had been putting their thumb on the scale, as the size of Trump's win in FL and OH, the 3-point loss in VA, and the competitiveness in PA and MI tended to show. Given how close the final polls were after the race "tightened", that was sufficient to convince me that Trump had it in the bag.

This is a historic win. But all it means is that America has the opportunity to defend itself against the global establishment attempting to bury it beneath a mass of foreign invaders. The wall still needs to be built. The swamp still needs to be drained. The invaders still need to be sent home.

Donald Trump has a lot to do, and he is going to have every distraction in the world and every opponent on the planet attempting to prevent him from doing his job. It is the Alt-Right's job to move the Overton Window and give him conceptual room to work.

This is your victory, all of you who voted for Trump, who memed for Trump, who donated to Trump, and were a part of this. No one expected it except Scott Adams (mostly), Mike Cernovich (from the start), and me (a little later than Mike). But the people have spoken (loudly), Donald Trump is the next President of the United States of America, and now we have the chance to Make America Great Again.

Don't let up. Don't show them any mercy. Not now, and not ever, because none will be shown to you.

And I don't know about you, but I'm going to get myself one of these Trumpslide t-shirts. It doesn't only refer to the election, it refers to what we hope will happen over the next eight years. And the triggering will be delicious. The salt must flow.

It's possible that Donald Trump will let us down. It's likely that the establishment will crash the economy; the Dow is already down heavily in response to his victory. The historical situation remains dire and the demographics remain disastrous. But the main thing is that there is now reason to hope and America is not going to be ruled by a sick and corrupt satanist doing the bidding of her globalist masters.

Well done, everyone. Thanks for spending election night here; there was a record 28,789 pageviews per hour at one point. And, above all, congratulations to the Trump family and to the God-Emperor Ascendant. May he rule harshly, wisely, and well, in the interest of the American nation.


Tuesday, November 08, 2016

States called


West Virginia
South Carolina
North Dakota
South Dakota


New Jersey
Washington DC
Rhode Island
New York
New Mexico

Trump is crushing Hillary there. 60% reported.



Broward is at 99 percent reported with 826,096. Trump leads by 132k. It's over. Trump has won Florida.


Exit polls

From Drudge:


It's too soon to even try to reach any conclusions yet. But if MI and CO are close, that's a good sign.

Two Florida poll workers arrested:
Two Florida Poll Workers Fired, Escorted From Location By Deputies
Broward election officials said two clerks were fired because they did not adhere to “procedure and policy,” but would not elaborate about the circumstances surrounding the disturbance.
So, were they fired for voter fraud, or because they would not commit voter fraud?

And there are machine anomalies confirmed in Pennsylvania:
Election judges in Clinton Township, Butler County confirmed there were issues with two of their eight automated voting machines. Most of the issues came when people tried to vote straight party ticket.

However, others said they specifically wanted to vote for Republican Donald Trump only to see their vote switched before their eyes to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time,” Bobbie Lee Hawranko said.



Good timing on the part of Amazon. The hardcover edition of MAGA Mindset by Mike Cernovich is now available at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.

In order to get things started, I'm offering the first 25 people to buy it and send me the receipt from either Amazon or B&N a free download code for a copy of the audiobook of SJWs Always Lie. Send the email with HARD MAGA in the subject, please.

And in not entirely unrelated news, THE MISSIONARIES by Owen Stanley is now available in paperback.


A trinity of badthink

Media Matters is freaking out that Donald Trump Jr. is cognizant of the Alt-Right, or at least its moderate branch. But perhaps it is actually more concerned about the fact that some of the uglier allegations can be connected to their founder, David Brock.
Donald Trump Jr. promoted an “alt-right” video on his Twitter account that suggests Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign is engaged in satanism and her aides are trying to “kidnap your children, make them disappear, sell them into all kinds of things.” The video features “alt-right” bloggers Vox Day, who claims blacks are inferior to whites, and Mike Cernovich, a rape apologist.

The "spirit cooking scandal" refers to a hacked email posted to WikiLeaks in which lobbyist Tony Podesta asked his brother, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, if he wanted to attend a “spirit cooking dinner” hosted by performance artist Marina Abramović. Trump supporters have used the invitation to claim that Podesta and the Clinton campaign are Satan worshippers. The Washington Post debunked the absurd claim, writing that an email “inviting Clinton’s campaign chair to dinner — a dinner he didn’t even attend — is not proof of any of the things that the Trump Internet is claiming about it right now.”

During the video, Molyneux says the news is “extraordinary,” referring to the “Podesta emails, which is all this spirit cooking stuff, and invitations to what seems like occult magic/satanic rituals/I don’t know what the hell is going on.” Cernovich claimed that the allegations are “worse” than what people are saying and that “John Podesta and his brother are doing this together with who knows how many people are there.”

The video also suggests Podesta and his allies might be luring children with their alleged “spirit cooking” parties -- a variation of the “pants on fire” false claim that the Clintons are running an underground sex ring targeting children.

Vox Day asked: “Given all of the other weirdness that is surrounding Podesta, and is surrounding these people -- because these are the same people that were talking about this whole spirit cooking thing. And so that’s what’s very troubling. I mean, would you ever want your young children going to a party with John Podesta and his spirit cooking?”

Mike Cernovich later said: “If you’re going to have children, you don’t want to live in a world where these people could potentially kidnap your children, make them disappear, sell them into all kinds of things, or who knows what. And that’s what people are realizing now is the gatekeepers are gone. The media people, they’re not writing about this because they’re right there at these parties -- with them.”

Day also praised Trump Jr., saying that “he looks like he wants to personally waterboard or guillotine every single member of Hillary Clinton’s circle” during the debates.

Vox Day is an “alt-right” writer with a history of pushing racist and misogynistic rhetoric. He has tweeted that “I support white nationalism.” He also tweeted that “I am an Alt Right nationalist, I'm American Indian.” Day has a long history of racism. He has tweeted that African-Americans have lower IQs than others, are more prone to violence, and are worse than an atomic bomb for a city.
First, I find it amusing that Media Matters think this is going to somehow discredit or disqualify any of us. I stand by every single word and every single tweet quoted. Second, no one has claimed that the Clintons are running an underground sex ring targeting children. We merely suspect that the Clintons are connected to those who run it, and we are inclined to believe that the allegations that one or more Clintons have sexually abused minors are true.

Third, note that Media Matters was founded by David Brock, who is reportedly connected to James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong.

We can only hope that after the ascension of the God-Emperor to the Cherry Blossom Throne, he will appoint his son Chief Inquisitor and order him to cleanse the filth with purifying fire.

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RCP: 272 to 266

The latest - perhaps even final - RCP No Toss Up States map has Hillary Clinton hanging on by her blood-stained fingernails, 272-266. Long vanished are all the claims of an easy Clinton win, which, as I have repeatedly stated, were complete fiction from the start. Trump only needs to take ONE toss up state they've given her from the following list of six to win:
  • NH
  • PA
  • MI
  • CO
  • NM
  • VA
Of these, I think New Hampshire and Pennsylvania are the most likely. I think he'll take both, and Michigan and Colorado as well. Meanwhile, several Minnesotans have told me, in all seriousness, that they expect Trump to take Minnesota. I find that almost impossible to believe, considering that Minnesota has historically been the most reliably Democratic state in the country, but people are extremely unhappy about losing Dinkytown to the Somalis and the Mall of America to the blacks, and about the St. Cloud mall stabbings. In any case, I'm just relaying what I've been told.

Of potential relevance:

Four Presidential polls of likely voters were released today for Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, showing Donald Trump with a lead in each state. The Trafalgar Group (TFG), a national political consulting and public relations firm, conducted the polls from November 3rd through November 6th. "We expect Trump to have an overwhelming victory in Georgia, an outside the margin of error win in Florida, as well as close wins in Pennsylvania and Michigan."


SJWs Always lie in audiobook

It took a few false starts, but the third time proved to be the charm and we finally managed to get it done. I'm happy to be able to announce that SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police is now available in audiobook format.

The audiobook is narrated by Bob Allen, who did his customary bang-up job, and is 6 hours and 49 minutes long. You can listen to a sample there. If you've only read the Kindle version, you might be interested in picking up the paperback version, which is available too.

SJWAL has been Castalia's bestseller for most of the last year, but that appears likely to change, as MAGA Mindset, by Mike Cernovich, is doing very well. Mike recently reported that the paperback contained an error, but just to be clear, that was only in the CreateSpace version that was out briefly before we managed to get our version into distribution. The kindle version, the paperbacks from us, and the new hardcover which is still in the process of being listed by Amazon, all contain the fixed version of the text.

Regardless, Mike is tearing it up again. He'd probably have #1, #2, and #3 in the category if the audiobook was available from Audible yet. Note that the Kindle price shown below is misleading; it is actually $7.99.

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Another strange potential McCann-Podesta connection. Who is the little girl in the picture and why does she so closely resemble the computer simulation of what Madeleine McCann would look like as a preteen? And is the FBI investigating this or is it also part of Comey's apparent whitewash?


Monday, November 07, 2016

The Comet connection

A considerable amount of evidence concerning the Pedophile Pizza Cult has been gleaned from social media and archived at The Donald and elsewhere despite the sudden efforts of the cult members to scrub their online accounts.
The individual I have mentioned is one James Achilles Alefantis. Mr. Alefantis is the owner of the Washington DC pizza parlor Comet Ping Pong. There are disturbing indications that Mr. Alefantis is running some form of pedophile ring that involves quite a few public figures in Washington D.C. It would appear that he is the "Achilles heel" for all these people of stature.

Since the investigation began, Mr. Alefantis has deleted many of his posts and set his social media to private. We have archived the entirety of his online presence however. Links posted here are both archives and screenshots I took while helping to investigate.

First I will discuss Alefantis’ links to powerful people, then outline the preponderance of evidence that he is a pedophile and uses Comet Ping Pong as a front for his sex trafficking ring.
Mr. Alefantis, you will recall, was named the 49th most powerful individual in Washington... because he owns a pizza place. These are the people with whom one of the candidates for President has chosen to surround herself. Let us hope the American people reject her, soundly.

Reject the demons and those who serve them. This is pure and unvarnished evil. The only solace is that they still feel the need to conceal themselves.

How long will the enemy mock you, O God?
Will the foe revile your name forever?
Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand?
Take it from the folds of your garment and destroy them!
- Psalm 74: 10-11

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Heat Street: Vox vs Louise on the election

And to think some of you wonder why I like doing these little debates with Louise. The headline alone is well worth it. Vox Day: God-Emperor President Donald Trump Is On the Way – AltRight Election Debate
Louise: Right. This is going to be quicker, slightly quicker than normal, but it’s Louise Mensch, Vox Day recording this debate, which Vox suggested that we do after the election, but I think that after the election is the coward’s way out and beneath us both. Because, after the election you can redo your prediction to say in light of everything how right you were. Why didn’t astrologists ever predict anything before it actually happens? First of all, let’s put our reputations on the line by giving our predictions for the overall winner, and by approximately how much. You go first, Vox.

Vox: I am actively and eagerly looking forward to the ascension of the God Emperor, Trump. I think that he is not only going to win, I think he is going to win by a larger percentage than people expect. I think that he’s probably going to win by a margin by a of at least three percentage points nationally, possibly more. In terms of the electoral college, I have absolutely no idea.

Louise: Oh,  that sounds like a chicken-out to me. I got to say, I got to say. Winning the election is when you become the president afterwards.

Vox: No, he will win the electoral college vote, I just don’t know how much. I don’t know what states he’s going to win, because given the unreliability of the polls, given the fact that one poll in North Carolina had Hillary Clinton up by thirteen points, and another one had Trump up by four, it’s impossible to make any sort of reasonable calculation of this, the best efforts of Nate Silver and other poll watchers, notwithstanding.
Admit it, the headline made you laugh. It made me laugh, anyhow. I should clarify one point, however. I don't believe there would be a civil war as a reaction to Hillary Clinton's election, or during whatever fragment of a term she would be healthy enough to serve. I believe that her election would, as a result of open immigration and eventual amnesty, lay the foundation for the political dissolution of the USA, and eventually, a Yugoslav-style civil war for territory among rival ethnic groups in the 2030s.

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Don't follow, don't link

Now Twitter is locking the accounts of people who follow me:
Detritus Effluvium ‏@Default_UserID
Twitter locking accounts for following the wrong people: @Cernovich @PrisonPlanet @StefanMolyneux @mitchellvii @voxday @realDonaldTrump
I can't say I'm bothered or concerned. For one thing, Gab is my primary social media account now. For another, here's what happened when Twitter started blocking links to my blog earlier this fall. This is VP traffic only and doesn't count AG.

And you thought it couldn't get weirder

Or more appallingly creepy. Now alerted to the link between the Clinton inner circle and child abuse, channers have identified an apparent link between the Podesta brothers, Jeffrey Epstein's procuress, and the most famous case of a missing child in recent English history.

I shouldn't think it would be too hard to confirm if the Podestas were in Portugal on May 3rd, 2007 or not. The likenesses between the "persons of interest" sketch and the four individuals mentioned is quite remarkable. The one I think is least likely is Weiner; the individual was described as having pock-marked skin, and that doesn't seem to fit the former Congressman.

UPDATE: Not exactly related, but TMZ has just reported that Hillary Clinton has canceled plans for a fireworks display in NYC tomorrow night.

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Thinking long term

The Men of the West have a structural plan that will thwart the Left's strategy of using demographics to dominate US politics in the future:
We are told that demographic realities facing America mean the Right will soon find it impossible to compete with the left on the national stage.  We are told it is decided.   We are told it is inevitable.

Today I want to explain how, with just a few easy changes, we can ensure that the Left loses every presidential election for the next 50 years.

How could that be possible?  Its easier than you think.  For the answer… look to Maine.

What if Florida appointed its electoral votes by district the way Maine does rather than winner take all?   What if Illinois and California did?   The panhandle of Florida is as red as Alabama.  Rather than having its voice silenced in a winner take all election, their voices would be heard.  The same goes for the many red counties and districts of California.   Why should their voices be silenced by the shouting from the cities?

Let every voice truly count.

Why should the red districts of central Pennsylvania be relegated to none existence just because the state has two large blue cities?

Push measures through that apply electoral votes by congressional district rather than for the entire state.. and you will change politics in America for ever.  And states like Florida that are so equally split will be very easy to sell on this plan.  Because every election half of their population is being silenced.
This is, in a word, brilliant. The genius of the concept is that it can be pursued in a decentralized manner at the state level, it has the moral level of 4GW on its side as it more perfectly represents the democratic will of the people, and there is no effective rational or moral argument against it.

This is an idea that the God-Emperor and the Republican Party should strongly pursue after the election, when the Left is on its heels and reeling.


No shills, trolls, or cucks

From today until after the election, the moderators and I will be ruthlessly spamming all shills, cucks, and trolls attempting to spread demoralization among the Right. I don't care if you are "genuinely concerned", I don't care if you are "just afraid" or "nervous". In case it isn't obvious to you already, I despise cowards and I see no reason to tolerate the paid petty operatives of the Left either.

If you put it in the comments, you will be spammed. Which, you will note, may affect your ability to comment here and on other Blogger blogs in the future.

There will be no appeals, no protests, and no consideration given to anyone whose comment is spammed, so don't even bother. And if you dislike this temporary policy, please recall that I am, as many describe me, of the Alt-Right.

And We. Don't. Care.

UPDATE: Trump is now up by 2.4 percent in the IBD/TIPP national poll, which has been the most accurate since 2004, with an average error of 0.9 percent, 43.1 to 40.7.

However, it also gives 8.5 percent to Johnson and Stein, which is about 6.5 percent too high, plus another 7.7 percent to "others" and "undecided". Still, that's Trump's best performance in IBD to date, so he's obviously peaking at the right time.

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Battleground states

A perusal of the state polls shows that the crucial states tomorrow, in declining order of importance to Trump, will be:
  • Ohio
  • Florida
  • North Carolina
  • New Hampshire
  • Pennsylvania
  • Virginia
If Trump doesn't win Ohio or Florida, he probably loses. As he takes those states and more, he wins. The victory line is somewhere between New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. So, let's see where the polls are in each of them, the latest poll, the current RCP average, and the RCP average one month ago. I'll update this when RCP updates later today; that will also help us see what the trend is for the final stretch.
  • OH: +7 +3.5 (+2.2)
  • FL: +4 +0.2 (-2.8)
  • NC: TIE +1.4 (-1.3)
  • NH: -1 -0.6 (-6.0)
  • PA: TIE -2.4 (-6.0)
  • VA: -6 -4.3 (-7.0)
The month-long trend is strongly positive for Trump. Note also, the latest polls tend to be better than the RCP average, which includes polls as old as October 26th. (Update: the most recent NC poll was negative, but the two before that were strongly pro-Trump and that increased the pro-Trump average.) The trend at the state level in the battleground states continues to move Trumpward, perhaps not as strongly as we'd like to see for a definite Trumpslide, but certainly in the right direction.

The only real cause for concern at the state level is Florida, but the abrupt and sudden jump of Hillary to her highest level of support throughout the entire campaign at the same time it is falling elsewhere is not very credible and hints at pollster shenanigans. I have no doubt that a closer analysis of the sampling will reveal unlikely anomalies.

Other good signs are that some of the supposed battleground states are now solidly pro-Trump.
  • AZ: +5 +4.0 (+3.0)
  • GA: +2 +4.6 (+4.8)
  • NV: TIE +2.0 (-1.8)
In any event, there is no cause for despair. If the pollsters are putting ANY amount of weight on the scales in Hillary Clinton's favor, and we have very good reason to believe they are, then Donald Trump will win without much difficulty tomorrow. If the pollsters are playing it entirely straight - which I do not believe for one single second - then it's going to be close and could go either way depending upon enthusiasm, turnout, and fraud. So, go out, do your part, and let the chips fall where they may.

Axiom Strategies takes the polls at face value, of course, and reaches a similar conclusion:

We’re looking at a margin of error race in seven of the eight battleground states we surveyed. Either one of these candidates could realistically run the table in these seven states. The big question is if Donald Trump can mobilize his voters and get them to the polls, if he can’t then he will lose,” said Titus Bond, Director of Remington Research Group

The three states to watch early are Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. If VA is "too close to call", that is an excellent sign for Trump. If NC is too close to call, that is a potential cause for concern. If Virginia, Connecticut, or Maine goes Trump, the Trumpslide is on. Keep in mind that NC closes at 7:30 PM, half an hour later than VA and FL, so it probably won't report quite as soon.

If Clinton wins VA, Trump wins NC, and Florida is too close to call, the next big indicator is PA, where the polls close at 8 PM. If that goes Trump, he wins. If it is "too close to call", that is also a good sign.

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Mailvox: material evil

An email from a reader who explains that he believes in material evil as a result of his youthful encounter with a pedophile:
People need to know about the extraordinary power that some pedophiles have over other people, and the damage they do. I will omit the strange story of my recovery. I've been trying to find more information on that for years. You are more likely to be able to shed light on it than anyone I've asked before.

When I was in high school, the headmaster hired a new school counselor, Kevin John Lynch, not knowing that Lynch was a dangerous and prolific pedophile.

Few people grasp the true nature of these creatures. Lynch had charisma beyond anything I have encountered before or since. Some were suspicious of him, but for others he seemed to radiate an enchantment field that gripped you viscerally. He had the headmaster wrapped around his little finger, fending off complaints about him for years without ever realising that there may be a reason for them. Lynch was a psychological chameleon; he could become whoever he needed to be in order to gain the advantage over his intended victim.

People who have never encountered a creature like Lynch cannot comprehend how dangerous and destructive they are. Lynch severely abused at least a thousand boys from the seventies until his downfall in the nineties. I have met some of these people, now grown men. Imagine that something had sucked the life force from someone, leaving behind a husk in place of the complete human being that they once were. Suicide is a common escape for these men. Many live in poverty and their lives are chaotic.

Lynch could make teenage boys do extraordinary things, not by force, but by telling them what to do. He made two boys, who didn't know each other, perform a sexual act together in his office. Later they 'woke up' to the wrongness of it, found each other and reported the incident. For this the headmaster punished them.

The greatest problem for the victims was that nobody believed these things were possible. One mother, after her son told her what Lynch did years before, deposited him at a homeless shelter and cut off all contact. I met a man who's lawyer had rescued him from a mental institution. The man had seen a psychiatrist, who committed him for being psychotic, believing that the things he spoke of don't happen in the real world.

Lynch was active for over twenty years. Now the full story has emerged in great detail at a public inquiry.

Fortunately Lynch did not get very far with me. Still, being groomed by a pedophile authority figure was a disturbing position for a teenager to be in. I had severe psychological trauma after I left that school. And my brother, who also had 'counseling' with Lynch, and reported that Lynch never touched him, nevertheless ended up like the other victims — destroyed.

My recovery began suddenly, overnight, in my mid-thirties, accompanied by a profound personality shift. This remains unexplained, as I found that psychologists and others have either never heard anything like it or just find it weird. The sudden 'awakening' began a long healing process. The strangest part was that, every winter for three years, one day I would feel the need to retreat to my room, and there I would experience a grueling phenomenon, during which I felt the expulsion of something intangible from my body. Evil is the best word to describe my feeling about what was expelled.

I was so drained of energy after each of these events that I was ill for about two weeks after. In the fourth year it was mild, and this year nothing much happened at all. Now I feel normal for the first time since childhood, and seem to be embarking on a normal life, something I never expected to have.

I am not a Christian. My background is in atheism, science, rational thought and skepticism. After my first experience of this phenomenon, I realized the Christian notion of exorcism was the only similar story I'd heard of. However, I know little about exorcism in Christianity.

When you said that you believe in material evil, my first thought was of Lynch. He went about his acts of depravity with conscious, wilful intent. It was his day job. If anyone is wondering whether pedophiles could work their way up to powerful positions — yes, some have exactly the talents required. Lynch was small-time, but he was a shrunken, ugly wretch. Someone smarter, better looking and with better connections than him could go very far. I don't know if Lynch was born evil or if others turned him into the creature that he was. But from what I've seen of the Podesta emails and the 'pizza' shop, I believe that these are the same kinds of people.

If you know of anything similar to this story, either from Christianity or elsewhere, please let me know. I have been pondering the meaning of all of this lately, including what you said about Christianity accounting for material evil. My experience suggests that it does exist. I am not an atheist anymore. I don't know what I believe these days.
I suspect that Lynch was infested with what the Bible describes as "unclean spirits" and that he passed them off to the boys with whom he came in contact, whether he managed to molest them or not. The fact that he used to "hypnotise" them indicates his involvement with the occult; both hypnotism and drugs can serve as opening a spiritual door to the affected mind. I recommend that the reader, regardless of what he believes, behave as if the Bible's account of Jesus Christ and demons are true, meditate on the Word of God, thank God for his deliverence, and pray daily for continued restoration for himself and the other victims.

As to why the reader got better despite his lack of belief, perhaps someone was praying for him, perhaps the unclean spirit got bored - they are varying degrees of intelligent, you see - or perhaps it was simply God's will that he be cleansed of the spiritual filth. But his experience, and the inability of the average person to even begin to believe what he and the other victims were experiencing at the time, demonstrates how Lynch, and how people like the Podestas, are able to get away with their evil practices in full sight of a world that does not believe in evil.

If you think this all sounds stupid or ridiculous, that's fine. You're not the first to feel that way, and if one day you change your mind upon actually encountering the spiritual world, you won't be the first to do that either.
I showed the video of Rosa’s exorcism to two of the world’s leading neurosurgeons and researchers in California and to a group of prominent psychiatrists in New York.

Dr. Neil Martin is chief of neurosurgery at the UCLA Medical Center. He has performed more than 5,000 brain surgeries and is regularly cited as in the top 1 percent of his specialty. On August 3, I showed him the video of Rosa’s exorcism. This is his response: “Absolutely amazing. There’s a major force at work within her somehow. I don’t know the underlying origin of it. She’s not separated from the environment. She’s not in a catatonic state. She’s responding to the priest and is aware of the context. The energy she shows is amazing. The priest on the right is struggling to control her. He’s holding her down, as are the others, and the sweat is dripping off his face at a time when she’s not sweating. This doesn’t seem to be hallucinations. She appears to be engaged in the process but resisting. You can see she has no ability to pull herself back.”

I asked Dr. Martin if this was some kind of brain disorder. “It doesn’t look like schizophrenia or epilepsy,” he said. “It could be delirium, an agitated disconnection from normal behavior. But the powerful verbalization we’re hearing, that’s not what you get with delirium. With delirium you see the struggling, maybe the yelling, but this guttural voice seems like it’s coming from someplace else. I’ve done thousands of surgeries, on brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, ruptured brain aneurysms, infections affecting the brain, and I haven’t seen this kind of consequence from any of those disorders. This goes beyond anything I’ve ever experienced—that’s for certain.”

I also showed the video to Dr. Itzhak Fried, a neurosurgeon and clinical specialist in epilepsy surgery, seizure disorder, and the study of human memory. He is based at both UCLA and the Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. This was his conclusion: “It looks like something authentic. She is like a caged animal. I don’t think there’s a loss of consciousness or contact, because she’s in contact with the people. She appears to respond to the people who talk to her. It’s a striking change in behavior. I believe everything originates in the brain. So which part of the brain could serve this type of behavior? The limbic system, which has to do with emotional processing of stimuli, and the temporal lobe. I don’t see this as epilepsy. It’s not necessarily a lesion. It’s a physiological state. It seems to be associated with religious things. In the temporal lobe there’s something called hyper-religiosity. You probably won’t have this in somebody who has no religious background. Can I characterize it? Maybe. Can I treat it? No.”

I asked Dr. Fried if he believed in God, and he took a long pause before answering: “I do believe there is a limit to human understanding. Beyond this limit, I’m willing to recognize an entity called God.”

The reaction of the neurosurgeons took me by surprise. I had expected they would quickly dismiss Rosa’s symptoms as madness or unintentional fraud or suggest that she might be cured by brain surgery. They did not.

They wouldn’t come out and say, “Of course this woman is possessed by Satan,” but they seemed baffled as to how to define her ailment, and both agreed it was not something they would attempt to cure with surgery.
Three things I found particularly interesting about the Vanity Fair piece:
  • The real scientists take it seriously. The charlatans project their own fraud and refuse to do so. 
  • Father Amorth observes that Satan still rules this world, as Jesus and Paul both separately observed.
  • The demon still fears the late exorcist even after his death. Perhaps praying to the saints for their intercession is nothing more than a legitimate request for assistance, not a paganesque form of idolatry or ancestor worship.

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Sunday, November 06, 2016

People are PISSED

When even TIM TEBOW is tweeting politics, that's a pretty good sign that the average American is not buying the FBI's inaction. He tweeted this earlier.

Hillary: I never received classified emails.

FBI: You had your maid print classified emails.

Hillary: You got me. Now what?

FBI: Nothing.

There is also this from @magicroyalty:

It took FBI Director Comey 1 yr to go through 60K emails, and 4 days to go through 650K emails. Nothing to see here folks! #RiggedSystem

650,000 Emails
9 Days
72,222 A Day
3000 An Hour
50 A Minute 
About 1 A Second

#RiggedSystem #Corruption 

15 months, as it happens. And then there is Ben Garrison's inimitable take.

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Comey whitewashes Corrupt Hillary AGAIN

Now we know why the Clinton camp was preemptively attacking WikiLeaks. Now that both Anonymous and Comey have proven to be worthless, it looks like it's up to them and any patriots left in the NYPD and FBI now:
The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged.

Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted out the massive news on Sunday afternoon.

'FBI Dir just informed us "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton",' Chaffetz wrote. Speaking to reporters with Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri confirmed the camp had seen Comey's letter.

'We have seen Director Comey's latest letter to the Hill. We are glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he would, that he has confirmed the conclusion that he reached in July, and we're glad that this matter is resolved,' Palmieri said.
No wonder Palmieri was trying pre-defuse any future WikiLeaks revelations and John Podesta was telling FBI leakers to shut up. It should be informative to see all the Democrats and cuckservatives who were lambasting Comey for the last week abruptly reverse course and tell everyone that there is no man more trustworthy in America.

Donald Trump doesn't seem to be terribly surprised. As he said in Minneapolis:

"You have to understand, it's a rigged system, and she's protected."

As for the letter itself, it is very short and very specific.
I write to supplement my October 28, 2016 letter that notified you the FBI would be taking additional investigative steps with respect to former Secretary of State Clinton's use of a personal email server.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State.

Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.

I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.
The language there is intriguing. Remember, none of the really bad allegations were related to her time as Secretary of State. That statement is very far from a blanket clearance. It doesn't say anything about "no evidence of wrongdoing" or closing down any investigations.

Think about this: if there is nothing there, then why are Palmieri and Podesta still so concerned about leaks?

And speaking of Podesta, it's not just creepy art. He really, really likes the concept of cannibalism.
John Podesta, Center for American Progress: “I am going to my condo in Truckee [Calif.], like I do every year — will sit on my porch and do conference calls 50 feet from where the Donner Party ate each other.”

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Bracing for impact II

Now the Clinton campaign is trying to pre-discredit further WikiLeaks revelations:
A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton's campaign said Sunday that if Wikileaks were to publish a bombshell email in the final two days of the election, it would likely not be authentic.

“Friends, please remember that if you see a whopper of a Wikileaks in next two days - it’s probably a fake,” tweeted Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for the Clinton campaign.

For the past several weeks, WikiLeaks has published emails obtained from a hack on campaign chairman John Podesta’s personal account. Many messages published have included exchanges that have caused headaches for the Clinton campaign.

The Clinton campaign has repeatedly declined to say whether any of the emails are authentic, but most reporters and political analysts have reported on them as such.
Interesting strategy. They haven't denied anything that has come out, but they're denying the legitimacy of something that may not even exist. Translation: it's real, it's coming, and it's bad enough to convince her supporters to refrain from voting for her.

In the meantime, people appear to have translated the meaning of the 14 and Fish inscribed on the mutilated hands of John Podesta.

From Infogalactic:

The cult of Osiris (who was a god chiefly of regeneration and rebirth) had a particularly strong interest in the concept of immortality. Plutarch recounts one version of the myth in which Set (Osiris' brother), along with the Queen of Ethiopia, conspired with 72 accomplices to plot the assassination of Osiris. Set fooled Osiris into getting into a box, which Set then shut, sealed with lead, and threw into the Nile. Osiris' wife, Isis, searched for his remains until she finally found him embedded in a tamarisk tree trunk, which was holding up the roof of a palace in Byblos on the Phoenician coast. She managed to remove the coffin and open it, but Osiris was already dead.

In one version of the myth, she used a spell learned from her father and brought him back to life so he could impregnate her. Afterwards he died again and she hid his body in the desert. Months later, she gave birth to Horus. While she raised Horus, Set was hunting one night and came across the body of Osiris.

Enraged, he tore the body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Isis gathered up all the parts of the body, except the penis (which had been eaten by a fish, the medjed) and bandaged them together for a proper burial.

In other words, it's more occult sex magick, in this case, Egyptian. These are seriously creepy, seriously disturbed people. Whether we believe it has any basis in material reality or not is irrelevant, the salient point is that these are people who belong, at best, in lunatic asylums, not the halls of power.

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NFL Week 9

I don't know about you, but I can certainly use a break from contemplating the ghastly moral morass of the Clinton inner circle.

On the one hand, going into a Week 9 divisional game with the Lions at the top of the NFC North would have looked pretty good before the season. But after two butt-whippings, one by a bad Chicago team, the resignation of the offensive coordinator, and the exposure of the offensive line as one that couldn't stop a pass rush by the Little Sisters of the Poor's junior varsity, things don't look good for the Vikes.

It's time for Coach Zim to step up and pull a rabbit or two out of his horned helm.


Cheese, pasta, and John Podesta

From the most recent WikiLeaks batch of emails:
Date: 2015-06-01 18:31
Subject: Re: Dinner on Saturday
 Hi Heather--  I show them attending.

John and Mary, let me know if this is in error.

On Jun 1, 2015, at 4:09 PM, Heather Kliegman wrote:

Hi John and Mary,

Tony was wondering if you planned on joining him for dinner on Saturday at his house, Amrita and Ashok Mahbubani will be coming up and cooking.

I believe they plan to get started around 7p, please let me know if you plan on joining.


Talk about the banality of evil! Now, this could simply be an innocent get-together by a pair of related couples with another married couple, although it strikes me as a little unusual that the Mahbubanis, whoever they are, are going to be doing the cooking at the Tony Podesta residence.

But when one realizes that this is the residence that features an 8-foot tall sculpture of a Dahmer victim, one starts to wonder if, in fact, everything is quite as mundane as it seems. Especially in light of this email from John Podesta concerning cheese, pasta, and possibly, pederasty.
Date: 2015-12-24 21:42
Subject: Re: Cheese
Miss you Herb.

Happy Holidays and see you in 2016.

On Thursday, December 24, 2015, Sandler, Herbert wrote:

Mary and John

I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been
long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape
of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the
square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it
was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the
return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that
we can demolish them.

Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well.

I miss you both

Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?
"Yummy"? Who says that? When is sending a different gift "changing strategies"? And what does "playing dominos on pasta" versus playing it on cheese mean? Keep in mind this is a billionaire expressing such childish excitement over "a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses." Do you buy that? Do you really still believe Mike Cernovich is wrong and they're not communicating openly about illegal activities in code?

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They cuck and cluck in vain

The concern trolls have been out in force the last few days. Just a few of the many examples I've seen here, on Twitter, and even on Gab.
  • It't like you're really trying to damage alt right's image even further with this Dan Brown-like occult conspiracy crap...
  • Read Snopes. False and this has been debunked.
  • Spirit cooking is not a satanic ritual, it is an artistic act performed by Marina since 1996
  • I have read a lot of the emails on Wikileaks and they are kinda boring and don't seem to say much of anything. Does anyone know where the juicy incriminating ones are?
  • Worshipping Satan and being weird isn't against the law. Don't let this stuff distract from the real issues.
  • I have seen no evidence that Hillary Clinton is involved in anything. Stefan claims to have a high IQ, am decidedly unimpressed by him.
  • First of all, nothing the alt-right has is new.... Second, these are all rumors. The Wikileaks (assuming they aren't just lies manufactured by Putin, given that it is acknowledged by all that he has a very keen interest in this election and that he is the puppetmaster behind Wikileaks) emails only show that a Clinton aide was invited to a bizarre ritual. It doesn't even say if he said "yes," for crying out loud! That's quite a lot of extrapolation coming from some very fertile imaginations here.
  • I'm nervous, it's shouldn't be a tight race, and yet it is. But stooping to "witch-craft" is a whole different level of desperation.
  • Yes, we have uncovered massive conspiracy of evul pagan satanist pedo liberals who are not only trying to steal out jahbs, but also our children!! 
  • It is all connected, colors on that pizza surely signify some alchemical process or something... they are now stealing our jahbs trough alchemy too!!!!!! I shall notify my pastor this instant!!
  • Thing is, you are at a point where it is painfully obvious that you are either: 1. Desperate or 2. Ironic
  • Good catch, my brother in Trump!!! I shall compare its exact shape with all symbols found in my compendia of kabbalistic and hermetic symbolism... Gaze not upon it overlong, for chances are that you lack my extensive spiritual warfare training!!
As Ransom observed:

They must be scared. I've seen more concern trolling since late Thursday when spirit cooking first hit, than I have at any other point except for maybe Hillary's health stuff.

And as Wreckage noticed:

Well, I thought it was a stretch, but the fact that half a dozen guys appeared out of nowhere and commented ONLY on this? Smells like fear.

Darth Dharmakīrti added:

It's really amazing to see the shills come out. I have to admit I was initially skeptical of the idea that CTR is directly involved. But hanging around here for a while, you notice a pattern--like during the first debate, when you could hardly get a signal across for all the noise.

What's telling to me about the shill interference on this thread is that it's coming at a very strange time. I must admit that I honestly thought Anonymous was going to drop something yesterday, and VD had several threads about it. Wasn't that the time to engage in this kind of tactic? It might even have been effective, since it really was all a big nothingburger (at least so far; I pray Wikileaks engages Phase 3 tomorrow). It might actually have demoralized some people here, including myself.

Instead, they show up when the topic is Besta Pizza and neighboring businesses. That tells me to keep digging, because we just struck a nerve.

Now, as I said in my previous post, I don't give a damn about "credibility". I've been told since 2001 that I have absolutely no credibility, so why should I suddenly start caring about it now? Nor is the "distraction" argument convincing. Donald Trump isn't being distracted. The people around him aren't being distracted. His thousands of operatives aren't being distracted. Not one single Trump supporter is being prevented from voting by the channers and others who are digging into this mountain of filth in search of evidence that will convict these monsters of evil. The God-Emperor will ascend to the Cherry Blossom Throne next week regardless of what we post here.

One would do well to wonder why those who cuck and cluck about "distractions" don't complain about NFL posts or any other post that doesn't directly relate to the unvarnished evils of Hillary Clinton's inner circle.

This was my favorite response of them all:

Fucking gamergate, man.  I just fucking wanted to play videogames and here I am, working on rooting out ancient one world government kabbals and pedophilia rings. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I love you guys. I really do. Hold to the truth, wherever it leads you, and it will eventually bring you to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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High and hidden weirdness

From The Donald, /pol/ has unearthed some suspicious links concerning pizza places with connections to Andrew Kline of the DOJ, David Brock, and John Podesta's cooking.
  • FBI symbols from WikiLeaks
  • Besta Pizza using "boy lover" symbol
  • Comet Ping Pong using "child lover" symbol They're connected to CTR, Podesta, and next door to each other.
  • What's across the street from Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza? A third place using Pedophilia Symbolism. Who's on their website home page above the double heart pedo-symbol? Hillary Clinton
As one channer noted, who opens a pizza place two doors down from a pizza place? Does the picture below look like a normal pizza advertisement to you or is there a high creep factor there? Now note that it's the main image on the front page. And after dinner, you can head to the back, which features "bathrooms hidden behind secret panels" to play! According to Infogalactic, "GQ ranked James Alefantis as the 49th most powerful person in Washington partly on the basis of owning Comet Ping Pong and its cultural cachet."

How, one wonders, does owning a weird little pizza place serving mediocre pizza make you more powerful than most Senators and Congressmen? Do you really believe that a fucking pizza, and one that does not look particularly appetizing at that, is really supposed to be of such intense interest to the creeps below? The red-haired guy should be locked up on the basis of his physiognomy alone.

This isn't the only hidden weirdness in high places being exposed around the world. In South Korea, which is more strongly Christian than the USA now, there are now hundreds of thousands of people in open revolt against  President Park Geun-hye, who has a bizarre personal connection to a Svengali-style adviser who is the daughter of the founder of a cult called the Church of Eternal Life.
4 days ago Park suddenly made statement: "From today Korea is cabinet government led by a prime minister" and appointed a prime minister Mr. fucking nobody. all this super crazy critical decision without a single discussion or debate literally no one ever discussed with Park about this matter Park literally went full borderline personality disorder, blocking all the communications, still thinking she's absolute monarch

politicians went full wtf suddenly Korea is cabinet government by one day "Fuck the constitution, I AM THE COUNTRY" after this approval rating hits 5%

yes, 5%

only Megalians defending her now, saying Park's being attacked solely because she's woman, and this is all just patriarchal male conspiracy to remove women's position even her own party preparing impeach

Park went more desperate, made 2nd 10 minutes apologize statement today: "There was no shamanic ritual happened inside of presidential house and I'm not a member of cult" a country's president officially explaining about satanic, shamanic human sacrifice ritual inside of presidential house, and she's not memeber of the Korean Scientology plus 6th grade tier of statement scripts, and confirming she won't resign on her own

FYI the day when Sewol ferry sunk was 4 days prior to the 20th anniversary of death of Choi Sun Sil's father and the president mysteriously went missing for 7 hours on that very day when Sewol sunk smells funky

suddenly a congressman made another whistle-blowing statement Psy, Gangnam Style, and the whole "Korean Wave" culture shit was involved with Choi's cronyism cabal, deeply CJ, Samsung, Lotte persucuted for being against the 8 Goddess's shadow government and their CEOs replaced with strawmen

The PyeongChang 2018 Olympic is actually Choi's mass cronyism business party leaks after leaks, whistler-blower after whistler-blower, reveals after reveals, shocking after shocking, the endless exposures politicians talking on TV, former congressman openly saying they were chained and shackled, and now they're free and able talking about the 'Voldemort'

yes, politicians literally saying they were Korea's Voldemort

opposition party's leader saying in front of hundreds cameras, "The 8 Goddess's secret cabal must be destroyed"

Josh Earnest made White House statement today; "Obama wants Park to leave, changing the leader won't affect diplomacy between Korea and US at all" CIA Korea division chief Donald Gregg made statement, "We were wrong about Park, we thought she would lead Korea well, I feel deeply sorry for the fellow Korean citizens"

even worldwide masonic elite cabals throwing away this incapable hag

there's big fucking rumor surfacing, the arrested Choi is actually substitute actor people already checking ear prints, digging the connections and corruptions 24/7

tfw the incompetent slave gook citizens who knew nothing but obey suddenly turned into anonymous Guccifer 3.0 revolutionary WikiLeaks tier info warriors at least 200 thousands people protested in the streets of Seoul today the absolute mad men brought real guillotins from 12 years old kids to 90 years old war vet grandpas, marching in the streets, chanting "GIVE US RESIGN OR DEATH" you can hear it from in every streets of Seoul

the court ordered cops to not fuck with protesters opposition party's congressmen went to the protest scene to courage people up


the very fucking assassin who ran into congressman with a knife, literally beaten up to near death by the crowds, second pic

tfw we're being united against the big, absolute evil, the all-female secret government that fucked us the whole time tfw right and left, progressive and conserative, women and men, kids and oldies, all united and we're fucking mad as hell
A more conventional summary of what has been called Choi Soon-sil Gate can be read at Korean Expose. Stay flinty, everyone. This is no time to go wobbly. If you pray, pray. If you have a platform, however large or small, spread the word. The evil is real, it is material, and it is in high places around the world.

Stop whining and worrying about whether we know the full and complete truth about every single individual involved or not. I will tell you right now that we don't, and that very powerful people are doing their utmost to try to ensure we never do. So the fuck what? Unless we dig and shine our little flashlights on it, unless we pay at least a modicum of attention to those who are courageously doing their best to dig away at the mountain of filth to discover what lies beneath it, their evil will never be exposed. Unless we take the risk of being wrong, we will never know anything at all.

If you're going to make a lame gamma appeal to "credibility", you can just go away and never come back as far as I'm concerned. The New York Times is "credible". ABCNNBCBS is "credible". The Washington Post is "credible". And they lie, lie, lie and spin, spin, spin and deceive, deceive, deceive every single day. That is their primary purpose! They do not exist to inform or educate, but to deceive and distract the public, and defang negative public opinion.

I don't give a quantum of an airborne rodent's posterior for "credibility". I never have. I am interested in one thing: the truth. And when you're dealing with sociopaths who are quite willing to do anything and everything within their power to obscure it, you have to expect the occasional dead end. But a dead end does not mean that you've reached the center of the maze, or that there are no monsters hiding somewhere inside it.

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Saturday, November 05, 2016

"Protester with gun"

Don't they usually call them "alleged assassins"?
Secret Service agents rushed Donald trump offstage on Saturday evening during a rally in Reno, Nevada after they determined a protester in the audience with a gun posed a threat to the Republican presidential candidate.

'Go! Go!' they shouted as they whisked him away and a combination of local police and private security wrestled the suspect to the ground. Thousands of people scattered like a sea of bodies, screams rang out and authorities dragged the man away as he kicked and strained.

Trump returned to the stage just five minutes later. 'Nobody said it was going to be easy for us,' Trump declared. 'But we will never be stopped. Never, never be stopped.'
Hillary's supporters are getting increasingly desperate. It appears they don't believe the media's claims that Hillary is still in the lead either.


No wonder it's in decline

The NFL won't give a gold blazer or a ring to Ken Stabler's family:
Election to the Pro Football Hall of Fame creates virtual immortality. But actual immortality may be required to achieve the full benefits of the recognition.

As noticed on the Twitter feed of Mike Freeman, whose biography of Ken Stabler will be released this month, the powers-that-be at the Pro Football Hall of Fame have declined to give a gold jacket or a so-called Ring of Excellence to Stabler. Presumably because he’s not alive to wear them....

Why shouldn’t the family of the Hall of Fame be able to own and display the gold jacket and the ring? The Hall of Fame doesn’t confiscate those items when living Hall of Fames die; the Hall of Famers shouldn’t deny a jacket and ring to those who didn’t win enshrinement during their lifetimes.
What a weird, nasty, small-minded organization. No wonder they consistently make stupid and self-defeating decisions these days. Not that I care about Stabler, much less his family. But I'll bet Raiders fans do. This isn't a big deal, except in that it demonstrates the utter tone deafness and lack of common sense that characterizes the Roger Goodell NFL.

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Avert your eyes

This isn't a book review, it's a literary rape scene. Robert Stacy McCain reviews Jessica Valenti's SEX OBJECT:
New York City is a terrible place to raise children. This is one obvious lesson the discerning reader might glean from Sex Object, although it’s not the lesson Valenti intends to teach, nor is it a lesson she has learned, given that she and her husband, Andrew Golis, are now raising their daughter in Brooklyn. The belief that New York is the only place in America worth living has become an idée fixe among young writers, even as the Internet has made it possible for anyone to be a writer anywhere. No doubt the neighborhood in Brooklyn where Valenti and Golis live is crowded with would-be writers in their 20s, English majors fresh out of college, crowded into tiny apartments, working day jobs to pay the rent in hope that their spare-time hobby — poetry, fiction, political commentary, whatever — will someday make them famous. The success of 1990s TV shows like Seinfeld, Friends, and Sex and the City served as an advertisement for the idea that all the cool kids live in New York, having zany adventures with their colorful cast of attractive friends. The urban hipster lifestyle — tribes of carefree single buddies hanging out together in their cool apartments — is now as blatantly promoted by TV as was the suburban idyll of Ozzie and Harriet and Leave It to Beaver in the 1950s. For all the media criticism that has emerged from the latest feminist resurgence, no one seems to notice this particular elephant in the room, i.e., the way TV sitcoms sell a particular way of life. Because this urban hipster lifestyle is in fact pursued by feminists themselves — all those ambitious 20-something girls in Brooklyn — they don’t notice it for the same reason fish don’t notice water.

“Stay away from New York” is not a lesson Jessica Valenti intends to teach in Sex Object, nor does she bother to warn middle-class girls against the error of thinking that an elite private university is the ticket to happiness.
Read the whole thing. It's funnier than all the collected performances of Amy Schumer combined.


Anonymous posts Part 1

Anonymous posts Part 1 of the Clinton Underground Child Sex Scandal, as implied. However, there is nothing new in it, as far as I can see, and it's just a text file. No links to video or image evidence.

Multiple parts will be posted.
As revelations go, it's a dud, to be sure, and it falls massively  short of what was promised yesterday, but on the other hand, it is a useful summary and  I don't know how much more they can expect to post without divulging any new information.

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The corrupt machine

"The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you."
- Donald Trump

"You just witnessed something special."
- Scott Adams


Bracing for impact

The Washington Post appears to suspect that Hillary is going to lose and is attempting to prepare Hillary's supporters for post-election shock and awe:
If the polls closed right at this moment (which they won't) and if the results in each state perfectly mirrored the current RealClearPolitics average of polls in each state (which they won't), Hillary Clinton would be elected president by an electoral college margin of 8 votes.

From her high in the polls a week or two ago, Clinton's leads in a number of critical battleground states have collapsed or evaporated entirely. The election could come down to one state with four electoral college votes that flips from Clinton to Donald Trump and, boom: A 269-269 electoral college tie, and a vote by the House of Representatives to decide on the next president — who, given the composition of the House, would almost certainly be Donald Trump.

On Thursday, that Clinton state with four electoral college votes raised its hand. Hi, New Hampshire! Two new polls, from Boston Globe-Suffolk University and WBUR-MassInc put the Granite State at a virtual tie, with the continuing trend in the state away from Clinton. That's Trump's 269th electoral college vote. Or, really, his 270th: Polling in Maine's second congressional district (which allocates one electoral college vote separately) has Trump in the lead. He wins the states he holds now and that one in Maine? President Donald Trump.

The trend is stark for Team Clinton.
Now, here is what has provoked this sudden outbreak of pessimism amongst the biased media. If you look at the Post's map of Hillary's theoretical path to Electoral College victory, the pitfalls are readily apparent.

Trump is not only leading in New Hampsire now, but is also threatening to take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Viriginia, Colorado, and even New Mexico. Consider the recent Drudge headlines:


What do you think "TIED" means in a world where the pollsters give 96 percent of their political donations to Hillary Clinton? Despite weighting their demographics in her favor, massaging their data in her favor, and attempting to create a narrative of Clintonian inevitability, they still can't present a credible picture of her winning those states.

In fact, they know, as does the Washington Post, that she's probably going to lose all those states. This "trend to Trump" is merely pre-election CYA meant to retain their credibility for the next national election. And, if you recall, it is exactly what I have been waiting to see in the case of a Trumpslide, they've merely left it a little later than expected.

Remember, Colorado, Virginia, Michigan, and even New Mexico were supposed to be in the bag for Hillary. She wasn't even campaigning or advertising in Colorado because her advisers were foolish enough to buy their own narrative. But look at what RCP, which operates on two weeks delay due to its poll-averaging model, now has as "toss-up" states.

AZ (11)    CO (9)
FL (29)    GA (16)
IA (6)    ME (2)
MI (16)    NV (6)
NH (4)    NM (5)
NC (15)    OH (18)
PA (20)    MECD2 (1)

That's 158 Electoral College votes. If Trump takes them all - and he now appears likely to take most of them - that's a 322-216 victory.

Events will take their course. But it certainly appears that the path has been laid for the glorious ascension of the God-Emperor Trump and the crushing of both the Clinton machine and the global establishment.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton now leads Trump by an average of just 1.7 percentage points nationally, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls. Less than three weeks ago, Clinton led by 7 points on the same model. FiveThirtyEight’s forecast model gives Trump a 34 percent chance of winning. On Oct. 17, the same model gave Trump a 12 percent chance.

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Molyneux, Cernovich, Day

If the Democrats get in, no more clunky Pledge of Allegiance - a simple "Hail Satan!" will do!
- Stefan Molyneux

Everyone knows, of course, Hillary’s belief that, 'It takes a village,' which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she’s taken a number of them.
- Donald Trump

“I’ve believed for months that Hillary Clinton sold her soul to Saudi Arabia. I had no idea she sold her soul to the devil!”
- Milo Yiannopoulos

An amazing but disturbing conversation. As an atheist myself it really gave me pause for thought. If we accept that so much evil clearly exist in the world and appears to be focused and magnified at higher levels of governments, then it opens the door to accept there exists an opposite counter force - GOOD. These people clearly believe in Satan. Perhaps atheists need to practice the willing suspension of disbelief in order to tune in the frequency of good (and God) to fight what is really a terrible evil in our society.
- atheist commenter

Follow the facts. Follow the truth. It is the hard and narrow path.

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Friday, November 04, 2016

This is NOT a clever strategem

I have to admit, I find the cowering fear of opening themselves up to potential criticism on the part of a number of conservatives and otherwise sensible people to be downright slap-worthy. I've been getting a number of emails, and seeing a number of comments like this floating around.
Are we being chumped? I'm worried this whole weiner laptop thing is a trap. Supposed to be so telling about the wickedness of clintondom, just you wait til the news hits. But what if nothing really new comes out.....just the same shit the FBI already had. We trumpsters spend the last few days of the campaign holding our breath waiting for the coup de grace rather than fighting in the trenches. FBI eventually tells us no new news, Hillary gets a Monday bump, and we go down. The innuendo seems too good to be true....maybe it is. 
This is ridiculous. This is absurd. What "fighting in the trenches" is not taking place anywhere just because everyone is waiting to see if the NYPD or the FBI are going to do anything? I mean, sure, I'm anticipating something to happen in the next 24 hours and putting up the occasional post, but in the meantime, I also finished editing John C. Wright's latest book and got a number of other things done.

A trap? A TRAP? Are you serious? Not only does belief, or disbelief, in the various rumors not preclude anyone from doing anything, it should be totally freaking obvious that pretending to be a sexually abusive pedophile occultist is not a winning strategy for any political candidate, let alone a presidential one. I mean, the idiocy of that strategy is already a well-known meme!

Seems likely, doesn't it? Come on. Lose the cuck mindset. It's a recipe for failure of every kind. If you're living in fear that doing or saying something might give someone the opportunity to say that you were wrong, you're already a chump.

Now THIS is a campaign strategy. Rather good timing, wouldn't you say?

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