
“best argument against democracy is 5 min conversation with the averag VOTER sa winston churchil who was aktualy not bad and looking at colection of numskuls oiks roters bulies and cads of st custards he may hav a point.” ~ Nigel Molesworth esq, the goriller of 3b

Myths about alpha males redux

“Of course, even if the lupine origins of the alpha-male trope weren’t obsolete, the notion that the term can even apply to human social structures is inherently absurd.”

Media Circus: Parliament Resumes Edition

The 45th Federal Parliament of Australia should be interesting. As in ancient curse/benison “interesting”.

But as the Canberra politicians put on their solemnest faces today, the world keeps turning: what news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?

Media Circus: Australia votes 2016

Need a last minute guide and cheat sheet generator to take into the polling booth (and know which polling place near you has the oughta-be-obligatory Democracy Sausage sizzle happening)? Here’s the links you need.

Media Circus: Vegemite Chocolate edition

The very idea is undoubtedly an Abomination unto Nuggan, and Ed Milliband would probably make a mess of eating any. Bill Shorten will say something graceless, and the teaser for the SBS documentary will be epic.

What’s piqued your media interests lately?