
Get the developer tools and components you want in minutes… and pay only for what you consume.

Create and manage applications built on AWS. AWS provides a set of flexible services that span from the development process to provisioning, deployment, and management. These services easily integrate with popular third-party tools to build out an end-to-end solution that fits your needs.

  • Deploy ready-to-run web and application servers in minutes.
  • Find code components and tools for source control, monitoring, bug tracking and testing.
  • Metered pricing by the hour.



Solution stack 

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Development and testing tools

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Third-party services

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Application infrastructure

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Find pre-configured and ready-to-run application servers for Linux and Microsoft Windows Server.



Deploy leading e-commerce, content and other web management solutions and frameworks.

Quickly launch pre-tested and pre-configured development environments to increase your productivity. Combine these with configuration management tools to easily, create or remove dev/test projects as needed.

Know if your application is performing to your needs and specs.

Browse and utilize solutions to address software integration concerns, such as integrating legacy apps with modern, more flexible architectures on AWS.
