


10 May 2016 / Reblogged from arabellesicardi with 40,380 notes


abandoned love series by peytonfulford

1 May 2015 / Reblogged from femmefilth666-deactivated201610 with 255,765 notes


racism isn’t just annoying it is literally traumatizing and a lot of brown and black folk have ptsd from the racism we have experienced. i feel like this isnt taken into account in any racism discussions had by white people and it’s honestly upsetting.

(Source: ulau)

25 Apr 2015 / Reblogged from maryamhampton with 29,053 notes

“my acne is getting bad


my acne is getting bad

25 Apr 2015 / Reblogged from proteinpills with 21,196 notes



I see a few posts on my dash bashing Jay-Z’s streaming music service and not one of them made a sound argument that can’t be taken apart in seconds.

If you don’t want to pay $10 or $20 a month for music, just say that. It’s a perfectly reasonable opinion to have. I’m sure in the hell not paying for it. 

But when you start all that “the rich get richer”, “why do artists need more money from us” bullshit you look wild stupid. 

Since when is it rational to get angry at artists who get together and decide to sell their art for however much they see fit? How is that evil? 

If you don’t want to buy it then don’t buy it. Let the market decide. 

Meanwhile niggas will fall all over themselves to drop $700 on a new iPhone that does the exact same shit the old one did. Apple has more money in their cash reserves than the government and I don’t see anyone talking about “Tim Cook wanting to line his pockets” when the new Macbook drops but y’all saying that about Jay-Z right now

Everyone want to turn into Assata Shakur and rage against capitalism when Jay-Z starts a streaming service but Spotify, Rhapsody, Google, Rdio, and Beats Music been doing it for years and nobody had a problem with it. 

“I don’t want to pay for that” will suffice. You don’t have to get fake deep. 

Fake deeps stay on my dash. Annoying af.

I see zero lies here.

31 Mar 2015 / Reblogged from brklynbreed with 6,498 notes

Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay: questions to ask before giving up


Are you hydrated? If not, have a glass of water.

Have you eaten in the past three hours? If not, get some food — something with protein, not just simple carbs. Perhaps some nuts or hummus?

Have you showered in the past day? If not, take a shower right now.

If daytime: are you dressed? If not,…

30 Mar 2015 / Reblogged from eponis with 190,245 notes

A Case for White Relationship Divestment - Part 1 of 3


As always, I acknowledge my intellectual, spiritual, political and blood ancestors, elders, and brethren. There are no new ideas under the sun; it’s always just a remix. Also, solidarity to my comrades fighting for worldwide divestment from the Israeli economy and its murdering,…

30 Mar 2015 / Reblogged from nicodacumos with 132 notes

“This week, so much.


This week, so much.

(Source: kelsium)

27 Mar 2015 / Reblogged from loveisthenewpunk with 179 notes

(Source: michaela-oliver)

17 Mar 2015 / Reblogged from fuckyeahantoniathomas with 156 notes



me: *sees bae on tumblr*

me: *looks @ phone and sees my text has gone unanswered*

me: “If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die.” - Maya Angelou

me: *sees that bae finally texts back*

me: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” - Maya Angelou

15 Mar 2015 / Reblogged from coapostropheneill with 242,511 notes / oops