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Neferkahor was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 7th/8th Dynasty during the First Intermediate Period.[1] According to egyptologists Jürgen von Beckerath and Darell Baker, he was the eleventh king of this dynasty.[2][1] His name is attested on the Abydos King List (number 50) and on a black steatite cylinder seal of unknown provenance.[3] His name is absent from the Turin canon, a lacuna affecting the 7th/8th dynasty where his name would have been listed.


  1. ^ a b Darrell D. Baker: The Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs: Volume I - Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty 3300–1069 BC, Stacey International, ISBN 978-1-905299-37-9, 2008, p. 261-262
  2. ^ Jürgen von Beckerath:Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen (Münchner ägyptologische Studien), 1984
  3. ^ Peter Kaplony, Die Rollsiegel des Alten Reichs. vol. II: Katalog der Rollsiegel. pl. 144.

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