With Amazon Mobile Analytics, you can measure app usage and app revenue. By tracking key trends such as new vs. returning users, app revenue, user retention, and custom in-app behavior events, you can make data-driven decisions to increase engagement and monetization for your app. You can view key charts in the Mobile Analytics console and automatically export your app event data to Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift to run custom analysis. Amazon Mobile Analytics is free up to 100 million events per month and just $1 per million events thereafter.

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Automatically copy your app event data to Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift, and analyze app usage patterns with SQL queries or other tools.

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Amazon Mobile Analytics is Free up to 100 million events per month and just $1 per million events thereafter.

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Your app data is safe with us. We don’t report on or share your data with third parties.


Amazon Mobile Analytics processes ALL data received to provide accurate analytics on your app use. We never provide reports based on sampled data even if you are in the free tier.


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