Why Brisbane Airport is such a great location for plane spotting

A local plane spotting group has revealed why Brisbane Airport (YBBN) is their chosen destination to photograph and admire all things aviation.

The YBBN Spotters Group is a community-based collective of aviation enthusiasts who share a passion for plane photography.

Member of YBBN Spotters Group and plane spotter, Tim Hillier, said his group are a dedicated bunch of individuals from a variety of different backgrounds.

“We are a diverse group of spotters, a few of us work in aviation, even some of the members are airline pilots, while others work different jobs but have a deep love for aviation,” Mr Hillier said.

Mr Hillier explained to My BT why they chose Brisbane Airport as their platform and gave an insight into a typical day’s work as a spotter.

“Brisbane Airport is interesting – it is our home and we are proud of the facilities here,” Mr Hillier said.

“A typical day for a spotter is mainly on weekends, as we are up before sunrise in preparation to photograph morning arrivals, which is when international flights are arriving.”

“The peak period in the morning starts around 5:30am and goes until 9:30-10:00am, but some of us hang around the airport precinct and spotting areas to watch the action happening, we can’t get enough!”

Gold Coast resident and aviation enthusiast Ashish Madan said he regularly travelled to Brisbane because of the vantage points the airport offers for plane photography and spotting.

“Brisbane Airport has a viewing area at the end of runway 1 (RWY01) which provides an excellent opportunity to see planes taking off or landing,” Mr Madan said.

“Also, Brisbane caters many international airlines with new planes such as the A380, the world’s largest passenger aircraft.”

Tim Hillier further stated the YBBN Spotters Group encouraged all aviation enthusiasts to get involved.

“We have 10 admins on the page who publish photos, however we welcome our fans to share their shots on our Facebook page too,” Mr Hillier said.

The YBBN Spotters Group hosts occasional events at various spotting locations at the airport for fans to come along and join in on the action.

If you are interested or want to be involved, more information can be found on the YBBN Spotters Group Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/YBBNspotter/

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