Hi res image of room with blue wall, white door and white floor

Can you solve this door puzzle?

IMAGINE you’re in a room with 100 doors - each one has only a 1% chance of being unlocked. What is your chance of escaping?

‘Are you a pathetic man-child?’

THE radical world view behind a controversial mens-only workspace has been exposed in a cache of deleted blog posts. And the men are in retreat.

Miss Hooters Australia Swimsuit Pageant 2011 held at Parramatta Hooters. Contestants must work at Hooters to participate and will be in the running for a trip to Miami for the Finals where they'll win prize money and a Hooters Australia Promotional contract.

$9m deal to save Hooters Australia

ONE year after going bust, Hooters has racked up a win, turning sales around and putting its breast foot forward with massive expansion plans.