Donald Trump's victory is an opportunity for investors

Managers like Anthony Golowenko from Clime have used the recent bout of volatility to add Seek to the portfolio while ...
Managers like Anthony Golowenko from Clime have used the recent bout of volatility to add Seek to the portfolio while also adding to positions in stocks like QBE Insurance and CSL. DAVID MOIR

It made sense that investors in the United States couldn't take their money away from professional fund managers quick enough back in 2008 when the global financial crisis was in full swing and Wall Street was tanking.

But eight years on, the Dow Jones is at a record high and they're in more of a rush to do it.


Active managers are just not generating enough returns and investors have had enough – call it the Trump effect if you like. But it's important to note some managers claim they are active to get the extra fees when they simply follow the index.

In the first 10 months of 2008, investors in the US took back what was then a record $US162 billion, but this year they have created a new record by taking $US164.4 billion away from mutual funds.

That's more than in any calendar year since 1993 when these sorts of flows first started to be collected, according to Morningstar.

It's clear they are fed up with the below-par performance, and the high fees they had to pay, and so they opted to plonk their money with index funds that just match what the major indices like the Dow Jones or S&P; 500 do.

In the decade to June 30 this year, only 15 per cent of active managers in the US were able to say they generated a return better than the S&P; 500 index, according to S&P; Dow Jones Indices.

But investors would do well to remember that not all active managers are the same.

With all the volatility this week, it's a good time to ask active managers how they have added value.

Indeed, finding the right manager is the real trick.

In this sort of environment, when markets are tipped to be volatile as the world gets used to president-elect Donald Trump, it might be best to have a professional looking after your money.

Active managers differ in how active they really are and what type of rules they trade by.

Some managers split the fund so part of it might look like the index and yet there is another part where all the bets are being taken.

There's no doubt the US election result sparks a round of volatility but that also means opportunity for investors.

You have to be brave.

Opportunities for investors

Managers like Anthony Golowenko from Clime have used the recent bout of volatility to add Seek to the portfolio while also adding to positions in stocks like QBE Insurance and CSL.

QBE is a stock that always gets attention when bond yields rise and right now they are rising at a rapid rate on the back of Trump's plan to spend up big time on infrastructure .

The insurer does get around one-third of its revenue from North America and given how many bonds they have, and they do generally hold them to maturity, the higher yields on offer do improve their overall investment return.

Another stock that can win from higher rates in the US is Computershare. Half of its revenue comes from the US and it will earn a higher rate of return on all the cash it holds on behalf of clients when interest rates rises.

Golowenko has also bought more shares in APN Outdoor and initiated a new position in Automotive Holdings Group, while in the small cap space has snapped up more shares in RCG Corporation and Elders.

The other notable trend that has taken place this year has been in the bond market.

Morningstar reports that investors in the US tipped as much as $US160.5 billion into fixed-income mutual funds so far this year.

But the bond market is getting toasted right now and investors can't rule out more losses as yields spike higher and worry about how inflationary Trump's policies are.

That's all bad news for the  "bond proxies" in the property, infrastructure and utilities sectors that until now have been good performers.

The yield on the US 10-year bond was under 1.4 per cent in early July but now it is 2.15 per cent.

Call that Trumpeconomics, but it also pushes up the cost of borrowing.

For everyone.