Iya Femme

Creativity, Goddess, Love, Magic, Scholar

24,260 notes


2016 Full Moon Dates

January 23, 8:46pm Eastern – Wolf Moon
February 22, 1:20pm Eastern – Snow Moon
March 23, 8:01am Eastern – Worm Moon
April 22, 1:24am Eastern – Pink Moon
May 21, 5:15pm Eastern – Flower Moon
June 20, 7:02am Eastern – Strawberry Moon
July 19, 6:57pm Eastern – Buck Moon
August 18, 5:27am Eastern – Sturgeon Moon
September 16, 3:05pm Eastern – Harvest Moon
October 16, 12:23am Eastern – Hunters Moon
November 14, 8:52am Eastern – Beavers Moon
December 13, 7:05pm Eastern – Cold Moon

2016 New Moon Dates

January 9, 8:30pm Eastern
February 8, 9:39am Eastern
March 8, 8:54pm Eastern
April 7, 7:24am Eastern
May 6, 3:30pm Eastern
June 4, 11:00pm Eastern
July 4, 7:01am Eastern
August 2, 4:45pm Eastern
September 1, 5:03am Eastern
October 1, 12:12am Eastern
October 30, 12:38pm Eastern
November 29, 7:18am Eastern
December 29, 1:53am Eastern

2016 Total Lunar Eclipse

March 8, 8:58pm Eastern

2016 Equinoxes & Solstices

Spring Equinox
March 20, 12:31am Eastern

Summer Solstice
June 20, 6:35pm Eastern

Autumn Equinox
September 22, 10:21am Eastern

Winter Solstice
December 21, 5:45pm Eastern

Check out all of my 2016 calendars here!

(via conjurx)

224,682 notes


If I Die In Police Custody…

In 2k15 America, Black people now have to proactively and publicly declare for the record that we, like anyone else, would neither lynch ourselves nor commit suicide while in police custody. 

This is (apparently) necessary now because if we are caught being human and - even once - state that we were even momentarily sad or depressed, that single statement alone can and will be used against us by corporate media and the police to blame us for our own murders…at the hands of the police.

#SandraBland  #SayHerName#BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForSandra 

(to hear all of these Black women’s voices and to watch their full videos, please go to the tumblr or twitter of youth activist/organizer, millennialau. see full videos here)

(via reverseracism)

70,324 notes


!!!!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!

Illinois Woman Who Drove To Texas For New Job Found Hanging/Dead In Jail Cell 3 Days Later

Sandra Bland died in police custody this past Monday. Visiting Texas from Chicago to interview for a college job at her alma mater of Prairie View A&M, she was pulled over for a routine traffic violation (failure to use her turn signal). Everything from that point forward screams racism and foul play, including her death in the Waller County jail Monday.

The Waller County Sheriff’s Office told the Chicago Tribune that Bland was arrested on Friday and charged with “assault on a public servant.”

A video capturing the incident shows differently!! 

It shows several police officers standing over Bland while she is on the ground, arguing with them about why they’re being so rough

At one point, she can be heard saying, “You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that?” She also thanks the man recording the incident for filming as she is led to a police cruiser.

Her friend, Malcolm Jackson, told ABC 7, 

“After he (an officer) pulled her out of the car, forced her and tossed her to the ground, knee to the neck, and arrested her.”

What we see from a bystander video is her telling the officers she is in pain and cannot hear after her head was slammed on the ground by the male arresting officer. 

We have now learned that Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith, who made the first public comments about Bland’s in-custody death, was suspended for documented cases of racism when he was chief of police in Hempstead, Texas, in 2007. After serving his suspension, more complaints of racism came in, and Smith was actually fired as chief of police in Hempstead

Family and Friends close to Sandra, including most of twitter, is at an uproar, believing there was no way she committed suicide, and saying that foul play was at work.

“I do suspect foul play,” another friend, Cheryl Nanton, told the news station. “I believe that we are all 100 percent in belief that she did not do harm to herself.”

Source / Source / Source / Video


(via naturalhaireverything)