PAX LOVES MELBOURNE: One of the world's biggest gaming conventions calls Australia home. The men behind it explain why.


Jim Schembri

PAX was a success in Melbourne.

PAX was a success in Melbourne.

The gaming festival Pax is one of the largest gatherings of computer gamers in the world. Founded in 2004, the huge, family-friendly event, which draws gamers from across the world, is held each year across three cities in the United States: Seattle (where it originated), Boston and San Antonio.

In 2013 Pax went international and, in search of a host city, found a perfect fit with Melbourne, which boasts a strong gaming culture made up of players, cosplay lovers and a renown community of game developers.

The event has proved a phenomenal success. The latest convention took place over the weekend (4-6 November) and occupied the entire exhibition space - aka Jeff's Shed - as well as a good part of the Convention Centre where people crowded into the Plenary.

The sold-out shebang was so big the entire first bay of Jeff's Shed was used to accommodate the early morning queues.

As well as those who love gaming, the show was also a magnet to Melbourne's huge army of cosplayers - that is, people who love dressing up as their favourite characters from games, film, TV and comics. Many of these costumes are elaborate and scratch built.

Please enjoy this video montage of the event as Jerry Holkins, PAX's co-creator (with Mike Krahulik; Holkins is the first voice you hear) and event organiser Ryan Hartman discuss the meaning of PAX and why Melbourne is the only city outside America to host the convention.

Click PLAY below.


To watch the full interview with Holkins and Hartman please click the link near the end of the video.

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