
Music Monday: Dub Side Of The Moon

I’ve gotten out of the habit of regular posting (some of you may have noticed). I’m going to work on building the habit back up by just posting bits of anything at least once every other day. So today you get a different take on some classic Pink Floyd.

Music Legend Moment: BB King And The Broken String

One of BB King’s signature tunes is How Blue Can You Get, a perfect showcase for his lyrical soloes on “Lucille”, the famous Gibson guitar. In this 6-ish minute version from his appearance at Farm Aid 1985, the opening solo goes for over 3 minutes …

Vale Doc Neeson

I see an old post of mine about the Angels and their lead singer Doc Neeson and a certain song is getting some traffic over the last few days since his death. Looking at pictures, I can still feel that amazing energy he put into his performance.