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“ Been meaning to buy these books or read more of Angela Davis’ work?
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Included in the starter pack:
Women, Race & Class
Are Prisons Obsolete
“Oh my god!!! She looks like an angel
“ Been meaning to buy these books or read more of Angela Davis’ work?
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Included in the starter pack:
Women, Race & Class
Are Prisons Obsolete

Everyone doesn’t deserve your attention.

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colorism…………… is a thing…….. yeah we’re all human …. us poc are poc, but like………………. light people and dark people are not treated the same………….. i honestly don’t understand how some of your minds work…………..

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24 June 1990 - Antifascist Demonstration in Lichtenberg. Berlin

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White people be like “I don’t see color. Unless you celebrate yours then I get jealous and then color magically exists again and it has to be all about me”


My greatest post to date

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War captives—Indians captured by other Indians—were held in servitude only temporarily and were ultimately executed or incorporated into their captors’ communities. Black slaves, by contrast, were held in lifelong and hereditary bondage. Racial identity and status passed from mother to child.

from “Black Slaves, Indian Masters: Slavery, Emancipation, and Citizenship in the Native American South” by Barbara Krauthamer (via africandiasporaphd)

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