

Sketchy Santa

Awkward Santa Photos

He's the jolly man in red who brings joy to all the children he sees ... in theory. In reality, Santa can be scary, a bit creepy, or just plain odd looking. Here are some of the sketchiest Santas from around the web.

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Guilt-free Christmas Pudding

Sugar-free Christmas pudding

This Christmas pudding doesn't contain any everyday sugar or hidden sugars such as honey, maple syrup, rice malt syrup and agave.

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10 easy DIY Christmas decoration ideas

It's officially time to get into the Christmas spirit. Why not branch out when you put up your tree this year and add a personal touch with a few DIY decorations? We've found the perfect easy-to-make ways to put more festive fever into your home.

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Christmas curiosity ... To be fair, the room just got a big tree with lights and spinny things on it. Who could resist?

7 tips to kid-proof the Christmas tree

If this is your first Christmas with a toddler in the house, you may be wondering how you'll keep your Christmas treasures out of curious little hands.

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