U.S. Election 2016: Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus and other celebrities mourn Hillary Clinton's loss

U.S. Election 2016: Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus and other celebrities mourn Hillary Clinton's loss
Image courtesy of instagram.com/ladygaga

Even Captain America weighed in.

While not everyone in Australia followed the U.S. Election, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t know that the world changed last night when Donald Trump was elected to be the 45th President of the United States. 

During the 18 month-long campaign period a lot of our favourite celebrities were vocal about their support of Hillary Clinton and became equally vocal as it became clear yesterday that the United States of America would not have their first Madame President.

Lady Gaga, one of Clinton’s staunchest supporters from the start, turned words into actions on election night, staging a protest outside of Trump Tower in Manhattan with a sign saying “Love Trumps Hate.” The singer also took to Instagram to encouraging her 19.5 million followers to “stand up for kindness, equality, and love.”

The actor who plays Captain America, Chris Evans, also weighed in calling the election “an embarrassing night for America.”

Honorary Australian Miley Cyrus also joined the chorus of celebrities adamant that the United States needed a female president saying:

“I still think that in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president and that's what makes that's what makes me so sad. I just wish that she had that opportunity, because she fought for so long and because I believe her when she says that she loves this country and this is all she has ever done,” the singer said in a video posted to Facebook. 

No matter who you follow Twitter was there to remind us that while majority of Americans voted for Trump, Hollywood voted for Clinton.


The atmosphere online is best summed up by Clinton herself who wrote on Instagram last night, “Scripture tells us: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.”

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