#FreeBresha DAYS OF ACTION: OCT 5 & 6
Bresha Meadows has an important court hearing on Thursday, Oct 6th when the prosecutor will determine if Bresha will be prosecuted for a crime (possibly charged as an adult) instead of given the support & safety...

#FreeBresha DAYS OF ACTION: OCT 5 & 6 

Bresha Meadows has an important court hearing on Thursday, Oct 6th when the prosecutor will determine if Bresha will be prosecuted for a crime (possibly charged as an adult) instead of given the support & safety that she needs.

We take action in solidarity with Bresha and demand that she is returned home to her family and that all charges against her are dropped.  We call on #SayHerName/#BlackLivesMatter supporters, victim advocates, feminists, racial justice activists, young people, and people of faith to take action in solidarity with Bresha and all survivors of domestic & sexual violence who are criminalized for surviving.

Events are being planned across the US! Visit here and here for an updated list. We want to help promote your event! Please send us info about your action.


  1. TAKE DIRECT ACTION! On Oct 5th & 6th, organize a march & rally, a speak out, a vigil, a flash mob dance party, a concert, a block party, or a fundraiser. Use media! Create zines, short videos, postcards, music, and poetry.
  2. DONATE to the fund to support Bresha Meadows’ freedom: https://www.gofundme.com/BreshaM
  3. SIGN the petition to demand that Trumbull County Prosecutor, Dennis Watkins, drop the charges against Bresha and free her now: bit.ly/FreeBreshaNow
  4. WRITE letters of encouragement and support to Bresha and send to: Bresha Meadows, c/o Ian N. Friedman, Esq., Friedman & Nemecek, L.L.C., The IMG Center, 1360 E. 9th Street, Suite 650, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
  5. JOIN the “Open Letter to Dennis Watkins” project. Send us an open letter to Prosecutor Dennis Watkins who has the discretion to decide to drop charges against Bresha. https://freebresha.wordpress.com/open-letters/
  6. EDUCATE communities about the criminalization of black girls and survivors of domestic violence! Organize discussions and workshops about domestic and sexual violence, explore community strategies for safety and support, resist the criminalization of our communities.
    Educational Resources:
    * #FreeBresha curriculum template
    *  fact sheet on domestic violence and the criminalization of girls
    * educational tools at survivedandpunished.org and No Selves to Defend
  7. ENDORSE the call to free Bresha Meadows. Urge your campus, organization, union, faith community, or collective to endorse the statement posted by Love & Protect:  http://loveandprotect.org/bresha-meadows/
  8. CONNECT WITH FAITH COMMUNITIES. If you are part of a faith community, join community prayer sessions for Bresha’s freedom and mobilize your community. More here: https://freebresha.wordpress.com/faith/
  9. SPREAD THE WORD with friends, families, communities, co-workers, and via social media. Write letters to the editor to your local news media. Blog, tweet, and spread the word on social media. #FreeBresha

Let us know what you’re up to!  Stay in touch via e-mail at FreeBreshaMeadows@gmail.com or connect with us @FreeBresha on twitter and facebook. All updates can be found at freebresha.wordpress.com.


Sign Petition Demanding Prosecutor to Free Bresha Meadows

More info about Bresha Meadows’ case and ways to take action here: https://freebresha.wordpress.com

Bresha Meadows of Ohio was 14 years old when she was incarcerated and threatened with a charge of aggravated murder for defending herself and family against the unrelenting terror and abuse of her father.
We stand in solidarity with Bresha and demand...

Bresha Meadows of Ohio was 14 years old when she was incarcerated and threatened with a charge of aggravated murder for defending herself and family against the unrelenting terror and abuse of her father.

We stand in solidarity with Bresha and demand that she is returned home to her family and that all charges against her are dropped. Join us for the twitter chat and follow #FreeBresha updates here: 


Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/bresham


14-year-old accused of killing father, family says girl is ‘hero who saved them all’


WARREN, Ohio– A 14-year-old girl is behind bars, facing aggravated murder charges for killing her father, but her family says she did it to protect her mother and her family.

“She is my hero; I wasn’t strong enough to get out and she helped me,” said Brandi Meadows, mother of Bresha Meadows, who is currently being held in the Trumbull County Family Court on a charge of murdering her 41-year-old father, Jonathan Meadows.

With tears flowing down her face, Brandi Meadows told the Fox 8 I-Team that her husband abused her for years but she was afraid to leave.

She had filed for a protective order five years ago but later dismissed it.

“I am so sorry she had to go through this,” Brandi said Thursday. “She is my hero. She helped me; she helped all of us so we could have a better life.”

Bresha Meadows is accused of shooting her father in their Warren home during the early morning hours of July 28. Her mother called 911 right after the shooting took place.

The girl’s attorney, Ian Friedman, said Bresha is a child that faced years of abuse at the hands of her father, and she witnessed her mother being abused.

“She wanted to protect her Mom,” Friedman said.

Bresha allegedly used her father’s gun to shoot him. Family members say the father often threatened them with that very gun.

“Using that gun around the house, to intimidate, everyone in the home was terrified,” Friedman said.

There’s a link to the gofundme at the article. Please help this girl if you can. 

(Source: pragneto)

April 12, 2016
After defending her life from her abusive husband by firing a warning shot, Marissa Alexander was unjustly charged and convicted of aggravated assault with a firearm. Though she caused no injuries, Florida’s 10-20-Life mandatory...

April 12, 2016

After defending her life from her abusive husband by firing a warning shot, Marissa Alexander was unjustly charged and convicted of aggravated assault with a firearm. Though she caused no injuries, Florida’s 10-20-Life mandatory minimum sentencing law required that she receive a sentence of 20 years.  The judge literally said the sentence was “out of my hands.”

The past couple of months have seen some important reforms to this law:  

  • In February, Florida legislators REPEALED part of the 10-20-Life law, allowing judges to take into account mitigating circumstances (such as domestic violence) when determining sentencing in cases where a firearm is involved.

  • After Marissa successfully appealed her conviction in 2013, State Prosecutor Angela Corey announced that she would re-try Marissa and this time pursue a 60 year sentence.  Marissa was charged with three counts of aggravated assault, and Corey argued that the mandatory minimum law required that multiple sentences must be served consecutively rather than concurrently. This past March, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that mandatory minimum sentences can be served concurrently according to judges’ discretion.

These reforms were, in large part, inspired by Marissa’s case. However, if Marissa had been convicted in a second trial rather than agree to a plea in 2014, the first reform would not have impacted her mandated sentence retroactively.

The Free Marissa Now Mobilization Campaign released a response:

“We welcome the weakening of mandatory minimum sentencing and congratulate all who organized to secure this hard-won legislative reform. As we have argued, mandatory minimums have been a major contributor to the hyperincarceration of black people and the warehousing of tens of thousands of people in the U.S.  They are also particularly dangerous for survivors of sexual and domestic violence who are prosecuted because the context of the violence they experience from their abusers can have no impact on sentencing decisions.

We continue to call for Marissa Alexander’s freedom with no further delay, the immediate end of all mandatory minimum sentencing laws, the dismantling of the prison industrial complex, and comprehensive support for all survivors of violence.  The vast majority of people in women’s prisons are survivors of sexual and/or domestic violence.  There is a definitive pipeline between gender violence and criminalization.  Survivors living within the intersections of domestic violence,  stalking, sexual violence, and police, court, and prison violence need and deserve our solidarity.”  #FreeMarissa #SurvivedAndPunished


January 27, 2016

One year ago today, Marissa Alexander was finally released for prison! Your organizing, fundraising, media & art, letter writing, prayers, and love was the key that made it possible for Marissa to finally walk out of that courthouse and make it back home to her family. In one more year, Marissa will finally be free from this aspect of the constant surveillance and control by the state. We are excited to share a message from Marissa to her supporters on Wednesday to mark this important milestone.

To send a card to Marissa to wish her and her family love, strength, faith, and freedom, write her at:

Marissa Alexander
P. O. Box 23872
Jacksonville, FL 32257

A list of important accomplishments since Marissa has been released HERE!

January 27, 2016

One year ago today, Marissa Alexander was finally released for prison! Your organizing, fundraising, media & art, letter writing, prayers, and love was the key that made it possible for Marissa to finally walk out of that courthouse and make it back home to her family. In one more year, Marissa will finally be free from this aspect of the constant surveillance and control by the state. We are excited to share a message from Marissa to her supporters on Wednesday to mark this important milestone.

To send a card to Marissa to wish her and her family love, strength, faith, and freedom, write her at:

Marissa Alexander
P. O. Box 23872
Jacksonville, FL 32257

A list of important accomplishments since Marissa has been released HERE!

“ Today’s #VisionsOfABlackFuture poster is honoring both survivors and those who have fallen to domestic violence. It was created by Sandra Khalifa sandra-nadine.
#BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter


Today’s #VisionsOfABlackFuture poster is honoring both survivors and those who have fallen to domestic violence. It was created by Sandra Khalifa sandra-nadine

#BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter




A great website that highlights the stories of individuals who have been incarcerated after surviving domestic or sexual abuse.

Sign the Letter #EveryBlackGirlMatters


Dear Shakara and Niya,

We love you. Dearly. Fiercely. Passionately. Without apologies or compromise. You are beautiful young women with bright futures, and we are here to affirm your right to live in peace and dignity.
You are descendants of Black women and girls who, for centuries, survived in a world designed to cause harm and pain whenever and wherever possible. Despite the mounting obstacles they have faced, they overcame with fearless resiliency. This is your legacy and their Black magic runs through your veins. You are part of an enduring cultural fabric of Black Womanhood – an embodiment that thrives on everlasting bonds between our ancestors, our friends and family, and those who will soon come.
You are a precious gem and you deserve to be cared for with love and compassion. You deserve safety at home, on the streets, and in school. You have the right to learn and grow in environments that will support you; in schools with teachers and administrators that will protect and nurture you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

We are sorry that violence and brutal force are often used against you. We do not condone any form of violence, and particularly condemn adults who harm children. Such violence is the product of centuries of generational violence carried out against Black women and girls. Unfortunately, this violence is common and Black youth are particularly at risk. Black girls in schools like yours all over the country are criminalized, suspended unfairly, and are introduced to the criminal justice system for the most minor of infractions. This is unacceptable!

              But we’re here for you. We’re here to tell you that you matter.

That’s why we fight, protest, petition, and demand that school administrators, faith leaders, politicians, and other people in positions of power ensure the protection of Every Black Girl. When we say #BLACKLIVESMATTER, you are included in this affirmation.

We love you. We are here to fight for you. This stops now and we’re coming. This current movement is for you.

Niya, please continue to speak up and out! Continue to stand when others don’t. You did what others were too afraid to do. The great poet Audre Lorde wrote: “When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.” Thank you for speaking - we need to hear your voice. You are the difference! Remember that anytime someone tries to silence you.

To every black girl in America - we may not know each of you by name, but we see you and we love you too. You are beautiful and magical. May you always feel safe wherever you go.

Your Community

To sign onto this letter, please click here: http://bit.ly/everyblackgirl

“By Megan Spencer
“This piece is a meditation on the violence against Black bodies that has always been a part of the U.S. settler state. I was thinking about how we carry these stories in our bodies and wondering how we...


By Megan Spencer

“This piece is a meditation on the violence against Black bodies that has always been a part of the U.S. settler state. I was thinking about how we carry these stories in our bodies and wondering how we can find beauty in the world amid anti-Black racism, transphobia, misogyny, and the many forces which perpetuate violence against Black people, particularly Black children, queer and trans people, and women.”

High-Res Download 

(Source: artistsagainstpoliceviolence, via prisonculture)


Justice for Cierra!


A Black woman stabbed her abusive ex to protect herself and her daughter. The Dane County, WI, Assistant DA charged her with reckless homicide. She is out on bail, and the link above takes you to her Fundrazr campaign for legal support. 

There is also a petition you can sign asking the Assistant DA Andrea Raymond to drop all charges against Cierra Finkley. The petition can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/nwx4hbq.

The story as reported on Channel3000.com: 

A woman accused of fatally stabbing a Madison man Tuesday during a domestic disturbance was released on a signature bond Friday.

A Dane County judge ordered Cierra Finkley, 25, be fitted with a GPS bracelet and allowed contact with her child.  She has been tentatively charged with reckless homicide in the death of Terrance L. Woods outside her Moorland Road apartment Tuesday.

Prosecutors say Woods, 31, kicked in Finkley’s door, and she got a knife.

“She followed him, however, out of the building and swung at him again,” said Assistant District Attorney Andrea Raymond.  "At this point she plunged the knife into his chest and killed him.“

But Finkley’s mother, Carla, said the incident happened only after Woods had tried to run Cierra and her daughter over with his car earlier in the day.

“That man did not kick down that door to sing ‘Amazing Grace’ to my child,” said Carla Finkley at a rally outside the Public Safety Building before the hearing.  "He kicked down that door angry, and he was going to hurt my child.“

Raymond asked for $100,000 bail and for Finkley to have no contact with her child pending an interview with human services.  Court Commissioner Jason Hanson denied that request and instead ordered signature bond and contact with Finkley’s child.

"This is a case where this defendant has a viable account of a self-defense claim,” Hanson said.

Defense Attorney Jordan Loeb called the relationship Finkley was having with Woods a “hostage relationship” and said the incident happened as she was trying to escape.

Loeb says he’s not sure why the DA’s office is pursuing the homicide charge.

“I’ve seen lots of cases like this, meaning self-defense cases,” Loeb said.  "I’ve represented police officers who have acted in self-defense, and others who have acted in self-defense.  I have never seen the state come after someone with such vitriol in a self-defense case.“

Finkley was ordered not to leave Dane County but was released from jail in an emotional scene late Friday afternoon.  She is scheduled to appear in court again on Thursday. (source: http://www.channel3000.com/news/Woman-accused-in-fatal-stabbing-released-claims-self-defense/34854458)




(Source: distractful, via scot-vs-time)

Nan-Hui Jo, an undocumented survivor of domestic abuse, was released on bond from immigration detention on Friday, July 17. We celebrate her release and will continue to support...



Nan-Hui Jo, an undocumented survivor of domestic abuse, was released on bond from immigration detention on Friday, July 17. We celebrate her release and will continue to support Nan-Hui in her fight to be reunited with her daughter. After her release, Nan-Hui enjoyed a celebratory dinner of Korean food with friends, organizers and members of her legal team.

We celebrate Nan-Hui’s release from jail as an incredible, critical victory following nearly one year of incarceration. We know, however, that the struggle is not over. She still needs to rebuild her relationship with her daughter, who hasn’t seen her mother since July 29, 2014. Despite her release from detention, she is still fighting deportation in upcoming immigration hearings. She is still challenging her unjust criminal conviction for child abduction, which resulted from the actions she had taken to protect herself and her child.

Stand With Nan-Hui organizers

Full statement: http://standwithnanhui.org/nanhui_release/
Press release: http://standwithnanhui.org/press_breaking_nhjrelease/

Image credit: Keshy Jeong, Jio Im

You wanna talk about the power of social media and using social media for good, so my ask, my family’s ask, close friends of Sandy’s ask, please keep tweeting. Keep tweeting, keep facebooking, keep instagraming, keep snapchatting, keep utilizing the hashtag #JusticeForSandy, keep utilizing #WhatHappenedToSandraBland, keep utilizing #SandraBland, and my all-time favorite, keep hashtagging #SayHerName. Because the minute that you forget her name, you forget her character and that she was a person. So that is my humble ask, on behalf of me and my family.
Sharon Cooper, sister of Sandra Bland, asking that we continue to  #SayHerName (via dangercupcakemurdericing)

(Source: iwriteaboutfeminism, via allofmypurplelife)