
Queensland MPs rush into Parliament in states of undress

Queensland's politicians were forced to run into Parliament with bare feet, shorts and, in one case, without a shirt during an early morning vote on Thursday.

About 2.30am, LNP member for Callide Jeff Seeney complained about not being able to speak during the adjournment debate, so the LNP called a division.

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MPs rush to make vote

Queensland MPs rush into parliament in a state of undress for an unexpected vote at 2.54am on Thursday morning. ABC News

But with many MPs already in their bedrooms, they had to rush back to their seats in the House when the bells started ringing. 

Several LNP MPs were forced to run back to the chamber sans shoes, while other sartorial choices included a Maroons State of Origin jersey, shorts, T-shirts and crocs.

Liberal National Party MPs were caught out by a late-night Parliamentary division.
Liberal National Party MPs were caught out by a late-night Parliamentary division. Photo: Queensland Parliament

Member for Hervey Bay Ted Sorensen deserves a special mention for wearing a jacket with no shirt.

Labor MPs Kate Jones, Jackie Trad and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk laughed and clapped as they witnessed the spectacle. 


Despite their gallant efforts, the opposition lost the vote 42-32.

Jennifer Howard then rose to speak.

"Thank you Mr Speaker, thank you for dressing for the occasion," she replied.

An amused Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey raised a point of order.

"I noticed that the Member for Hervey Bay appears not to be wearing a shirt," he said.

"Is that appropriate under the standing orders?"

Mr Wellington saw no issue.

"For new members, when the bells are ringing you get here as quick as you can," Mr Wellington said.

At the start of sittings on Thursday, Treasurer Curtis Pitt made a point of complimenting Mr Sorensen on his shirt.

- with AAP
