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My plate is full: Notes on blogging, family and taking care of me

Blogger Siobhan Rennie has never been busier, but knows the value of taking time for herself.

There is no doubt that being a mum is the best job in the world. But as any mum would tell you, it’s also pretty damned hard and hectic at times!

Our children are 17 months apart, so we have a 2 year old and 9 month old (well, technically we have a 26 month old and 9 month old, but no one wants to be ‘that’ person!).

There is no doubt that having our two so close together is very full on, particularly when I’m solo parenting a lot due to my husband’s work. The days are oh-so amazing, but they’re also long. And sometimes the nights are even longer.

Identity crisis = new opportunities

I started my blog when I was having a bit of an identity crisis after giving up my career to be a stay-at-home mum. I definitely lost myself there for a while, in my new ‘mum’ life. But that was a chance to grow, follow my passions, and create.

As corny as it sounds, everything I thought about life completely changed the day I held that little version of us in my arms. When Harry arrived, our firstborn, he made me realise the true meaning of life …

For me, it’s all about raising my family the best I can. Lifting others up through my writing. Creating a community of mums, and soaking up and celebrating the beautiful moments.

With my two babes and two businesses, life is busy. Actually, scrap that - it’s crazy. Needless to say, my body and mind have been through a LOT in the last two years.

My skin isn’t what it used to be. Not to mention my hair, which now has two sets of post-baby sprouty hair regrowth (lucky me!). Every morning I’m lucky if I get more than a two-minute shower while the toddler is occupied with The Wiggles (can I get an AMEN for The Wiggles?!) and the baby is secured in her bouncer. And if I have to wash my hair - well, that pretty much only happens during nap time or at night!


Being the best version of me

But I know how important it is to look after myself, so I can be the best version of me for them. Even though it’s hard, I try to prioritise healthy eating and a bit of exercise. I need a little time to myself. Everyone does. Especially mums. It’s so important to take time out to unwind.

At the end of a long day, after I’ve been toddler-wrangling, baby-settling, working and racing around cleaning, cooking and washing - I need to rejuvenate and prepare myself to do it all again tomorrow.

When it comes to looking after my skin, I just don’t have the time for complicated beauty routines - I need something simple and effective. Fatigue doesn’t just make me feel tired, it also makes me look tired and older. A full-on lifestyle can really take its toll on our skin, causing it to age prematurely, and I’m pretty sure you’d struggle to find many people who are as consistently as tired as mums with two (or more) small kids!

What I need is something that doesn’t cost the earth, something I can buy at my local shops, that saves me time and makes life just that little bit easier. That’s why I love Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream. It’s light but makes my skin feel fresh and so hydrated. A night cream and face mask in one, I use it at night after my cleanser. It works while I sleep to help fight the signs of fatigue and ageing, so I wake up to rested, younger-looking skin.

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It really does make me feel just that little bit pampered and rejuvenated.

It isn’t easy. My plate is full. But it’s so worth it.

And it’s the little things that make the difference.

This post was brought to you by Garnier.